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1UnitUnit 4 4 GlobalGlobal warmingwarming一、单词表词汇全查验运用多媒体,提问默写词汇.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写1graph n 图表;坐标图;曲线图2renewable adj. 能再生的;可更新的3phenomenon (复数ena) n. 现象4fuel n. 燃料5byproduct n. 副产品 第二屏听写6per prep. 每;每一7catastrophe n. 大灾难;浩劫8drought n. 旱灾;干旱9individual n. 个人;个体adj. 单独的;个别的10can n. 容器;罐头 第三屏听写11microwave n 微波炉;微波12presentation n. 显示;演出13nuclear adj. 核的;核能的;原子核的14commitment n. 承诺;交托;信奉15motor n. 发动机16outer adj. 外部的;外面的 .高频词汇(汉译英)第四屏听写1greenhouse n 温室;花房2quantity n. 量;数量3tend vi. 趋向;易于;照顾vt. 照顾;护理4data n. 资料;数据5trend n. 趋势;倾向;走向26consume vt. 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完 第五屏听写7subscribe vi. 同意;捐赠;订阅vt. 签署(文件);捐助8oppose vt. 反对;反抗;与(某人)较量9opposed adj. 反对的;对立的10mild adj. 温和的;温柔的;淡的11environmental adj. 环境的12flood n. 洪水;水灾 第六屏听写13consequence n 结果;后果;影响14state vt. 陈述;说明15range n. 种类;范围16glance vi. 看一下;扫视n. 一瞥17steady adj. 平稳的;持续的;稳固的18steadily adv. 平稳地;持续地 第七屏听写19tendency n 倾向;趋势20widespread adj. 分布广的;普遍的21economical adj. 节约的;经济的22average adj. 平均的23existence n. 生存;存在24advocate vt. 拥护;提倡;主张25pollution n. 污染;弄脏 第八屏听写26growth n 增长;生长27electrical adj. 电的;与电有关的28casual adj. 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的29circumstance n. 环境;情况30refresh vt. 使恢复;使振作31educator n. 教育工作者;教育家32contribution n. 贡献 第九屏听写333disagreement n 分歧;不一致34random adj. 胡乱的;任意的35quantities_of 大量的36even_if 即使37keep_on 继续38so_long_as 只要39come_about 发生;造成 第十屏听写40go_up 上升;增长;升起41subscribe_to 同意;赞成;订购42be_opposed_to 反对43result_in 导致44on_the_whole 大体上;基本上45on_behalf_of 代表一方;作为的代言人46put_up_with 忍受;容忍47and_so_on 等等 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾(一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉) 1.graph n图表;坐标图;曲线图2.renewable adj. 能再生的;可更新的3.phenomenon n. 现象4.fuel n. 燃料5.byproduct n. 副产品6.catastrophe n. 大灾难;浩劫7.drought n. 旱灾;干旱8.commitment n. 承诺;交托;信奉9.motor n. 发动机10.microwave n. 微波炉;微波11.presentation n 显示;演出12.nuclear adj. 核的;核能的;原子核的.写其形(汉译英)1.greenhouse n. 温室;花房2.data n. 资料;数据3.trend n. 趋势;倾向;走向4.flood n. 洪水;水灾5.mild adj. 温和的;温柔的;淡的6.random adj. 胡乱的;任意的7.casual adj. 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的4核心单词练通1.As the charts shows,the quantity (数量) of the groundwater in our country is not satisfying.2.In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range (范围) of choices, such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.3.The two pictures look so similar at one glance (一瞥), but they are totally different.4.There is a(n) widespread (普遍的) concern over the issue whether students should make friends on line.5.The average (平均的) temperature ranges between 23 and 39and 51% of the island is covered with forests.6.The people who cannot quit smoking may easily be affected by his circumstance (情况) and surroundings.7.I strongly advocate (主张) that we should make joint efforts to contribute to the youth football progress. 8.A cool drink refreshed (使恢复) me after my long walk.拓展单词用活记全记牢1.consume vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完consumer n顾客2.subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅vt.签署(文件);捐助subscription n同意;捐赠;订阅;签署3.tend vi.趋向;易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理tendency n倾向;趋势4.oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量opposed adj.反对的;对立的5.consequence n结果;后果;影响consequent adj.随之发生的;作为结果的consequently adv.因此;所以6.state vt.陈述;说明statement n说明;说法;表白 7.steady adj.平稳的;持续的;稳固的steadily adv.平稳地;持续地8.economical adj.节约的;经济的用准用活1.With the subscription from the kindhearted people, the teacher subscribed to some newspapers for the poor children in the mountain area. (subscribe)2.One of the worst consequences of smoking for a long time is that you may suffer lung cancer.Consequently,_you and your family will suffer a lot. (consequent)3.Thanks to the river chief system, the local rivers pollution has been stopped, and you cannot see any polluted water in this city. (pollute)4.It was stated that the 5economic adj.经济的economy n经济;节约9.existence n生存;存在exist vi.存在existing adj.目前的;现在的10.pollution n污染;弄脏pollute vt.污染polluted adj.被污染的11.growth n增长;生长grow v种植;生长;发展12.electrical adj.电的;与电有关的electricity n电;电力electric adj.电的;电动的electronic n电子的13.educator n教育工作者;教育家educate v教育;培养education n教育;培养14.contribution n贡献;捐助contribute v贡献;撰稿;捐助;捐赠15.environmental adj.环境的environment n环境16.disagreement n分歧;不一致disagree v不同意agree v同意;赞成agreement n同意;赞成;一致president made a statement announcing new policies to deal with the new situation.(state)5.They have contributed a lot of food and clothing to the refugees so far and their contributions will certainly help the refugees live through the winter. (contribute)6.Many people do not believe the existence of the ghosts, but many young children believe there exists all kinds of ghosts in the world. How to solve this existing problem? (exist) 7.The storm tends to hit our city, and we will obser
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