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LV CLASSIFIER FOR VERTICAL MILL & BALL MILL LV 技术改造说明(中英)技术改造说明(中英) L.VTECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD CONTENT 目录目录 1. INTRODUCTION 简介 2 NCEPT OF LV CLASSIFIER LV 选粉机的概念 3 DESIGN PROCEDURE AND CONSTRUCTION 设计程序与构造 4 MODIFICATION APPLYING LV CLASSIFIER FOR VERTICAL MILL LV 立磨选粉机的改造 5 MODIFICATION APPLYING LV CLASSIFIER FOR BALL MILL LV 球磨机的改造 6 NEW CONCEPT CYCLONE 新概念的旋风筒 APPENDIX 附录 1. ERECTION PROCEDURE AT SITE 安装步骤 2 SCHEDULE OF ERECTION WORK AT SITE 安装工作的进度表 3 REFERENCE DRAWINGS 参考图纸 - 2 -1. Introduction 简介 LV Classifier is a new concept separator, which has been developed for vertical mill modification, to improve the gas and material flow in the vertical mill. LV 选粉机是一种全新概念的物料分离设备,它能提高了立磨中的气流及物流速度,并且在立磨 的改造中得到了广泛的应用。 This Classifier is very unique equipping the special formed stator, LV Pocket. This makes possible to separate coarse material and fine material before the gas comes into Classifier rotor. 这种选粉机具有一种独特结构的导风叶片LV 气室。它使粗颗粒物料与细颗粒物料在气体进 入选粉机转子之前就有可能分离。 This conversion of vertical mills usually leads to: production rate increase 12-30% power saving 1.5 to5.0kwh/t(mill + IDF)by decreasing air volume remarkably vibration level decreasing cement strength increase by getting optimum product size distribution. 通过这种改变可以得到如下结果: 产量增加 12-30%; 通过明显减少风量,磨机与风机的电耗可节约 1.5-5 千瓦时/吨; 可以降低磨机振动; 水泥强度增加,产品粒径分布更加合理, 。 Our reference is 87 sets already for vertical mills including for slag, clinker, coal, petro-coke, and totally 93 sets including ball mill modification (August 2001). 这个结论是根据已经改造的 87 台粉磨矿渣、熟料、原煤、石油焦的立磨于 2001 年 8 月得到的, 如果包括球磨改造在内总共有 93 台套。 We applied this Classifier to the ball mill equipment today already mainly to increase the production rate LV Technology has reference for supplying LV Classifier for ball mills in total 6 sets and one of them is scheduled to start to operate this coming September. 今天,我们应用该选粉机在球磨机上主要是为了增加产量。LV 技术对 6 台球磨机使用 LV 选粉 机提供了咨询,它们都在即将来临的九月开始运行。 LV Technology has developed this time the new concept cyclone, called LVC, which is used for down stream of mill outlet gas with smaller pressure loss and higher collection efficiency. This can be applied for not only grinding equipment but also for suspension preheater and relevant equipment. Shortly we can observe the actual operation. 至今,LV 技术已开发出称为 LVC 的新型概念旋风筒,它用于磨机出口,以较小的压降获得较高 的收集效果。这不仅应用于粉磨设备,而且能用于旋风预热器等相关设备。很快我们就能见到 实际的运行。 LV Technology can supply the total plant engineering including equipment supply and engineering applying these our high technology. LV 技术工程公司能够提供整套的工程服务, 包括设备的供应, 以及实施这些高技术的工程施工。 2. Concept of LV Classifier LV 选粉机的概念 (1) Gas flow 气流方式 Gas speed in mill body up to Classifier increases it speed up to the inlet of Stator of Classifier, named LV pocket, gradually in order to carry all the material which once goes - 3 -up from mill table. It makes possible to avoid the material circulation in mill body and separator, and it decreases the pressure loss in mill body and separator. Although higher gas speed in the mill body decreases remarkably by reducing the internal circulation of material. The common understanding is not applied for LV Classifier,“higher gas speed makes higher pressure loss”. 提高气体的磨内流速并在气体到达导风叶片时达到最大,即 LV 气室,目的是逐级地将一旦离开 磨盘的所有物料带上来。尽量避免物料在磨体和选粉机之间的循环, 减少在磨体和选粉机间的 压力损失。虽然在磨内风速要高于原有的磨内风速,但由于物料的内部循环减少,在磨机体内 的压降随之显著减少。我们通常理解的: “气流速度越高,压力损失越大。 ” 对于带有 LV 选粉 机的立磨是不适用的。 For this purpose, we apply the additional cone on funnel cone to get the optimum gas speed in mill body and Classifier shell portion. However this cone is to be designed to have no interference with roller movement to taking outside of mill shell for roller maintenance. 为此目的,我们在漏斗锥上增设一附加锥,使磨体内与选粉机壳体之间形成最佳流速。不过, 该锥的设计不得干扰转子在检修时将它移至磨机壳体外面。 Please refer to the gas speed distribution for each stage of mill body and Classifier body, which is shown in Chapter 3. 有关气流速度在磨体及选粉机体各阶段的分布请参照第三部分所示。 (2) Special configuration of stator, LV pocket for coarse material separation 导风叶片的特殊结构, (用于粗料分离的 LV 气室) It is essential to separate the coarse material before the gas and material are introduced into Rotor. 在气流和物料进入转子之前,最基本的要求是分离出粗料。 LV Pocket is designed to separate coarse material by gravity force though pocket which is isolated from the effect of gas stream which is moving into rotor, because the LV pocket has material chute carrying the material to the point of Funnel Cone. LV 气室是根据粗细颗粒在此处具有不同的动能这一原理设计的。在气流中的粗颗粒由于动能的 作用被分离,被分离的物料在重力的作用下通过气室降至漏斗锥,通过溜子将物料送至漏斗锥 顶。 (3) Rotor转子 Rotor blades rotate almost same speed of with same circumference speed with injected gas speed from LV pocket. 转子风叶的圆周线速度几乎与 LV 气室喷出的气体速度相同。 It makes possible to reduce the material impact on rotor blades and this makes possible to reduce wear on rotor. 这就可以降低物料对转子风叶上冲刷,从而减少了对转子的磨损。 Usually we apply the harder material for LV pocket, such as Hardox 400 for longer life and free maintenance. However even for the slag grinding and clinker grinding, the wear on pocket and rotor blades are very small and
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