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Unit 3 Attracting or Making InvestmentContentsAttracting or Making Investment 1Investment Environment 2Rudimentary Knowledge 3Additional Practice 4Introduction Investment or investing is a term with several closely-related meanings in business management, finance and economics, related to saving or deferring consumption. Investing is the active redirection of resources: from being consumed today, to creating benefits in the future; the use of assets to earn income or profit. An investment is a choice by an individual or an organization such as a pension fund, after at least some careful analysis or thought, to place or lend money in a vehicle (e.g. property, stock securities , bonds) that has sufficiently low risk and provides the possibility of generating returns over a period of time. Placing or lending money in a vehicle that risks the loss of the principal sum or that has not been thoroughly analyzed is, by definition speculation, not investment.Part 1 Attracting or Making InvestmentA Write down the sentences you here from the tape, and put them into Chinese. You will here the sentences three times. 1 The joint venture company may sell its products on the international market. 合资公司可以直接在国际市场上销售其产品。 2 The production scale of the joint venture is as follows. 合资企业的生产规模如下。3 We believe that it will be beneficial to both of us if we begin dealings on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 我们相信如果我们在平等互利的基础上开展贸易,这对我们 双方都有好处。 4 We can assure you that such a thing will not happen again in the future 我们向你保证,这样的事情以后不会再发生了。B Listen to the following dialogue and complete the following sentences. Keys: 1US $3 million 2 US$1.5 million 350% of the total investment 450% of the products 5 20 years 6 the board of directorsC Listen to the passage and fill in the blanksKeys: 1growth 2 markets 3 investors 4domestic money 5 interest 6confidence 7 investors 8 faith 9 economic 10 dangerPart 2 Investment EnvironmentListen to the Dialogue without referring to your book. Complete the following sentences in your own words. (exercise A in page 41) opening to the outside world 对外开放 overseas investors 海外投资者Dialogue 1 Pave the Way to Absorb Foreign InvestmentUseful Expressions preferential term 优惠条件 stable investment environment 稳定的投资环境 inland/coastal city 内陆/沿海城市 improve work efficiency 提高工作效率 issue regulations 颁布/出台规定 foreign economic affairs 涉外经济事务 facilitate foreign investment 增加外来投资Learn and translate the following sentences: I am pleased to say that weve attained a satisfactory result since we began our cooperation last May.我很高兴地说自从我们去年五月开始合作以来,我们已经取 得了令人满意的成果。 Considering the broad prospects before us Id like to discuss the possibility of building a joint venture with you.考虑到我们面临的广阔的前景,我想和您探讨一下建立合资 企业的可能性。Chinas policy of opening to the outside world provides the broadest prospects for overseas investors.中国的对外开放政策为海外投资者提供了最广阔的前景。 The provincial government and the city municipality have already taken measures to improve work efficiency and investment conditions to meet the demands of foreign investors. 省政府和长沙市当局已经采取了措施来提高工作效率,改 善投资条件以满足外国投资者的要求。 The Changsha Technology Industrial Development Zone has issued a series of regulations favoring foreign investors and adopted more flexible policies in foreign economic affairs.长沙技术产业开发区已经颁布了一系列对外来投资者有利的 规定,并且在涉外经济事务中采取了更为灵活的政策。You may rest assured that Chinas political and economic situation is stable, and will remain stable.请您放心,中国的政治和经济形势很稳定,并且以后也会 保持稳定。 We appreciate your enthusiasm and far- sightedness.我们欣赏您的热情和远见。 You are a man of action.您是一个实干家。/您是一个讲求实际行动的人。Practice: translate the following into English.1.我非常高兴的看到自从我们去年达成协议以来,我们之间 的合作业已取得了很大的进展。 2.鉴于我们当前所面临的财政困境,我们很遗憾地通知贵方 我们想撤销投资。 3.中国广阔的市场为国内外企业提供了良好的发展平台。 4.金融危机爆发以来,中国政府已经采取了一整套行之有效 的措施来刺激消费,拉动经济增长。 5.请您放心,中国的对外开放政策将会长期保持不变。Suggested answers1. I am pleased to notice that the cooperation between us has made great progress since we came to an agreement last year. 2. In view of the financial difficulty before us, we regret to inform you that wed like to withdraw the investment. 3. The broad market in china provides the enterprises both at home and abroad a good platform for growth.4. Since the explosion of financial crisis, the Chinese government has taken a full set of effective measures to stimulate consumption and drive economic growth. 5. You may rest assured that Chinas policy of opening to the world will remain unchanged for a long period of time to come.Dialogue 2 Make Investment in Another country. Listen to Dialogue 2 without referring to your book. Complete the following sentences in your own words. (exercise B in page 42) Useful expressions pending matters 悬而未决的事;有待解决的事 hammer down 敲定,钉住 Distribution of dividend 分红,红利的分配 Learn the following expressions and translate them into Chinese. As regards the amount of investment and
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