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1UnitUnit 9 91010一、复习目标一、复习目标: : 能熟练地运用所学的词汇和语法谈论计划、喜好和能力。二、所属话题:二、所属话题:文娱与体育三、语法:三、语法:1. 动词及时态一般现在时 (见金榜学案 )2.情态动词 can +动词原形 四、课前复习题四、课前复习题: : I.重点单词、短语翻译:1 动作片_ 2 喜剧_ 3 纪录片_4 恐怖片_ 5 京剧_ 6 去看电影_ 7.令人惊悚的电影_ 8 学习中国历史_ 9 我最喜欢的演员_ 10 弹吉他/钢琴/拉小提琴/吹小号/打鼓_11 在周末_ 12 下棋下得好_13 说英语_14 加入艺术俱乐部_ 15 和小孩子很好相处_16 在音乐方面帮忙_17 一部很成功的电影_II.翻译下列句子。 1 你想去看电影吗?是的,我想。/不,我不想。_2 她想去看喜剧片吗?是的,她想。/不,她不想。_3 你喜欢什么样的电影?我喜欢武打片和喜剧片。_4John 喜欢恐怖片但是他不喜欢喜剧片。_5.Tina 认为京剧很有趣。她经常和爸爸去看京剧。_6 你会弹吉他吗?是,我会。/不,我不会。_7 他会画画吗?是,他会。/不,他不会。_8 她会说汉语吗?是,她会。/不,她不会。_9 你想加入什么俱乐部?我想加入游泳俱乐部。_五、课堂巩固练习题五、课堂巩固练习题: : .阅读理解:Harrys father bought a magazine which gave its readers information about all kinds of products(产品)and helped them make the best choice while buying. Harry borrowed his fathers magazine when he needed a new computer. “Ill read it and choose the best one.” He said.The magazine described these computers.2TheThe DGTDGT PC450PC450TheThe BNKBNK 975XF:975XF: ATAT $3,200$3,200TheThe CGPCGP 8PT8PTThis computer comes with lots of good software. However it does not have much memory and is rather slow. At $2,850 its not very good value for money.This is the most expensive computer we tested. However it is also for the most reliable (可靠的). It is very fast and has lots of memory. It is worth the extra money if you can afford it.At only $1,900. It has lots of memory and is quite fast. However it broke down twice while we were testing it and we cannot recommend (建议) it for reliability(可靠性).Harry chose the BNK 975XF. “I know its expensive,” he said, “but it will be with me for a long time and do everything I want it to do.”( )1. Harry wants to buy a computer, so he borrowed _ from his father.A. a computer magazine B. a magazine about all kinds of productsC. a shopping book D. a book about all kinds of computers ( )2. _ doesnt have much memory and is rather slow.A. The DGT PC450 B. The BNK 975XF C. The CGP 8PT D. Harrys computer( )3. The CGP 8PT is _ among the three kinds of computers.A. the fastest B. the most expensive C. the cheapest D. the slowest( )4. Harry chose the BNK 975XF because _. A. it is the most expensive B. it has lots of good softwareC. it has much memory D. it would work for him for a long time( )5. _ helped Harry to choose the computer.A. His father B. His friend C. The shopkeeper D. The magazine六、课后练习题:六、课后练习题: .完成对话,每空一词:Clerk: Hello, West Road Cinema, Can I help you?Keller: Yes. Id like to book some _, please. Clerk: Right. For which _?Keller: Cape Fear, please. Clerk: And. which movie?3Keller: Er, Saturday at nine.Clerk: Im sorry, but that performance is _. We still have some seats for six oclock though.Keller: OK. Er, two seats then, please.Clerk: Right. Thats fifteen pounds. _would you like to pay?Keller: By credit card. The _ is 65423857920. Its a VISA card.Clerk: 65423857920. OK, thanks. Whats the name . ?V.根据中文情景提示写出恰当的句子。1 朋友问你想不想去看电影,他会这么问:_2.你想知道妈妈是不是想去看京剧,你这么问姐姐:_3.同学问你喜欢什么样的电影及为什么,你会这么回答:_4.同学问你想加入什么俱乐部?你会这么回答:_5.学校音乐节在招募音乐人才,你去应聘,你会这么说:I can _VI语篇理解: 根据情景用恰当的短语或句子填空: Once a great boxer (拳击家), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant(饭馆)for dinner. He put his bag near the door, but he_that someone would take it. So he got out a pen and_ and wrote on it: “The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here. Hell come back in a few minutes. ” He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasnt there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said: “A great runner _your bag, and he will not come back. ”VII连词成段:字数 5080 左右。 提示词: band, play, only, good, exciting_.短文写作: 你想邀请你的朋友去观看一场你喜欢的电影,请你介绍这部影片,包括电影
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