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1Unit 5 favorite food (The 3rd period-reading) 教学目标教学目标: Train and improve the reading ability of the students 教学重点教学重点:Have the students master some reading skills 教学过程教学过程:一、复习与准备(听写、小组互查)一、复习与准备(听写、小组互查) 重要单词favorite especially order become health save think way 重要短语get together , in fact, on weekends ,by themselves , too much 2、阅读理解阅读理解Reading skill: 阅读技巧提示阅读技巧提示1、If we meet new words when reading, we can guess the meaning of them in terms of word foot (词根词根)and context(上下文上下文).2、we must pay attention to the key words(关键词关键词) in the questions ,and then locate them(定位)(定位) in the passage,and then find the best answers.(最佳答案)(最佳答案)Part1:decide T or F1、people in different countries have same favorite food .( )2、The favorite food of italians is pizza.( )3、Chineses favorite food is dumpings.( )4、Chinese usually eat dumplings on the spring festival.( )5、Some young couples like to make dumplings at home by themselves.( )6、Ordering food from a restanrant can save time.( )7、Chinese doesnt like american food at all.( )8、Children in china like ice cream ,hamburgers and patato chips .( )9、Some parents go to KFC with their children only because children can eat fast food there.( )10、In the eyes of some parents ,fast food is healthy food .( )11、Some parents think children should eat more fast food .( ) Part2:find the best answers Once there was a man who had two children, a boy and a girl. The boy was good-looking(看好) but the girl was not.2One day they found a mirror(镜子) for the first time and they saw what they looked like. The boy was very pleased(很高兴) and he said to his sister, “How handsome(英俊) I am! I look much nicer than you!“The girl did not like what her brother said and gave him a hard push(推).“Go away!“ she said.Their father saw what was happening. He went up to them and said to the boy,“You must always BE good as well as LOOK good.“Then to the girl he said, “My dear, if you help everyone and do your best to please him, everyone will love you. It does not matter that you are not as good-looking as your brother.“1. Once a man had _.A. a good-looking boy B. an ugly(难看的) girlC. two good-looking children D. a boy and a girl 答案:D2. The boy saw what he looked like in the mirror and was pleased because he _.A. found a mirror B. knew he looked as nice as his sisterC. and his sister were good-looking D. was handsome 答案:D3. The girl gave the boy a hard push because _.A. she was stronger B. what he said was wrongC. she was not pleased with what he said D. her father loved her 答案:C4. Father told the girl that _.A. it was important to be good-looking B. it was a good thing to be uglyC. if she did her best to help people, she would enjoy peoples loveD. she was as good-looking as her brother 答案:C5. What can we learn from this story?A. To be good to people is more important than to be good-looking.B. To be good-looking is very important.C. If you want to make yourself good-looking, you must be good to people.D. If you often help people, you will become more and more beautiful. 答案:A Part3:language points of the text1、Its high time you had your hair cut. Its getting _A、much too long B、too much long C、long too much D、too long nuch2、Noise is unpleasant, _ when you are trying to sleep.A、especially B、typically C、extremely D、naturally3、what surprised me was not what she said but _ he said it .A、the way B、in the way that C、in the way D、the way which三、小结及反思三、小结及反思3
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