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高考专题训练短文改错短文改错Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and often 76. _Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and often 76. _broke down. So he decided to make a best car himself, 77. _broke down. So he decided to make a best car himself, 77. _and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls, 78. _and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls, 78. _a car maker, was very interested in Royce s car, but soon 79._a car maker, was very interested in Royce s car, but soon 79._Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first 80._Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first 80._model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the 81_ model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the 81_ worlds record by drive 14,371 miles without breaking down 82. _worlds record by drive 14,371 miles without breaking down 82. _once. After the drive, it was cost just over once. After the drive, it was cost just over 2 to put the car 83. _2 to put the car 83. _back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that the Silver84._back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that the Silver84._Ghost was regarded “the best car in the world”. Ghost was regarded “the best car in the world”. 85._85._ whichbetterandmodelswentdrivingwasItas3.行文逻辑。包括句子的肯定、否定、推理、判断等。 一、题型特点1.词法内容。包括名词、冠词、代词、动词时态、非谓语 动词、短语动词的用法,不规则动词的变化形式,形容词的 比较级,形容词副词的区别,介词的误用等。 2.句法内容。包括主谓一致、指代一致,并列连词,从属 连词等引导各种从句的关联词语,感叹句,疑问句,祈使句 的结构等。 Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and often 76. _Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and often 76. _broke down. So he decided to make a best car himself, 77. _broke down. So he decided to make a best car himself, 77. _and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls, 78. _and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls, 78. _a car maker, was very interested in Royce s car, but soon 79. _a car maker, was very interested in Royce s car, but soon 79. _Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first 80._Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first 80._model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the 81_ model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the 81_ worlds record by drive 14,371 miles without breaking down 82. _worlds record by drive 14,371 miles without breaking down 82. _once. After the drive, it was cost just over once. After the drive, it was cost just over 2 to put the car 83. _2 to put the car 83. _back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that the Silver84._back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that the Silver84._Ghost was regarded “the best car in the world”. 85._Ghost was regarded “the best car in the world”. 85._ whichbetterandmodelswentdrivingwasItas00年81题:Suddenly,I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 01年82题:We may be one family and live under a same roof 02年76题:As everyone knows,its famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. thea二、错误类型 :1. 冠词 英语中冠词只有三个,从高考英语改错题的角度来看,只 能从以下几个方向出题:1)不定冠词a和an互改;2)不定冠词 a或an和定冠词the互改;3)根据需要增删冠词。 03年85题 Their word were a great encouragement to me.04年83题 But after class we become stranger at once.02年75题On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.(words)(strangers)(pictures)2.名词的单复数单复数互改是高考英语改错题的基本题型之一,改动的依据 有:一是根据名词前的修饰限定成份;二是根据上下文的逻辑 关系. 3. 形容词和副词,比较级和最高级Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family. 04年77题I would describe myself as shy and quietly.(quiet)( Unfortunately)Yesterday, I saw one of the better films in recent years.(best )Nowadays, life is more better than it was in the past.(much)(fromfrom). .(at)4. 4. 介词介词 介词删增、介词和动词或形容词的搭配0303年年 The main problem was in that I always The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese. thought in Chinese. 04 04年年76. I m a new comer here of a small 76. I m a new comer here of a small town. town. 79.Im sure they will laugh to me. 79.Im sure they will laugh to me. (myself)it82. I was learning to express me in simple English. 82. I was learning to express me in simple English. 83. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my 83. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacherteacher. .5. 5. 代词代词代词不仅要与其所指代对象一致,其运用还要符合上下文的语气及逻辑关系。 03年84题She liked it very much and reads it to the class.02年82题)The time passes quickly. Evening came. ( read)(passed)04年.We fed monkeys,visiting temples an
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