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A 卷卷.单项填空单项填空1If you are looking for somewhere to rent, I think theres a(n)_ apartment in my building.Aempty BvacantChollow Dbare解析:解析:vacant 表示表示“(座位、旅座位、旅馆馆房房间间、房屋等、房屋等)空着的、未被占用的空着的、未被占用的” 。 。empty 指指“某某东东西西(物物)里是空的,里面无人或物品里是空的,里面无人或物品” ; ;hollow 指指“(杆子、柱子等杆子、柱子等)中空的,空心的中空的,空心的” ; ;bare 指指“(树树林林)光光秃秃秃秃的,的,(土地土地)荒荒芜芜的的” 。 。答案:答案:B2(2012阜阳调研阜阳调研)The man who had killed his wife was sentenced _ the death penalty.Aof BtoCwith Don解析:解析:句意:那个句意:那个杀杀了妻子的男子被判了死刑。了妻子的男子被判了死刑。sentence sb. to .“判某人判某人” ,是固定,是固定短短语语。 。答案:答案:B3(2012厦门一模厦门一模)In Britain the Queen reigns (统治统治), but elected representatives of the people _ the country.Agovern BinfluenceCguide Dorder解析:解析:句意:在英国,女王是君王,而治理国家的却是民句意:在英国,女王是君王,而治理国家的却是民选选的代表。和前面的的代表。和前面的“reign”信信息一致,所以此息一致,所以此处为处为 govern。其他。其他词词意意义义不合句意。不合句意。答案:答案:A4There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be _.Aabolished BpolishedCabsorbed Dpublished解析:解析:abolish“废废除,取消除,取消” ; ;polish“擦亮,修改擦亮,修改” ; ;absorb“吸引,吸收吸引,吸收” ; ;publish“出出版,版,发发行行” 。根据句意,。根据句意,应选应选 A 项项。 。答案:答案:A5At that very moment my mind went completely _ and I forgot what I was supposed to be doing.Aefficient BabundantCshallow Dblank解析:解析:句意:那一刻,我的大句意:那一刻,我的大脑脑一片空白,忘了自己一片空白,忘了自己应该应该做什么。做什么。blank“空白的空白的” ,符合,符合句意。句意。efficient“效率高的效率高的” ; ;abundant“大量的大量的” ; ;shallow“浅的,肤浅的浅的,肤浅的” 。 。答案:答案:D6(2012亳州模拟亳州模拟)A survey was conducted in 2002 by the Computer Security Institute, _ that 90 percent of the companies questioned had had their security system _ in the previous years.Ashowed; broken into Bshowing; breaking intoCshowing; broken into Dto show; break into解析:解析:survey 与与 show 构成主构成主谓谓关系,故用关系,故用现现在分在分词词 showing 在第一个空中作伴随状在第一个空中作伴随状语语; ;第二空第二空过过去分去分词词作作宾语补宾语补足足语语,与,与 their security system 构成构成动宾动宾关系。关系。答案:答案:C7The composition is not well written, and _, there are many spelling mistakes in it.Amoreover BthereforeCyet Dotherwise解析:解析:考考查查副副词词辨析。辨析。moreover“而且,此外而且,此外” ; ;therefore“因此,所以因此,所以” ; ;yet“然而,但然而,但是是” ; ;otherwise“否否则则” 。句意:。句意:这这篇作文写得不好,而且篇作文写得不好,而且还还有有许许多拼写多拼写错误错误。根据句意,。根据句意,A 项项正确。正确。答案:答案:A8We cant _ that we shall finish the work in a week.Aabolish BdepositCrelay Dundertake解析:解析:考考查动词查动词辨析。句意:我辨析。句意:我们们不能保不能保证证一周之内完成工作。一周之内完成工作。undertake“保保证证,答,答应应” ; ;abolish“废废除除” ; ;relay“转转达,达,传传送送” ; ;deposit“存存储储” 。只有。只有 D 项项符合句意。符合句意。答案:答案:D9(2012北京宣武模拟北京宣武模拟)This was a really difficult question,but a little boy _ a good answer.Acame up to Bcame outCcame up with Dcame round解析:解析:由句意可知,此由句意可知,此处处指一个小孩想出了一个好答案,故指一个小孩想出了一个好答案,故选选 C。 。come up to“比得上,比得上,达到达到” ; ;come out“出来,出版出来,出版” ; ;come round“拜拜访访” 。 。答案:答案:C10Johns thefts from the bank where he worked _ when the bank examiners made an inspection.Acame to light Bcame into beingCcaught out Dfound out解析:解析:句意:句意:经过银经过银行行检查员检查员的的调查调查, ,John 在自己工作的在自己工作的银银行行进进行的行的偷偷盗水落石出了。盗水落石出了。come to light “为为人所知人所知” 。 。答案:答案:A11A block of flats are being _ to make room for a supermarket.Aknocked into Bknocked overCknocked off Dknocked down解析:解析:考考查查短短语语辨析。辨析。D 项项在此在此处处表示表示“拆除,拆拆除,拆毁毁” 。 。A 项项意意为为“撞上撞上” ; ;B 项项意意为为“打打翻;搜翻;搜查查” ; ;C 项项意意为为“(草率地,草率地,轻轻易地易地)做完,完成做完,完成” 。句意:。句意:为为了了给给一个超市一个超市腾腾地方,一幢公地方,一幢公寓楼正在被拆除。寓楼正在被拆除。答案:答案:D12(2012福建四地六校联考福建四地六校联考)The headmaster recommended that we _ to school on time for the afternoon English reading.Ahad come Bwould comeCcome Dcame解析:解析:在此,在此,recommend 表表“建建议议, ,劝劝告告” ,其后的,其后的宾语宾语从句的从句的谓语谓语用用 should动词动词原原形,且形,且 should 可以省略。可以省略。答案:答案:C13The Americas selling weapons to Taiwan _ a shadow on the SinoU. S. relationship.Aput BcastCbrought Dtook解析:解析:句意:美国向台湾出售武器句意:美国向台湾出售武器给给中美关系投下了阴影。中美关系投下了阴影。cast a shadow on .“给给投下阴影投下阴影” 。 。答案:答案:B14You shouldnt have been late for his lecture yesterday._ I was late for his lecture?I think what he teaches in his lecture is useless.AWhat for BHow comeCWhat if DHow about解析:解析:what if “倘使倘使又怎么又怎么样样” ,后接句子。,后接句子。what for “为为什么什么” ,不能作,不能作连词连词引引导导句子;句子;how come “怎么会怎么会发发生生” ; ;how about 询问别询问别人的看法和意人的看法和意见见,后接名,后接名词词、代、代词词、 、v.ing 形式。形式。答案:答案:C15Lisa often _ her fortune in public, which makes people envy her.Ashows off Bturns offCkeeps off Dfalls off解析:解析:考考查动词查动词短短语语辨析。辨析。show off“炫耀炫耀” ; ;turn off“关掉关掉” ; ;keep off“远远离离” ; ;fall off“从从掉下来掉下来” 。句意:。句意:丽丽莎莎经经常在公共常在公共场场合炫耀她的合炫耀她的财财富,富,这这使得人使得人们们羡慕她。只有羡慕她。只有 A项项符合句意。符合句意。答案:答案:A.阅读理解阅读理解A(2012北京市东城区高三期末北京市东城区高三期末)Most of the 20th century has been a development on the Industrial Revolution taken to a4n extreme: people now own more products than ever before; there are enough unclear weapons to destroy the earth several times over; there is hardly any forest left and pollution has got to the point where we buy water. Within a few years I predict you will be able to buy air. (Th
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