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第一中学高一英语第第一中学高一英语第 13 周周末练习周周末练习第一节:单项填空 (共 35 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 35 分)从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项 涂黑。 1. earlier online survey showed that majority of Chinese believe Yuan Longping deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to fighting world hunger. A. The; the B. An; the C. An; / D. The; a 2. It never _ to me that as one of the top students he should fail in the exam. A. appeared B. happened C. occurred D. sounded 3. The companies are working together to create _ they hope will be the most efficient medicine to cure patients of lung cancer. A. which B. what C. that D. who 4. The manager in charge _ to pay _ the rest of my salary in three days. A. undertook; for B. admitted; off C. admitted; for D. undertook; off 5. By the side of the teaching building of Taizhou High School _, which was completed in 2003. k*s*5*u A. there standing the library B. does the library stand C. the library stands D. stands the library 6. Which sport has the most expenses _ training equipment, players personal equipment and uniforms? A. in place of B. in terms of C. by way of D. by means of 7. Bob was fired the other day simply because he failed to live up to the bosss _. A. expectations B. decisions C. judgments D. opinions 8. The new teacher was annoyed that the students couldnt _ his meaning because of his strong accent. A. get across B. get through C. make sense of D. make up 9. _ where to go, the foreign woman called 110 for help. A. Losing her way and didnt know B. Having lost her way and not knowing C. Lost her way and not knew D. Lost her way and not knowing 10. To ensure peoples happiness, the central government will not _ to take the severest measures against the rising housing prices. A. forbid B. mind C. continue D. hesitate 11. I had meant to meet you at the station this afternoon but I was too busy, for I _ a report which I had to hand in soon. A. wrote B. was writing C. had written D. have written 12.- What beautiful flowers! Are they for me? - _. Im glad you like them. k*s*5*u A. Well done! B. How did you know that? C. You guessed it! D. Got it 13. It is very funny that many people who lost weight gain it back after some time and end up back _ they started. A. when B. where C. after D. since 14. In the future, _ Google Inc. rules the entire universe, you wont necessarily have to type anything to do a search. A. when B. where C. which D. that 15. Hearing something _ downstairs, I opened the door and found my brother was playing with a ball. A. kicking B. to kick C. to be kicked D. being kicked 16. We get along quite well though there are quarrels between us _. A. now and then B. here and there C. at one time D. up and down 17. Some people would rather ride bikes as bike riding has _ of the trouble of taking buses. A. nothing B. some C. none D. neither 18. A powerful typhoon, Megi, struck Taiwan and caused rockslides, _ dozens of tourists from Guangdong buried in ruins. A. left B. leaving C. being left D. to leave 19. - Will you drop in at my house this afternoon if _?-Of course I will. k*s*5*uA. you are convenient B. it is convenient to you C. it will be convenient for you D. you will be convenient 20. A tiny baby soon learns to _ its mothers face from other adults faces. A. disapprove B. disbelieve C. distinguish D. differ 21. Scientists are convincedthe positive effect of laughter_physical and mental health. A. of, at B. by, in C. on, at D. of, on 22. Alcohol is also classified as a downer, and though it is legal, it can damage the liver and do great harm if _ in large quantities. A. consume B. to consume C. consuming D. consumed 23. Betty shows great interest in this poem now, but she thought it boring _ she read it. A. the first time B. at the first time C. for the first time D. at first 24. The number 2008 is a special number, _ I think, that will be remembered by the Chinese forever. A. which B. what C. one D. it 25. - So hard _ in the past few years that he has made great progress in English. - I can see that, only a few mistakes _ in this exam. A. has he made; did he make B. has he worked; he made C. he has worked; has he made D. he has made; he made 26. I had been puzzled over the problem for over an hour without any result, _ all at once a solution flashed across my mind. A. when B. while C. then D. as 27. China and Russia signed more than a dozen agreements on Monday to boost(推进) energy cooperation and _ are that the two countries will further their strategic partnership. A. problems B. opportunities C. questions D. chanc
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