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摘 要随着电磁式交互电子白板运用的设计制造日渐成熟,其运用也日渐广泛。 在电子白板的用户中,近 90%来自教育行业,近 10%来自商业用户,其它为 军事、政府等机构,由此可看出电子白板在教育领域受到了广大师生的亲睐。 但电子白板属于精密的电子仪器,对于其内部结构的紧密性和稳定性又很高的 要求,所以设计一台电子白板振动装置是很具有重要的理论意义和实用价值的。本设计通过对振动装置的调查和研究,对装置的原理和结构进行了探讨和 分析,提出了装置运动系统的设计思路。其次,讨论和确定了装置的总体结构 布局。本装置的运动系统分为主运动系统和振动系统,主运动系统采用卷扬机 控制吊机起吊以吊起载物台达到多角度振动的目的,振动系统选择了电磁式激 振器,内部电磁线圈通入交流电后,铁心与衔铁发生相对振动而达到起振的目 的。再次,对装置电路结构和组件部件的选用进行了详细的计算和选取。 本设计所述的电子白板振动装置,有着安装方便、结构简单、制造成本低 等优点,主要运用与中型电子白板的检验。关键词:电子白板;电磁振动;运动系统。IAbstractWith the electromagnetic interactive whiteboard application in design and manufacture of increasingly mature, its use has become widespread. The electronic whiteboard users nearly 90% from the education industry nearly 10% from business users, the other for military, government and other institutions, which can be seen in the field of education electronic whiteboard by teachers and students of the pro-lai. But the electronic whiteboard to sophisticated electronic equipment for its internal structure, tightness and stability and very high demand, so the design of an electronic whiteboard vibration detecting device has the important theory significance and the practical value.Based on the investigation and Study on vibration detecting device, the detecting device principle and structure was discussed and analyzed, put forward the detection device motion system design. Secondly, discuss and determine the detection device structure layout. The device of the motion system is divided into a main motion system and the vibration system, main movement system adopts winch control crane hoist to lift stage reach multi-angle vibration detection purposes, vibration system selects electromagnetic vibration exciter, the internal electromagnetic coil into alternating current, caring and the armature relative vibration and the vibration objective. Once again, the detector circuit structure and assembly of components of a detailed calculation and selection. The electronic whiteboard detection device, has convenient installation, simple structure, low manufacturing cost advantages, main application and medium-sized electronic whiteboard detection.Keywords:Electronic whiteboard; Electromagnetic vibration; Motion system.II目 录摘 要I AbstractII第 1 章 绪 论11.1 电磁式交互电子白板简 介11.2 电磁式交互电子白板起源及其发展情 况31.2.1 电磁式交互电子白板起源及其国外发展情 况31.2.2 电磁式交互电子白板国内发展情 况31.3 研究电磁式交互电子白板振动装置的目的和意 义3 第 2 章 系统分析及方案制 定42.1 基本参 数42.2 总体布局要 求42.3 总体方案确 定5III2.4 总体方案工作原 理62.5 振动装置运动系统方案设 计62.5.1 振动装置的总体结 构62.5.2 运动方 案8 第 3 章 主运动系统的设计及校 核93.1 振动体系的选 型93.1.1 整体结 构93.1.2 激振 器93.1.3 激振器安装情 况10 3.2 卷扬机的选 型113.2.1 卷扬机介 绍113.2.2 卷扬机计算与选IV型123.2.3 卷扬机安装情 况153.3 减震器弹簧的初步选型与计 算173.3.1 初选参 数173.3.2 计算弹簧 丝173.3.3 弹簧丝安装情 况193.4 载物台转动轴的初步选型与计 算203.4.1 转动轴基础参数的初 选203.4.2 转动轴的强度校 核203.4.3 转动轴轴承基础参数的计 算223.4.4 转动轴及轴承的安装情 况
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