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1上海交通大学网上海交通大学网络络教育学院医学院分院教育学院医学院分院大学英语(专科大学英语(专科 2)课程练习册答案课程练习册答案专业:公共事业管理、护理学、检验技术 层次: 专科 Revision Exercise 1Part I Vocabulary Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1The _ of her words meant that I had hurt her feelings. A. implication B. disgrace C. challenge D. dimension 2I was _ at the number of people who did not know that George Washington is called the Father of His Country. A ignorant B. blessed C. amazed D. content 3Henry will _ to set a new record when he runs in the cross-country race. A. assign B. attempt C. prohibit D. reveal 4Many Americans thought it was a(n) _ way to travel when Henry Ford built his first car. A. liberal B. reliable C. individual D. unique 5In the March _ of Time, there was an interesting article about cloning. A. response B. tradition C. description D. issue 6When he asked her to marry him, she wanted to know what his _ were. A. compliments B. privileges C. intentions D. attitudes 7It is almost _ that so much snow fell in such a short time. A . original B. incredible C. sincere D. radical 8_ the good work, and you will be rewarded for it. A. Wear outB. Count out C. Bring upD. Keep up 9Dont _ the others, because they have to leave now. A. pull intoB. hold up C. take overD. bring about 10 I would prefer to go with James; _ I dont want to go with you. A. in theory B. in other words C. as a result D. on the other hand 11 With everyone trying his best, the work team _ the task within the 2shortest time. A. committedB. accomplished C. enduredD. occupied 12 If you have to go through a smoke-filled area, youd better _ with your head low. A. crawlB. retreat C. proceedD. drag 13 Mother _ my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her. A. remarkedB. motioned C. shruggedD. impressed 14If doing one thing gives you an unpleasant feeling, the normal _ would be to stop doing it. A. perspective B. emotion C. reactionD. function 15 His house is in a wealthy _ with a school, a hospital, banks and shops. A. neighborhoodB. basis C. routeD. occasion 16 Long after even the latest apple tree had finally broken into leaf, the mulberrys branches remained stubbornly _. A. emptyB. bare C. staleD. dumb 17 The project manager _ told us that we could leave early today. It was _ to think about what I could do with this extra time. A. excitedly excitingB. excitedly excited C. excitingly excitingD. excitingly excited 18 _ until you have finished your homework _ have the ice-cream. A. Not you mayB. It is not you may C. Not may youD. It is not may you 19 _ 50 years since my parent got married. A. It isB. There are C. It wasD. There have been 20 The explorer _ red is easier to be seen in the snow. A. with B. on C. in D. under 21 He _ be in the library because it is closed today for the holiday. A. mustntB. cant C. shouldntD. oughtnt to 22 The man limped to the stable _ beaten by robbers. A. instead ofB. even though C. in spite ofD. as thought 23 _ that each member of the family will share the cost of the gift for their grandmother. A. AgreeingB. Having agreed C. To agreeD. It is agreed 24 The Indians have their rights, so the Americans who forced them off their land 3_ have done that! A. mustntB. wouldnt C. shouldntD. couldnt 25 _ could he decide what we all were going to do? A. WhomB. What C. HowD. WhichSection B Directions:Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. 26 In 1992, AT & T began offering customers videophone, which is a telephone with A B A small color screen that allows callers to look at each other while they are CD talking. 27. In-line skating has become so popular that it is being considered as an A BC exhibition sport for the Summer Olympics.D 28. There would be more interesting to listen to the Presidents speech live than toA B C hear it on the radio.D 29. Most students failure of this exam has made the teacher aware that it might be AB C due too many difficult questions. D30. Lucky enough, a group of volunteers has offered to clean up the snow to preventA B C people from falling. D Part Reading comprehension Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the best answer to each question based on the passage. Passage One Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: The good news we get from TV and radio makes us feel more kindly toward other people, but bad ne
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