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1Lesson 1 Self Introduction My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two older brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family. 自我介绍 我叫罗伯特。我的朋友们都叫我鲍勃。 我 20 岁,中国人, 籍贯北京,家里有六口人。我有一个妹妹 和两个哥哥。我们虽不 富有,但家庭却很幸福。 Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You Mike : Hi! My name is Mike. Nancy: Hi! Im Nancy. Nice to meet you. Mike: Nice to meet you, too. Nancy: Where are you from? Mike: Im from Shanghai. And you? Nancy: Im from Chicago. 幸会 迈克:嗨!我叫迈克。 南希:嗨!我叫南希。幸会。 迈克:幸会。 南希:你是什么地方人?, 迈克:我是上海人。你呢? 南希:我是芝加哥人。 Lesson 3 My Family My father is a teacher. He works during the day. My mother is a nurse. She works at night. They only see each other on the week- ends. My brothers, my sister and I dont work. We are students. Because my parents have to work, we do the housework. But we never complain. 我的家人 我爸爸是老师。他白天上班。妈妈则是 护士。她晚上上班。 他们只有在周末才会碰面。 哥哥、妹妹和我没有上班。我们都是学 生。因为爸妈要上 班,家事都由我们来做。但我们从不埋怨。Lesson 4 What Do You Do? Tony: What do you do, Jenny? Jenny: Im a secretary. And you? Tony: Im a construction worker. Jenny: Do you like your work? Tony: Yes, 1 do. How about you? Jenny: Well, I want to be an actress. 你是做什么的? 托尼:詹妮,你是做什么的? 詹妮:我是秘书。你呢? 托尼:我是建筑工人。 詹妮:你喜欢你的工作吗? 托尼:是的,喜欢。你呢? 詹妮:嗯,我想当演员。 Lesson 5 Tony and His Family I have a good friend. His name is Tony. He has an older sister. Her name is Tina. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs, Wang. Tony also has a dog. Its name is Rover. The Wangs are my neighbors. We live on the same street. The Wangs are very nice. I am lucky because the Wangs are such good neighbors. 托尼和他的家人 我有个好朋友。他叫托尼。他有个姐姐。 她的名字是蒂娜。 他们的父母是王氏夫妇,托尼还有条狗。 它叫来福。 王家是我的邻居。我们住在同一条街。 王家人很好。我很幸 运,因为我有王家这么好的邻居。 2Lesson 6 Is This Your Dog? Mrs. Lee: Is this your dog? Tony : Yes, it is. Why? Mrs. Lee: Well, your dog chases my cat. Tony : Oh, Im sorry. Mrs. Lee: Please keep your dog on a leash. Tony : Yes, maam. 这是你的狗吗? 李太太:这是你的狗吗? 托 尼:是的。怎么了? 李太太:是这样的,你的狗迫我的猫。 托 尼:噢,很抱歉。 李太太:请把你的狗用狗练拴好。 托 尼: 是的,夫人。 Lesson 7 Tony and Tina Tony and Tina are very different. Tony likes music. Tina doesnt. Tony is an athlete. Tina isnt. On the other hand, Tina likes movies, but Tony doesnt. She is a good student, but he isnt. Tony and Tina are brother and sister, but are they alike? No, they arent. Theyre very different. 托尼和蒂娜 托尼和蒂娜非常不同。托尼喜欢音乐, 蒂娜却不喜欢。托尼是个运动员,蒂娜则 不是。 另一方面,蒂娜喜欢电影,但托尼则不 喜欢。她是好学生,但 他却不是。 托尼和蒂娜是兄妹,但他们相似吗?不, 他们不相似。他们大不相同。 Lesson 8 Do You Speak Spanish? Joe : Do you speak Spanish? Jeannic: No, I dont, Joe : Docs he speak Spanish? Jeannie: Yes, he does. Joe : Is he from Spain? Jeannie: No, he isnt. Hes from Mexico. 你会说西班牙语吗? 乔 :你会说西班牙语吗? 吉妮:不,我不会。 乔 :他会说西班牙语吗? 吉妮:是的,他会。 乔 :他是西班牙人吗? 吉妮:不,他不是。他是墨西哥人。 Lesson 9 A Busy Family Its a busy day at the Wangs house. Mr. Wang is fixing his bike. Mrs. Wang is writing a letter. Tina is reading a book. Tony is exercising. Even the dog is busy. Its chasing a cat. The cat is running for its life. The Wangs are busy, but theyre having fun. 忙碌的家庭 王家今天很忙。王先生在修他的自行 车。王太太在写信。蒂娜在看书。托尼在 运动。 甚至狗也很忙碌。它在追一只猫。猫在 逃命。 王氏一家人很忙,但他们都很愉快。 Lesson 10 What Are You Doing? Betty and Bob are talking on the telephone. Betty: Hi, Bob. What are you doing? Bob : Im watching TV. How about you? Betty: Im doing my homework. Bob : You are a good student, Betty. 你在做什么? 贝蒂和鲍勃在讲电话。 贝蒂:嗨,鲍勃。你在做什么? 鲍勃:我在看电视。你呢? 贝蒂:我在做功课。 3鲍勃:贝蒂,你是个好学生。Lesson 11 My Foreign Classmates There are several foreign students in my class. John is American. Hes from the United States, Laura is Spanish, Shes from Spain. Chen and Huang are Chinese, but they are not from China. Theyre from Malaysia. Theyre overseas Chinese. Were from different countries, but we all get along well. 我的外籍同学 我班上有几名外籍学生。约翰是美国人, 他来自美国。劳拉是西班牙人。她来自西 班牙。 小陈和小黄是中国人,但他们却非来自 中国。他们来自马来西亚。他们是华侨。 我们来自不同的国家,不过我们都相处 得很好。 Lesson 12 Wheres Chen from? A: Wheres Chen from? B: Hes from Malaysia. A: Really? He looks Chinese. B: As a matter of fact, he is Chinese, but he really is from Malaysia. A: Thats very interesting. 小陈是哪国人? 甲:小陈是哪一国人? 乙:他是马来西亚人。 甲:真的吗?他看起来像中国人。 乙:事实上,他是中国人,不过他来自马 来西亚。 甲:真有趣。 Lesson 13 Nobody Is at Home Nobody is at home at the Wangs house. Mr. Wang is working in his office. Mrs. Wang is shopping at the supermarket. Tony is sitting on the bus. Hes on his way to the gym. Tina is studying at the library. Rover is not at home, either. Its running around the neighborhood. Its not chasing Mrs. Lees cat. Its chasing Mrs. Lee! 没人在家 王家没有一个人在家。王先生正在办公 室工作。王太太正在超级市场买东西。托 尼正坐在公共汽车上。他正往健身房去。 蒂娜正在图书馆看书。 狗儿来福也不在家。它正在住处附近到 处跑。它并不是在追李太太的描。它是在 追李太太! Lesson 1 4 Why Are You Smiling? Mary: Why are you smiling? Tony: Im thinking about school. Mary: Why does that make you smile? Tony: Because there is no school tomorrow. Mary: Oh, I see. Tony: Now youre smiling, too! 你为什么在微笑? 玛丽:你为什么在微笑? 托尼:我正想到上学的事。 玛丽:为什么那会让你笑了起来呢? 托尼:
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