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智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校本科申请SAT成绩要求-智课教育出国考试下面给大家分享的威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校本科申请SAT成绩要求 ,想要申请的小伙伴们一起来学习一下吧。 University of Wisconsin 是一所大型综合性大学,在生命科学、 数学与自然科学、医学、政治学及经济学等领域享有盛名。下面给大家 介绍的是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校本科申请SAT成绩要求。 一.官方信息 下面是官方对于国际考生申请威斯康星大学威迪逊分校的一些要求 ,一起来看下。 Freshmen: Freshman applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit a TOEFL or IELTS score, unless English was the language of instruction for all courses in all years of secondary school. 新生:申请者如果是来自母语非英语的国际需要提交托福或者雅思 成绩,除非在考生所在的终须是英语为主要教学语言的可以免除。Transfer students: Transfer applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit a TOEFL or IELTS score, unless they have completed a college level English composition course at a US college or university. 转考生:转考申请者如果来自母语非英语的国家需要提交托福或者 雅思成绩,除非他们在美国大学完成了一定程度的英语课程。 Waiver: If you feel that you qualify for a TOEFL or IELTS waiver based upon the requirements above, please submit all required transcripts to our office as soon as possible. 免考者:如果你感觉根据以上要求你具备免除托福或者雅思考试的 资格,请尽快提交给我们所有的成绩单。 Generally, admitted students have an Internet-based TOEFL score in the 95-105 range (587-620 on the paper-based test) or an IELTS score of 6.5-7.5.一般来说学生网考的托福成绩在95-100分之间(纸质考试587-620) 或者雅思成绩6.5到7.5。更多内容查看点击:密歇根大学安娜堡分校SA T成绩要求 二.威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校本科申请SAT成绩要求 下面是申请大学的SAT考试相关信息,大家可以来参考一下。 1.The fall term application opens September 1, and the spring term application opens February 1. The following deadlines pertain to both domestic and international applicants. 秋季的申请在9月1号开始,春季的申请在2月1日开始,下面是对于 国内和国际考生的申请截止时间。 Period Application Deadline Material Receipt Deadline Decision First Fall 2016 Notification November 2 November 23 End of January Second Fall 2016 Notification February 1 February 16 End of March Spring 2017 Term October 3 To be announced End of December 2.SAT考试成绩要求Scores from either the ACT or the SAT are required and must be sent directly from the testing agency. We consider the highest composite score obtained in a single test administration as your “official“ score, although we will look at all scores reported in an effort to get a true sense of your achievement. Admitted students will typically score between 27-31 on the ACT and 1840-2050 on the SAT, although there is no minimum required score. 考生申请麦迪逊分校需要提供SAT或者ACT考试成绩,我们会从中 考虑一种考试的最高分作为你的官方分数,但是我们会参考你所提交的 所有成绩以便对你有一个真实的评估,已经录取的分数ACT是在27-31 分之间,SAT考试在1840-2050之间,尽管没有最低分的限制。更 多详情点击美国威廉玛丽学院SAT成绩要求 以上给大家分享的是关于麦迪逊分校本科申请SAT成绩要求的相关 内容,考生可以作为参考预祝大家取得好成绩。
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