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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福听力TPO8学习笔记之lecture2-智课教育旗下智课教育以下是小编的托福听力TPO8学习笔记中关于lecture2的内容,针 对难词注解、长难句分析以及考题对应考点这三大方面展开,仅供参考 。 下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下这篇托福听力TPO8学习笔记的相 关内容吧,这是小编的一些见解,以便帮助大家更加充分的理解TPO真 题,希望能够给正在准备托福听力的考友们带来帮助。 一、难词注解 Option 选择;选择权; Rodolphe Julian 鲁道夫,朱莉 Progressive 改革论者;进步分子;进步的;先进的 Studio 工作室 Incentive n. 动机;刺激adj. 激励的;刺激的 Salon n. 沙龙;客厅;画廊;美术展览馆n. (Salon)人名;(法、西、捷、瑞典)萨隆 canny n. (Canny)人名;(英)坎尼adj. 精明的,谨慎的;节约的 二、长难句分析He saw that another small private art school where all the students were women was very popular at that time. 难句类型: 宾语从句+定语从句+主语从句 难句拆分; He saw that +宾语从句,another small private art school where +定语从句修饰前面的private art school ,all the students were women was+其他,all the students were women在句子中做主语。 三、考题对应考点 12. Today Id like to look at the woman who went to Paris at that time to become artists. 开头原则,但是选项中没有与之对应 的,继续往下听,本文讲述的是在巴黎妇女如何成为艺术家的,通过什么方式,什么机会,也就是C选项。 13.Its founder Rudolph Julian was a canny business man.And quickly establish his school as a premiere destination for women artists.后文中的Like I said Julian was a brilliant business man, with progressive ideas. 也是一样的感情色彩,所以选择D 14.One woman artist, her name was Marie Bashkirtseff. Bashkirtseff once wrote how she felt about a classmates work. She thought her classmates art was much better than her own and it gave her an incentive to do better. Overall the competition in the womens art classes gave women more confidence.举例原则, 竞争给了Marie Bashkirtseff学习的动力,让她变得更加自信,所以选择A 15.By the last two decades of 19 century, one fifth of the paintings in the salon were by woman,much higher than in the past. By the last two decades of 19 century, one fifth of the paintings in the salon were by woman,much higher than in the past. 特殊年份原则,可知选择B,教授没有明确说男人女人一起学习, 但是女人参与了学习,而男人一直都可以学习,所以男人和女人一起学 习是可以推测的,也就是A选项。16.Interestingly this masterpiece called In the Studio is a painting of the interior of Julians art school. or a womens studio had never been painted before.从教授提到 In the Studio 到 lecture 结尾,都在讲 painting 的益处。选择 D 17.Pro: If you wanted to become an artist, Paris was not a good place to go; Paris was THE place to go. And women could find skilled instructors there.听力的强调原则,Paris was THE place to go. 教授特别用定冠词 THE 来强调巴黎就是你应该去的地方,证明 巴黎对于成为一个艺术家来说非常重要。所以选择B 听力文本结构框架: 这篇文章主要讲在巴黎女性成为艺术家的机会增加了。女性可以在 巴黎学到技巧并且得到指导。以上就是小编的托福听力TPO8学习笔记中关于lecture2的内容, 大家在平时备考时也要注意经验和技巧的积累,更多的笔记内容小编稍 后为您呈现。最后,小编祝大家在托福考试中取得好成绩! 分享到: 上一篇:托福听力TPO8学习笔记之lecture1 下一篇:手把手教你成为托福听力达人
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