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模联主席用语指导 1、会议开场 Hello, every delegate. Im the chair of this conference; first of all, lets introduce our dais here, the first chair XXX, the second chair XXX, and the secretary/director XXX.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席,首先介绍主席团成员:第一主席 XXX,第二主席 XXX,会议指导、会议秘书 XXX。 2、点名 OK,lets start roll call. The delegate be called please raise your card or your hand, and say “present”(chair/secretary repeat: the delegate of XX is present or abstain)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌或手,答“到” 。 (代表答到以后,主席/秘书重 复:某国代表到、缺席) OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX.现在我们有 XX 代表出席会议,那么,我们的简单多数将是 XX,三分之二多数将是 XX。 3、设定议题 Because we have two topic today,so lets start set topic. 因为本会议有两个议题,所以我们将进行议题先后设置。 The first topic is XXXXX, The delegate who confirms the topic one, please raise your card or hands.第一个议题是:XXXXX,同意先讨论议题一的请举手或国家牌。 The second topic is XXXXX, the delegate who confirms this topic, please raise your card or hands.议题二是:XXXXX,同意先讨论议题二的请举手或国家牌。 See, we will talk the first/second topic. After we finish the topic one/two we will talk about topic two/one.大多数代表同意先讨论第一/第二议题,在我们完成第一个议题以后,我们将接着讨论第二 个议题。 4、设定发言名单 Ok, we will set up our speakers list, the delegate who want speak, please raise your card.现在我们将设定发言名单,想要发言的代表请举起国家牌。 5、正式发言 From our speakers list, the delegate of XX, you have 2 minutes to address your body.根据我们的发言名单,X 国代表,你有两分钟来陈述你的立场。 Thanks the delegate from XX. 谢谢 XX 代表。 6、动议或问题 Is there any motion or point on the floor?场下有无动议或问题? (When people raise hand/card call their countrys name)XX country!XX 代表。 Is there a second?有没有附议国? Si, lets start vote.让我们进行投票。 This motion definitely passes/failed.这个动议通过了。(有组织核心磋商) the delegate of XX, you want be the first or the last one?(针对动议国代表)X 国代表,你希望作为第一个,或者是最后一个。 Except thats delegate, we also need X more delegate. The entire delegate who wish to speak, please raise your hand/card除开动议过代表,我们还需要另外 X 位代表。剩余代表,有没有愿意发言的请举起国家牌/ 手。 (无组织核心磋商)si, now the delegate you have 5 minutes. 所有代表注意,现在你们有 5 分钟的自由讨论时间。 Times up! The delegate, please go back to your seat.时间到,各位代表请回位。 So, now lets go back to the speakers list.好,现在我们回到发言名单。主席警告 XX 代表不要骂脏话。 The chair warns the delegate from xxxx not to use bad words.
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