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1. 出人头地 honored and distinguished among a group ;Mainly to refer to position, as well as skill, achievements, etc. 2. 单枪匹马 Play a hand without the assistance of a partner/ all by oneself 3. 独一无二 Singular of its kind/ superior to all others4. 欢天喜地 Extremely delighted/ as happy as a king5. 日复一日 Day by day6. 一无所有 Have nothing at all/ not have a stiver7. 一言既出,驷马难追 What is said cannot be unsaid. / A bargain is a bargain./ You should be a king of your word. 8. 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 It is the third party that benefits from the tussle. / The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel. /9. 白头偕老(of a married couple) live to a good old age/ Darby and Joan 10. 望梅止渴 Have an imagined satisfaction/ Barmecide feast (说明:此处并非错误,而是 英文习语)11.背井离乡 to leave ones home town; to stay on a strange land12.不知不觉 Unwittingly13.一诺千金 a promise that will be kept; a solemn promise14全力以赴 Make an all-out effort15. 自言自语 to talk (or speak) to oneself; to say sth. to oneself; to think aloud; to soliloquize16.津津有味(to eat) with appetite and relish; (to read or listen) with great interest; (to eat or do sth.)with gusto (or zest)17.得心应手 skilfully; proficiently18.妙语连珠 Quips19.千方百计 in a thousand and one ways; by every possible means; by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook2. to use all sorts of wiles and methods; to take every possible measure; to leave no stone unturned; to pull out all the stops20.名列前茅 to head the list of successful candidates; to come out on top; to be in the first (or top) flight21.无可奈何 to have no way out; to have no alternative; to have to;powerless; helpless 22.自由自在 leisurely and carefree; free and unrestrained; footloose and fancy-free; (as) free as the air; (be) on the loose;to take ones ease; to be at ones ease; to be at liberty23.画蛇添足 Ruin the effect by adding sth. Superfluous/ overdo24 了如指掌 to know sth. like the palm of ones hand; to be thoroughly familiar with25 目瞪口呆 stupefied; dumbstruck; open-mouthed; wide-eyed; speechless; dumbfounded;to gape; to stare in open-mouthed wonder; to see a wolf; to be struck dumb26.人山人海 huge crowds of people; a sea of people; a large crowd27.一毛不拔 unwilling to give up even a hair; very stingy; parsimonious 28. 自强不息 constantly strive for self-perfection.29.入乡随俗 On arrival in a new place, learn about their local customs.; Do in Rome as Rome does (or as the Romans do).; Wherever you are, follow local customs.30.比上不足比下有余 Better than some, worse than others31 不同凡响 So superior as to make comparison impossible or useless32. 五颜六色 Be riotous with color/ of various colors33. 车水马龙 Heavy traffic/ be crowded with people and vehicles/ 34. 莫名其妙 Confused and unable to understand/ cant make head or tail of it/ 35. 酸甜苦辣 Joys and sorrows of life; the sweets and bitters of life 36. 天伦之乐 The happiness of a family union37. 自相矛盾 Contradict oneself/ an Irish bull/ 38. 狐假虎威 The fox assuming the majesty of the tiger39. 立竿见影 To get an instant results/ produce an immediate effect/ 40. 鸦雀无声 A perfect silence prevailed41. 如鱼得水 As fish getting to the water/ be in ones element42. 天长地久 Everlasting and unchanging43. 一帆风顺 Everything is going smoothly44. 十全十美 Be perfect in every respect/ be all roses45. 门当户对 A marriage between families of equal social rank/ well-matched in social and economic status46. 兴高采烈 In great delight/ 47. 青梅竹马 A friendship formed in childhoodsaid of boys and girls/ 48. 同舟共济 To pull together to tide over difficulties/ 49. 炎黄子孙 The Chinese people/ descendants of the Yan and Huang Emperors50. 名胜古迹 Places of historic interest and scenic beauty. 1.无独有偶 It is not unique, but has its counterpart.2.入乡随俗 On arrival in a new place, learn about their local customs.; Do in Rome as Rome does (or as the Romans do).; Wherever you are, follow local customs.3、寸步不离 Glued4、言过其实 to exaggerate; to overstate; to overshoot the truth;exaggerated; high-flown; high-sounding5、反其道而行之 act in a diametrically opposite way6、家喻户晓 widely known; known to all; known to every family and household; well-known7、敬酒不吃吃罚酒 to refuse a toast only to drink a penalty; to be constrained to do what one at first refused8、见多识广 experienced and knowledgeable; well-informed;with rich experience and extensive knowledge;to have great experience9、量入为出 Living with our means10、微不足道:too trivial or insignificant to mention11、咬牙切齿 to grind ones teeth in anger; to gnash ones teeth; to grit ones teeth; to bite ones lips12、一本正经 in all seriousness; in dead earnest; in a serious manner13、光宗耀祖 to bring honor to ones ancestors14、童叟无欺 We are honest even to children and aged people.15、熙熙攘攘 bustling with activity or people16、目不转睛 to gaze steadily (or intently); to look attentively; to be all eyes; never to take ones eyes off; to stare . into (or out of)17、难兄难弟 (of brothers) equally brilliant or talented fellow sufferers18、天下兴亡,匹夫有责 Rise and fall Alive19、井底之蛙 a frog in a well; a person with a very limited outlook and experience20、一干二净 thoroughly
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