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/ 第章 / 语义辨析(介词、名词、动词及习惯用语)高考语义辨析着重考查实词,如名词、动词、形容词及副词;但是,内涵丰实、搭配灵活的介词也是主要测试内容。应该说,随着“淡化语法,注重语言应用和交际”这个理念逐渐被认同和高考测试所要求的词汇量的逐年增加,未来的高考测试中,语义辨析题应该会呈现逐年上升趋势。要想掌握考纲所规定词汇和短语的最基本意义及其用法,能够辨别意义相关或相近的词汇和短语,就应当要领悟并掌握词汇意义,通过高考语义辨析题这一关,考生既要集中时间机械记忆,又要在阅读中、在运用中领悟词义;既要在汉语的帮助下识记,又要了解其英文解释;既要知道它的近义词,又要知道它的同根词。总而言之,只有掌握考纲中所有词汇的基本用法,并熟练加以运用,才能应对高考语义辨析题。介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,其用法多而杂,使用频率也很高。一个介词有多种不同的用法,一个相近的意思又可以用不同的介词来表示。所以我们必须了解每个介词的基本用法,并熟记介词与某些动词、名词、形容词的搭配。【高考仿真模拟】1. What he has done is far from A. satisfactoryB. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfy2. The is just around the corner and you wont miss it.A. bicycles shop B. bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D. bicycles shop3. The manager has got a good business so the company is doing well.A. idea B. sense C. thought D. thinking4.-I am terribly sorry, Sir. Its my that the window is broken.-Thats OK. But make sure you are careful next time.A. mistakeB. error C. weakness D. fault5. We have to roles for the behavior of members; otherwise, they will not behave properly.A. lay down B. lay off C. lay out D. lay aside6. In dealing with public relations, we should make very effort to prevent the in personality.A. contact B. contrastC. connectionD. conflict7. The village is far away from here indeed. Its walk.A. a four hour B. a four hours C. a four-hours D. a four hours8.ManY students sign up for the race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A. 800-metre-long B. 800-metres-longC. 800 metre length D. 800 metres length9. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his writing that he felt lonely.A. nothing but B. anything butC. all but D. everything butlO. He gained his by printing of famous writers.A. wealth, work B. wealths, worksC. wealths, work D. wealth, works11. focus on a specialized audience, wed prefer to attract early-stage researchers.A. Rather than B. Other than C. More than D. Less than12. is needed in cold countries.A. A lot of clothes B. Much clothingC. Many a cloth D. Lots of clothes13. Wang Hao our expectation and got another gold medal in the table tennis of mens single at the Asian Games in Doha in 2006.A. made sense of B. lived up to C. turned overD. tried out14. Look! He can manage to carry two such huge boxes himself!-But he used to be so weak that he could carry only one small box A. all the timeB. at a time C. at one time D. at15. How happy they are! Obviously, they are A. in nice spirits B. in nice spiritC. in high spirits D. in high spirit16. Is there for one more in the car?A. seat B. situation C. position D. room17. If Jim carries on working like this, he will sooner or later.A. break down B. give out C. get down D. hold on18.-How was your trip to Britain?-Fantastic! One splendid mountain followed another on our journey to Scotland.A. glance B. glimpse C. view D. scenery.19. During the rush hour they were in the heavy traffic.A. held on B. held out C. held down D. held up20. I was in the middle of my call because the battery of my cellphone suddenly ran out.A. hung up B. cut out C. put off D. cut off21. Important tasks a lot of hard work and take a long time to complete.A. call for B. call on C. call in D. call at22. Some people act what will happen afterwards.A. as a result ofB. instead ofC. regardless of D. in search of23. John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to all his trousers to his measure.A. let out B. give away C. bring in D. make up24. has been used to save his life.A. All possible means B. Every possible meansC. Every possible mean D. All the possible means25. Shall we our discussion and have some tea or coffee ,please7A. break off B. break down C. break into D. break out26. Keep the point, or we wont reach any decision.A. off B. to C. about D. from27. We called at yesterday.A. my uncle B. my unclesC. my unclesD. a friend of my uncle28.-Look! She seems lost in deep thought.-Those pictures have her of college days.A. reminded B. asked C. recalled D. expected29. They say the terrible weather will until the end of this month.A. keep B. last C. start D. stay30. At we go out for after supper.A. a time, walkingB. one time, walksC. times, a walk D. the time, the walk31. Its bad to speak with your mouth full of A. manner, food B. manners, foodC. manner, foods D. manners, foods32. Tom, a 12-year-old boy, saw something in a shop window that attracted him.But the price-five dollars-was far beyond his means.A. at first sightB. in the sight of C. in sight D. out of sight33. Some famous singers live on the from their record sales.A. salaryB. value C. bill
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