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硕士学位论文 硕士学位论文 顾客参与对国内商业银行服务创新 的影响研究 RESEARCH ON THE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION ON SERVICE INNOVATION IN DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL BANKS 张张 鸿鸿 哈尔滨工业大学 哈尔滨工业大学 2009 年年 6 月 月 国内图书分类号:F832.33 学校代码:10213 国际图书分类号:336.71 密级:公开 管理学硕士学位论文管理学硕士学位论文 顾客参与对国内商业银行服务创新 的影响研究 硕 士 研 究 生:张 鸿 导 师:石春生教授 申请学位:管理学硕士 学科:企业管理 所 在 单 位:经济与管理学院 答 辩 日 期:2009 年 6 月 授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index:F832.33 U.D.C.:336.71 Dissertation for the Master Degree in Management RESEARCH ON THE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION ON SERVICE INNOVATION IN DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL BANKS Candidate: Zhang Hong Supervisor: Prof. Shi Chunsheng Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Management Speciality: Business Management Affiliation: School of Economics and Management Date of Defence: June, 2009 Degree-Conferring-Institution:Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文 - - I摘 要 随着金融体制改革的不断深入和市场竞争全球化趋势的发展,我国商业银行面临的竞争将愈加激烈。同时,顾客需求的个性化、多样化程度越来越高,商业银行想要获得竞争优势,赢得更多顾客,必须不断进行服务创新,提高服务质量。 商业银行服务创新有别于制造业内的有形产品创新或技术创新,创新过程中的所有阶段都离不开顾客的参与。可以说,顾客参与创新过程是商业银行服务创新最显著的特点。近年来国内外学者也开始关注客户这一群体对商业银行服务创新的重要性。然而尚没有将顾客参与视为自变量,研究其对商业银行服务创新的影响的先例。因此,本文试图填补这一空白。 本文首先从国内外相关研究的理论成果出发,从项目层面对商业银行服务创新过程进行剖析,提出商业银行服务创新过程的本质是知识转移。之后,对顾客参与的内涵进行了界定,介绍了顾客参与的维度划分,并给出符合商业银行特点的划分方式。最后,从理论上分析了顾客参与对商业银行服务创新的影响,并提出影响作用的理论模型。 接下来借助对哈尔滨地区的商业银行的问卷调查进行了实证研究,运用SPSS 统计软件对数据进行因子分析、 相关分析和回归分析, 统计分析的结果基本证实了研究假设,主要结论如下: (1)在商业银行服务创新活动中,顾客参与行为对顾客知识转移有正向影响,但是顾客参与各维度对顾客知识转移的影响程度是不同的,其中信息分享影响程度最大,人际互动次之,合作行为影响相对最小。 (2)顾客知识转移对商业银行服务创新绩效有显著的正向影响。 (3)顾客参与对商业银行服务创新绩效有正向影响,但是顾客参与影响服务创新绩效是通过中间变量顾客知识转移的中介作用实现的,即顾客参与各维度通过影响顾客知识转移,进而影响服务创新绩效。 最后在以上研究的基础上从顾客参与的角度为商业银行开展服务创新活动提出对策和建议。 关键词:服务创新;顾客参与;商业银行;知识转移哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文 - - IIAbstract With the continuing reform of the financial system and increasingly globalization of market competitors, Chinas commercial banks will face more intense competition. At the same time, with a higher degree of individualization and diversification of customer demand, Chinas commercial banks must continue to innovate and improve service quality to gain competitive advantages and win more customers. Service innovation in commercial banks is different from tangible product innovation or technological innovation in the manufacturing sector. All stages of the process of innovation can not be separated from customer participation. It can be argued that customer participation in the process of innovation is the most significant characteristic of service innovation in commercial banks. In recent years, scholars have started to pay attention to the importance of the group of customers to service innovation in commercial banks. However, there is not yet precedent which regards customer participation as independent variable to study its impact on service innovation in commercial banks. Therefore, this study intends to fill this blankness. Firstly, this paper starts from the analysis of in-out-country research fruits, explores the process of service innovation in commercial banks and proposes that the essence of this process is knowledge transfer. Then, author educes the definition of customer participation and brings forward a way of dimension division which is in practice proved to be able to better reflect the behavior of customers participation in the process of service innovation in commercial banks. At the end, this paper analyses the impact of customer participation on service innovation in commercial banks, and constructs a theoretical model which describes the impact path. Next, an empirical study is conducted to verify the theoretical model by a survey of the commercial banks located in Harbin. Using SPSS statistical software, data is studied by factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results of the statistical analysis basically verify the research hypothesis, and we can obtain the following research conclusions: 哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文 - - III(1) in the service innovation activities in commercial banks, customer participation behavior has a positive impact on customer knowledge transfer, but the impact degrees of customer participations three dimensions are different, the impact of information sharing is the biggest, interpersonal interaction is the next, and the impact of cooperative behavior is the smallest. (2) customer knowledge transfer has a positive impact on project innovation performance, and the impact is very significant. (3) customer participation has a positive impact on service innovation performance in commercial banks, but the impact is realized through the intermediate function of customer knowledge transfer, that is, three dimensions of customer participation through affecting customer knowledge transfer, thereby affect service innovation performance. Lastly, on the basis of the above analysis, this paper draws out some suggestions on how to carry out service innovation activities in commercial banks from the perspective of customer participation. Key words : servi
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