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120172017 年四川省成都市高考英语一诊试卷年四川省成都市高考英语一诊试卷第一部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分听力(共两节,满分 3030 分)分)1What was the weather like when the man got home?ASnowyBCloudyCRainy2Where are the speakers?AOn a shipBIn an exhibition hallCIn a classroom3What will the man do?A,Make a cup of teaBHave a cup of teaCBoil water4What does the man suggest?AFinding out the reason BSticking to playingCQuitting chess5How old is the man now?AAbout 20 BNearly 40 COver 606听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题6Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?ATeacher and studentBFather and daughterCBoss and employee7What happened to Mary?AShe didnt do well in the examBShe was made to take a walkCShe was scolded by her mother8听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题8Whats wrong with the man?A,He cant see clearly sometimesBHe has a headacheCHe has broken his leg9What will the doctor do next?ACall an expert immediately2BOperate on the eyesCGive some tests10听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题10Where is the womans room?AOn the 2nd floorBOn the 3rd floorC On the 4th floor11Where can the woman get free WiFi?AIn her hotel roomBIn the parking lotCIn the restaurant12What does the woman decide to do finally?ACancel the reservationBMove to another hotelCStay in the hotel13听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题13How many job offers has the woman got?ANoneBOneCThree14Where is the womans hometown?ANew YorkBBostonCCalifornia15Why hasnt the man got a job?AHe is inexperienced in workingBHe hasnt sent any applicationCHe wants to continue his education16Who are the speakers?AFellow studentsBPeople out of workCHigh school teachers17听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题17On which Channel can you learn about the Election campaign?3AChannel 6BChannel 8CChannel 1118Which program provides local information?AThe NewsBWhats OnCNight Time19What do we know about the game shows?AYou can watch them on Channel IlBYou can read more program guidelinesCYou can get gifts by answering questions20What is the passage about?AThe best channelBEntertaining programsCEveryday TV shows第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分 4040 分)分)21Everyday Foodby Martha StewartNo matter how busy you are,at the end of the day you want meals that are easy to prepareAnd you want lots of choices and variationsYoull find all of that in this book:250 simple recipes for delicious meals that bring freshness and nutritionPaperback,published by Random House,$16.79Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld,Margo Lanagan,Deborah Biancotti NewYorkTimes bests elling author Scott Westerfeld teams upwith Margo Lanagan and Deborah Biancotti inthe book about six teenagers with amazing abilitiesThese teenagers have powers that set them apartThey can dot hings ordinary people cantPaperback,published by Simon Schuster,$12.994Mrghty Jackby Ben HatkeJaek dislikes summerBut hes got a good reason:summer is when his single mom takes a second job and leaves him at home to watch his sister,Maddylts lots of responsibility,and its boring,too,because Maddy doesnt talkEverBut one day,at the market,Maddy does talklo tell Jack to trade their moms car for a box of mysterious seedsIts the best mistake Jack has ever madeHardcover,published by First Second,$14.15Only Daughterby Anna Snoekstra Shes caught stealingShes homeless and on the runBut she happens to look the same as a girl who went missing a decade ago,Rebecca WinterShe assumes Rebeccas identity,using it as a way outLittle does she know her new life as Rebecca is itself a prison and it looks like a killer might be after herKindle edition,published by Harlequin Enterprises,$8.8821Who wrote a book to help you cook a meal? AMartha StewartBAnna SnoekstraCBen HatkeDScott Westerfeld22How much should readers pay for a story about a boys amazing experience? A.8.88B.12.99 C.14.15D.16.7923How is Zeroes different from the rest books? 5AIt tells a storyBIts in paperbackCIts quite popularDIts a cowritten book24What do we know about Only Daughter? AIts heroine enjoys her life on the runBIts heroine Iives with a false identityC,It provides different kinds of editionsDIt is written by Harlequin Enterprises25I remember the first time I got on a horseWhen I was a little boy aged two,my mom agreed to Let me take a short ride and that was it!From then on,I drove my parents crazy Begging for a horseWhen I was four,I had Mutism,in which children stop speaking in certain social situationsI went days,weeks months without a sound at schoolAt most,I might quietly whisper to a friendI suffered silently through school until I was ten when a psychologist had an idea,He asked me what I wanted more than anything else in theworldHe explained I was going to be given an opportunity to work for thatAnd I was permitted to whisper the answer in my mothers ear,“A horse“I was to get a pony,but I had to Live up to my end of the bargainI had a chart of weekly tasks I had t
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