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Agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPs)Chapter 10ContentslBackground lOutline lProtection Standards lEnforcement and Procedures lDispute Settlement lTransitional arrangements lAmending lInfluenceLocation: Geneva, Switzerland Established: 1 January 1995 Created by: Uruguay Round negotiations(1986-94) Membership: 153 countries (2008.7.23)Functions: Administering WTO trade agreements Forum for trade negotiations Handling trade disputes Monitoring national trade policies Technical assistance and training fordeveloping countries Cooperation with other international organizationsWTO - FACT FILE10.1 BackgroundlCause of TRIPs arising- national- international10.1 BackgroundlProcess of TRIPs arising- GATT- Ministerial Declaration - disputation- passing1994.4.15 Annex 1C of WTO Annex 1C of WTO 1996.1.1 in force10.2 Outline1 General provision and basic principles 2 Standards concerning the availability, scope and use of IPR 3 Enforcement of IPR 4 Acquisition and maintenance ofIPR and related inter-parties procedures 5 Dispute prevention and settlement 6 Transitional arrangements 7 Institutional arrangements; Final provisions1 总则和基本原则2 关于知识产权效力、范围 和使用的标准3 知识产权的实施4 知识产权的取得和维持及 当事方之间的相关程序5 争端的防止和解决6 过渡性安排7 机构安排;最后条款10.2 OutlinelCoverage most comprehensive multilateral agreement on intellectual property to date incorporating substantive provisions of:lParis Convention (1967)lBerne Convention(1971)lRome Convention (1961)lTreaty on IP in Respect of Integrated Circuits (1989) Existing conventions To avoid re-opening of existing texts To negotiate the “plus“ elements To have a short but comprehensive textConventions fully incorporated or almost fully incorporated Plus elements Conventions with very few elements incorporated“Incorporation“ TechniqueBerneParisIPICRomeTRIPS: Main features (1)lCoverage of TRIPS Areas of intellectual property covered:lcopyright and related rights ltrademarks including service marks;lgeographical indications including appellations of origin;lindustrial designs;lpatents including the protection of new varieties of plants;lthe layout-designs of integrated circuits; andlundisclosed information, including trade secrets and test data.TRIPS: Main features (2)lEnforcement Provisionsl General Principles applicable to IPRsl Specifies Procedures that must be availablelDispute Settlementl Part of the integrated Dispute Settlement System of the WTOl No unilateral action by Members allowednFreedom to determine the appropriate method of implementing the Agreement (Art. 1.1)nNational treatment (Art. 3)nMost-favoured nation treatment (MFN) (Art. 4, 5)nExhaustion of rights (Art. 6)nObjectives (Art. 7)nPrinciples (Art. 8)TRIPS Basic Principles (1)TRIPS: Basic principles (2)lNational treatment forbids discrimination between a Members own nationals and the nationals of other MemberslMost-Favoured-Nation Treatment forbids discrimination between the nationals of other Members10.3 Protection Standards(1)Copyright and Related RightslRelation to the Berne Convention(Copyright protection shall extend to expressions and not to ideas, procedures, methods of operation or mathematical concepts as such. ) lComputer Programs and Compilations of Data(not extend to the data or material itself)lRental RightslTerm of ProtectionlLimitations and ExceptionslProtection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms(Sound Recordings) and Broadcasting Organizations10.3 Protection Standards(2)TrademarklProtectable Subject MatterlRights Conferredwell-known trademark lTerm of ProtectionlRequirement of UselLicensing and AssignmentWindows商标之争10.3 Protection Standards(3)Geographical IndicationsGeographical indications are, indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.Cambridge,剑桥,又译为坎布里奇 10.3 Protection Standards(4)Industrial Designs lRequirements for Protection- independently created- new or original lProtectionmaking, selling or importing lduration of protection at least 10 years10.3 Protection Standards(5)PatentslPatentable Subject Matternew, inventive step, industrial application; Exclude lRights Conferred lConditions on Patent Applicants lExceptions to Rights Conferred lOther Use Without Authorization of the Right Holder (compulsory license) lRevocation/Forfeiture lTerm of Protection lProcess Patents: Burden of Proof10.3 Protection Standards(6)Layout-designs (Topographies) ofIntegrated CircuitslRelation to the IPIC TreatylScope of the ProtectionlActs Not Requiring the Authorization of the Right HolderlTerm of Protection10.3 Protection Standards(7)Protection of Undisclosed InformationlProtection conditions:- secret- commercial value- security measure 10.3 Protection Standards(8)Control of Anti-competitive Practices in Co
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