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毕毕业业设设计计报报告告( (论论文文) )某地办公楼某地办公楼 a a 结构设计结构设计*学院毕业设计报告(论文)学院毕业设计报告(论文)诚诚 信信 承承 诺诺本人承诺所呈交的毕业设计报告(论文)及取得的成果是在导师指导下完成,引用他人成果的部分均已列出参考文献。如论文涉及任何知识产权纠纷,本人将承担一切责任。学生签名: 日 期:某地办公楼某地办公楼 a a 结构设计结构设计摘摘 要要本设计是某地办公楼 a 结构设计二。结构设计是本专业设计的重点,其主要有设计计算书和结构施工图(8 张)两部分组成。电算时,先用 PMCAD 软件进行结构平面布置,检查平面数据,输入楼板,输入荷载数据,再用 PKPM,画结构平面图,然后使用再进行框架计算;最后用 SATWE 软件进行框架的空间结构计算,输出框架梁柱配筋梁、柱配筋图及内力计算结果。结构设计主要是竖向荷载作用下的框架内力计算和水平作用下的地震作用、风作用计算,内力组合,梁柱配筋,楼梯计算,基础计算。本设计竖向荷载作用下的框架计算取一榀框架,6 层 3 跨,用弯矩分配法逐层求得;风荷载作用计算和水平抗震计算采用 D 值法求得。求出上述内力后,即可进行内力组合,然后根据内力组合的结果进行梁柱的配筋设计。最后进行柱下独立基础设计和楼梯的设计。施工图绘图共八张,包括图纸目录及结构设计总说明、基础平面布置图及基础大样图、柱配筋图、标准层楼盖平面图、标准层楼盖板配筋图、标准层楼盖梁配筋图、楼梯结构布置图及配筋图。关键词:框架结构关键词:框架结构;钢筋混凝钢筋混凝;现浇现浇THE DESIGN OF THE OFFICE BUIDING A IN SOME PLACEABSTRACTThis graduction project is a design of a reinforce concrete building .Structural design is key skill for a engineering graduate and it is made of structual working drawing(eight pieces).Computing, the first structure with PMCAD layout software, check the print data, enter the sub-beam floor, enter the load data, the formation of PKPM, draw the structure plan, and then use the PKPM to frame calculation; Finally, SATWE software, the space frame structure calculation, the output frame beams reinforced beam and column reinforcement plan and the force is computed.Design of structurate is made up of a frame calculation under vertical loads、anti-selsimil calculation 、horizonatal loads internat farces constitate disposing steel bar for beam and column stair calculation.foundation calculation.The frame calculation under vertical loads.In this part the frame is irregular.6 storys and 3 spams.To solve the problems the separate-layers methed and distribution of moment methed are used.In horizontal anti-seismmie calculation use D value methed.After finishing the calculation of intered forces.disposed steel bar in beams and columns.Finally Foundation design is made according to the geology piled footing is used.Drawing a total of eight working drawings, including drawings and structural design directory general description, based on a large floor plan and basic drawing, column reinforcement plans, the standard level floor plan, standard floor slab reinforcement plans, the standard level floor beams reinforcement plan, floor plan and stair structural reinforcement plan.Key Words: frame structural、reinforce concrete、cast-in-place目目 录录摘要.1abstract.1第一章 前言.1第二章 工程概况.22.1 工程名称.22.2 建筑设计资料.22.3 建筑场地的工程地质资料.32.3.1 工程地质情况.32.3.2 抗震要求.32.3.3 活荷载.42.4 设计依据.4第三章.结构设计方案.53.1 确定结构体系.53.2 梁柱截面的确定.53.2.1 梁截面尺寸.53.2.2 柱截面尺寸.53.3 荷载计算.53.3.1 屋面恒荷载标准值.53.3.2 楼面恒荷载标准值(普通楼面).63.3.3 楼面恒荷载标准值(有防水要求楼面).63.3.4 梁间荷载.
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