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备战宝洁1、 再次明确再次明确 P&G 的的选选人核心人核心2、 八大八大问题问题的中英文准的中英文准备备(要渗透宝(要渗透宝洁洁的的选选人原人原则则,在一个,在一个问题问题中体中体现综现综合素合素质质) )3、 PST 中遇到的四大中遇到的四大问题问题再次准再次准备备,同,同样样需要需要结结合合选选人原人原则则的中英文答案的中英文答案4、 关于关于 P&G, ,PS,个人,个人优优缺点等缺点等问题问题的准的准备备5、 提提问问题问问题的准的准备备(中英文)(中英文)一、P&G 的选人核心(PVP & Success Drivers)PVP = Purpose, Value, Principles Five elements of PVP: Integrity, Trust, Leadership, Ownership, Passion for Winning 因此,在举的例子中要能够尽量渗透这几个品质: 正直:本来可以这么做,却没有,因为这样违反道德或要求 信任:把任务放心的交给别人去做,同时自己也能赢得别人的信任 领导能力:激励,合理安排工作,让合适的人做合适的事,发挥个人专长,有效执行和危机处理 主人翁意识:把这里当成自己的家,为组织负责,为组织的未来负责 求胜激情:乐于接受挑战,积极主动的面对一切 Success Drivers 是宝洁认为一个人在宝洁成功必须具备的素质,由三大部分共九点组成: Power of Mind Thinks and Act Decisively:思考和行动的决断性,风险分析与自己的判断能力 Leverage Mastery:运用个人专长,通过合作使人扬长避短 Innovates and Reapplies:从无到有的创造,一种继承和创新 Power of People Leads:清晰的目标,团队有效合作;激励团队和成员;发挥个人专长;有效执行和危机处理 Build Diverse, Collaborative Relationships:团队合作实现双赢;站在别人的立场多替别人考虑 Grows Capability:在学习和生活中提高自己的能力,帮助别人发挥潜力 Power of Agility In touch:展现亲和力,懂得倾听和理解;尊重和学习别人对的地方,弥补自己的不足 Embrace Changes:拥抱变化;造成变化,提供改进方案;适应改变,根据变化而变化 Operates with Discipline:结果导向,实现做出预测;对事情根据轻重缓急做优先处理二、P&G 八道问题1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion 请你举一个例子,说明你是怎样设立一个长远的目标并实现他的。请你举一个例子,说明你是怎样设立一个长远的目标并实现他的。事例 1:第八届哈尔滨国际汽车工业博览会 1、 协会影响力最大,规模最大的一次活动,为同学提供社会实践机会,代表学校的形象,巨大的挑战 2、 发动协会同事,招募 112 名志愿者,去掉课程多的,剩 105 名 3、 每天选出两名组长,让更多同学接受更多的锻炼,信任他们,放权给他们,听取他们的意见 4、 经常看望志愿者,与他们聊天,为他们解决问题,与许多人成为朋友 5、 解决遇到的突发问题,激励志愿者,让他们持续饱满的热情 6、 结束后为活动收尾,履行先前的一切承诺,许多志愿者欣赏我们的工作方式,继续参加我们的活动Eg.1 The 8th Harbin International Automotive Industry Exhibition The 8th Harbin International Automotive Industry Exhibition was held for 10 days in this August. The league committee of our campus appointed me to take charge of the voluntary service for this exhibition. It was the most influencing and sweeping activity of Changqingteng Youth Volunteer Council. It was a good opportunity for students to touch society. The volunteers performance stood for our campus and this activity was also a challenge to me. I recruited 105 volunteers from our campus with the help other colleagues. Then I assigned their task and made a sheet of schedule for each one. In the exhibition, I chose two headers everyday in order to make more students get the chance to practice their leadership. I trusted them and I gave them enough rights to deal with normal problems and make some decision. Most of them showed their strong leadership and solved many problems. I really concerned our volunteers and I often chatted with them when I attended the exhibition. After our friendly conversation, I would know their trouble and they would feel happy with my concluding appreciation. I always try my best to solve problems for them and I made many friends from them. Further more, I kept motivating the volunteers so that they could work with passion. After 10 days hard work, our volunteers successfully accomplished their tasks and gained the satisfaction of the committee. Then I carried out all my promise in the activity such as registering Youth Volunteer of China for them. Most of them appreciated our work fashion and they would be willing to attend our activities in future.事例 2:开发智能药品管理系统 1、 院长找人去南京麦迪柯公司实习,7 名保研生两名指导老师,开发智能药品管理系统 2、 自告奋勇担任项目组组长,第一次在公司做项目,而且是个规模比较大的系统,任务艰巨 3、 根据个人特长分配任务,分两组进行市场调查,进行可行性分析 4、 讨论研究方案,听取别人意见,达成共识,向领导汇报方案 5、 分工协作的开展工程,不但各大部分之间的合作,机械部分内部的合作 6、 综合了机械学的多门课程,使我机械知识的综合检阅 7、 定期向领导汇报工程进度,修改方案,参与采购和购买器件等工作 8、 自己部分完成后,协助其他部分调制工作,使得工作按时完成事例 3:从工程师到经理人 1、本科毕业时,家人和朋友都说我只能做工程师,但我想成为一名经理人,很羡慕 CEO 2、他们的理由是我性格不适合,那时我也存在一些缺点,傲慢,不听别人意见,会阻碍我的发展 3、发誓要在研究生改变自己,让自己更适合做管理 4、多参加活动,组织活动,锻炼自己的领导能力,团队意识和人际交往技巧 5、进一步加强自己的科研能力,学会在压力下工作,通过各种锻炼来改变自己 6、朋友们改变了对我的看法,我也正在通过自己的努力,实现自己经理人的梦想Eg.3 To be a manager In my undergraduate campus life, when I said I wanted to be a manager and I really admired some CEOs, my parents and my friends would said that the most appropriate work for me was to be an engineer. In their opinion, I was not competent to be a manager or leader because of my improper characteristic. Yes, they were right. I did have some shortcoming that would ruin my manager dream. But I decided to overcome my bad habits and improve my general ability in my postgraduate life. In my opinion, the best class for me is to exercise, so I needed practice to improve myself. In the past year, I organized several activities to improve my leadership, such as the voluntary service in the 8th Harbin International Automotive Industry Exhibition. Meanwhile, I joined Student Management Council of our dormitory to work with other colleagues in order to improve my teamwork spirit. In this process, my interpersonal skills and problem solving skills were largely improved and some of my bad habits had been changed after these exercises. Today my friends have changed their mind and most of them think I could be competent to many jobs not only to be an engineer but also to be a good manager. Im trying my best to realize my dream.2、Summarize a situat
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