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Advanced Language PracticeMichael VinceHelpOn every page you can see some buttons, that will help you to navigate and do exercises. Navigation buttons: -back -go to the previous page; -next -go to the next page; -last unit -go to the previous unit; -next unit -go to the next unit;-explanation/exercises -go to the explanations/exercises of the unit; -contents -go to the contents (from wich you can go to the unit you wish); -exit -exit the document; -question -go to this help text. Buttons in exercises: -check -check whether your answers are correct.Advanced Language PracticeExitC ontentsNextHelp You can do exercises with radio buttons, check buttons andtext fields. Read the task attentively whether you can choose one or to variants. Filling in text fields, dont write full-length of such words as “do not”, “did not”, “is not”, “he is”, “he will”, instead of these write “dont”, “didnt”, “isnt”, “hes”, “hell”, etc. Dont forget to start sentences with capital letters and to put punctuation marks. Otherwise your answer is wrong.In some exercises ufter selecting button “check” the text fieldswith wrong answers become clear. Read attentively the theory and youll pass all the tests perfectly!Good luck!Advanced Language PracticeExitC ontentsBackContentsUnit 1 Tense consolidation: present time Unit 2Tense consolidation: future time Unit 3 Tense consolidation: past time Unit 4 Tense consolidation: present perfect Unit 5 PROGRESS TEST Unit 6 Passive Unit 7 Passive 2Advanced Language PracticeExitAbout authorAdvanced Language Practice Unit 1 Tense consolidation: present timeBasic contrasts: present simple and present continuous1 Present simple generally refers to:Facts that are always true Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.Habits British people drink a lot of teaStates I dont like gangster films.2 Present continuous (progressive) generally refers to actions whichare in progress at the moment.These can be temporary: Im staying in a hotel until I find a flat.They can be actually in progress: The dog is sleeping on our bed!Or they can be generally in progress but not actually happeningat the moment: Im learning to drive.ExitExercisesNext unitContentsBackNextAdvanced Language PracticeState verbs and event (action or dynamic) verbs1 State verbs describe a continuing state, so do not usually have a continuous form. Typical examples are: believe, belong, consist, contain, doubt, fit, have, know, like, love,matter, mean, own, prefer, understand, seem, suppose, suspect, want, wish 2 Some verbs have a stative meaning and a different active meaning. Typical examples are:be, depend, feel, have, measure, see, taste, think, weigh Compare these uses:StateEventJack is noisy.Jill is being noisy.Deirdre has a Porsche.We are having an interesting conversation! I think I like you!David is thinking about getting a new job.This fish tastes awful!I am just tasting the soup. I feel that you are wrong.I am feeling terrible. This bag weighs a ton!We are weighing the body.It depends what you meanI am depending on you.The differences in 2 apply to all tenses, not just present tenses.ExitContentsExercisesNext unitBackNextAdvanced Language PracticeOther uses of present continuous1 Temporary or repeated actions This use emphasises a temporary or repeated habitual action.My car has broken down, so I am walking to work these days.Are you enjoying your stay her?2 Complaints about bad habitsYou are always complaining about my cooking!Other possible adverbs are: constantly-, continually, forever3 With verbs describing change and developmentThings are getting worse!More and more people are giving up smoking.ExitContentsExercisesNext unitBackNextAdvanced Language PracticeOther uses of present simple1 Making declarationsVerbs describing opinions and feelings tend to be state verbs.Ihope youll come to my party.I bet you dont know the answer!2 HeadlinesThese are written in a telegram style, and references to the past are usuallysimplified to present simple.Ship sinks in midnight collision.3 Instructions and itinerariesInstructions and recipes can be written in present simple instead of in imperativeforms. This style is more personal.First you roll out the pastry.Itineraries are descriptions of travel arrangements.On day three we visit Stratford-upon- Avon.ExitContentsExercisesNext unitBackNextAdvanced Language Practice4 Summaries of eventsPlots of stories, films etc, and summaries of historical events usepresent (and present perfect) tenses.May 1945: The war in Europe comes to an end. At the end of the play both families realise that their hatred hadcaused the deaths of the lovers.5 Historic present in narrative and funny storiesIn informal speech, it is possible to use the historic present to describepast events, especially to make the nar
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