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如何撰写高引用率的论文如何撰写高引用率的论文 原题:How to Write a Highly Cited Paper I mean how to write good papers. Research Evaluation is one of hard tasks in scientific management. because it needs to judge about something that it is not in the field of manager experts. alwayse there was different factors to do such evaluations. number of papers published by a special scientist, impact factor of journals he published his papers in, and number of citations he recieved are different factors for evaluation of scientists performance. citation number is must popular factor in use toay. it used for evaluation of university facuties in universities and in university rankings. it also used for evaluation of scientific impact of nations and determine impact factor of scientific journals. then whats the way to write a highly cited paper. I spent about a year to find out this way. these are results of my study in this regard.Scienctific society is a large and complicated chain construced of individual researchers as loops. then it is very hard and sometimes really imposible to identify everyones role in achieve an important scientific aim. you can not correspond every scientific discovery just to one people. of course we like to do it becasue we always had a hero and champion in our life from our childness but it is not always true specially in science. for example computers have very important role in science today. we always use “Search motors“ such as Google or etc. but we dont refer them in each of our papers. then we cant not always trust to evaluations based on citations because all factors and important resources are not mentioned in them. another misleading thing is all cited papers are not used equally. for example each scientific paper is based on several pervious published papers but it mention too many other papers as a reference for reader or as a historical review. 1.1. DescribeDescribe a a realreal physcialphyscial phonemenaphonemena I have seen many papers in my life who had written just to solve a just a problem. they overcomed many computational difficulties but at the end they proint out not important result. i think this is really waste of time and energy on these synthetic problems when there are important problems unsolved in the world. try to find these important unsolved problems and then solve them. not just solve some problems to make more papers. 2.2. HowHow toto findfind a a valuablevaluable problems.problems. I mentioned that the scientific society is a chain constructed of different research groups. every research group use result of other research groups. try to find out which group of research teams or individual researcher use your papers and then try to comply their needs. just think science as a bussiness. this business needs marketting to improve. then do this marketing before selection of a topic to research. read papers of people who use your works even speak with them or do joint work with them to find out their needs. then i repeat again that dont just read papers in your topic read paper of people who use your papers to see their need. then READ MORE PAPERS. 3.3. JustJust thinkthink sciencescience asas a a business.business. MarketingMarketing isis importantimportant factorfactor inin success.success. Must researchers just think about what they can do interesting with their skills and laboratory facilities . but it is not true. just think about people who read your papers and want to use it. how you can help them. what they need. imagine your self as a virtual reader to see how a reader can use your work. 4.4. DevelopDevelop a a suitablesuitable modelmodel notnot a a veryvery generalgeneral andand complexcomplex modelsmodels dont just try to develop a very complicated model which can solver more general problems then befire. most general method is already exist. people can model their systems with modlling constructing atoms and their interaction with quantum mechanics but it is a really impossible one!. complex models have two important disadvantages as below 1. first disadvantage of more complex models it is harder to describe a system. complex models often need more variables to describe a system and finding these values are not so easy in practice. then people need to estimate these variables and these result to their accuracy become low as like as less accurate models. 2. complex models need more time to learning, programming, and even in computation time. then they never would use complex models if simpler models can result similar conclusions.then try to develop a model which is logical. note that your model is always different from real model which are in use in practice then try a model which have logical simplicfication. always remember very simple formuala for error of the result. error is the result is greatest error of error producers. then if you ignore one source of error in your model then i
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