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摘 要I三三环环路互通式立交施工路互通式立交施工图设计图设计摘要摘要本文参考有关标准、规范、文献资料,运用 Dicad Pro 立交软件完成了福州三环路互通式立交的方案比选及施工图设计。首先介绍了互通式立体交叉以及道路 CAD 软件的发展现状,并以几个立交方案的设计为例,阐述了互通式立体交叉的常用型式与设计要点。然后介绍了三环路互通式立交的工程概况,并根据交通流量及地形情况确定了混合式立体交叉和变形苜蓿叶型立体交叉等三个平面设计方案。然后在生成三维效果图的基础上结合立交功能、行车安全、周围环境、工程造价等因素进行了方案比选,最终确定采用混合式立体交叉作为推荐方案。最后完成了推荐方案的平、纵、横、端部及总体设计。最后,本文对整个设计过程中遇到的困难与收获进行了总结,同时归纳了Dicad Pro 软件的应用体会。该工程设计的方法和成果对其他工程具有一定的参考意义。关关键词键词:互通式立体交叉,平面线形,匝道,变速车道,端部设计,Dicad Pro,施工图AbstractIITHE SCHEME DESIGN OF SANHUAN-ROAD INTERCHANGEAbstractThis paper accomplished the comparing of scheme design and construction drawing design of the Sanhuan-Road Interchange in Fujian province with Dicad Pro software referring to the related literature, standards and specifications for highway geometric design.At first, this paper introduced the methods of interchange design and the development of road CAD software. Then several interchange schemes were taken as examples to express the common form and elements of interchange design.Secondly, this paper analyzed the engineering situation of the Sanhuan-Road Interchange and confirmed three horizontal design schemes on base of traffic flow and landform situation. One is a hybrid interchange while the rest are two deformed cloverleaf interchanges. The three schemes were compared through three-dimension rendering of these schemes and the analysis of their traffic safety, environment, project cost and so on. Then the scheme of hybrid interchange was selected. Finally, the horizontal alignment ,vertical alignment, cross-section and interchange taper design of the selected scheme were completed.The experience of the interchange design and using Dicad Pro software was concluded , that could be used as reference for other projects.KEY WORDS : interchange; highway alignment design; ramp , interchange taper; construction drawing design; Dicad Pro
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