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电视 电视是一种兼有视、听觉的现代化广告媒体,它综合运用文字图像、色彩、声 音和活动等丰富多彩的艺术表现手法,而且还配上实物表演的生动画面,使人 产生身临其境的艺术效果。 1、电视广告的分类 (1)、普通电视广告片。 (2)、标板。 标板时间较短,一般为 5 秒,甚至更短,通常只有一两个体现企业形象的画面 和一句广告语,但由于该类广告对提高企业的知名度和提升企业形象有很大帮 助,因此为很多企业看好。 (3)、栏目冠名广告或角标广告。 将电视台的某些栏目以企业的名称或产品的品牌命名,部分省市电视台经常出 现的“XX 剧场”、“本节目由 XX 特约播出”等形式,目前又出现角标广告形 式,即将药品名放在荧屏的一角上,有时 23 个角标广告一起播放。 (4)、直销广告 这是一种一般长度在 2 分钟以上的广告片,内容大多是对产品功能的介绍和演 示。同其他电视广告最大的不同之处是,这种广告一般会出现产品的价格,并 一律会提供一个销售热线供人们电话订购。 (5)、贴片广告 这种广告在内容上同普通电视广告片或标板没有什么区别,不同之处在于它的 播放时间。所谓贴片,就是定在某一部电视连续剧中插播。 (6)、字幕广告。 部分地方电视台,尤其是市县电视台在播放节目时会在屏幕下方打字幕,播放 产品信息,这种形式虽然较易引起人们的反感,属于被禁之列,但不可否认, 该类广告有一定的效果,尤其是在播放促销信息时。但要注意,部分地方电视 台和有线电视台在转播其他电视台节目时经常有违规现象,把别人的广告删去, 插上自己的广告,所以在做区域性广告时,选择哪个台,一定要先了解这种情 况有多严重,否则广告就白做了。 2、电视专题及其特点。 我们所讲的电视专题,是指根据预先确定的主题和诉求,运用声像技术,通过 电视传播手段,以新闻报道、新闻评论、科普介绍、产品故事等多种表现形式, 向电视观众宣传企业或产品、传递各类诉求信息的一种电视宣传体裁。 电视专题作为一种“软广告”形式,已被越来越多的企业运用,并在营销宣传 中发挥巨大的作用,之所以如此,主要在于电视专题区别于其他广告宣传形式 的独特优越性。 (1)、时间长。专题片的长度一般都在 2 分钟以上,允许达到 15 分钟或者更 长,由于专题片所涉及传递的诉求点较多,时间长度若太短,则不能很好地达 到宣传的目的和效果,这是 5 秒、15 秒、30 秒广告所无法比拟的。 (2)、信息量大。由于专题片的时间长度较长,镜头数量较多、解说,画外音 等也相应增多,因而可以包含比较丰富的诉求信息。 (3)、表现形式丰富。专题新闻、新闻评论、综合性专题新闻、科普专题、故 事性专题、回顾专题、艺术性专题等等。 (4)、真实性强,真实性是电视专题必须具备的基本特性,离开了真实性,也 不成其为专题,同时宣传也就失去了意义。(5)、宣传的易接受性:由于时间长能包容大量的信息,利于讲事实、摆道理、 充分叙述、议论、抒情,以事实服人,以情动人,易使观众信服,在信服的基 础上接受诉求,而不仅仅是接受信息。 (6)、花费少,可操作性强,在各种电视宣传手段中,就制作而言,电视专题 是花费最少的,一部 5 分钟的专题片,最多花费几千块钱,但一部五分钟的电 视文艺作品,制作费少则几万,多则上十万,而一部五秒钟的品牌广告,其制 作费协辄几万、几十万,因此,相对于品牌广告、文艺作品而言,电视专题的 花费是比较少的,同时,由于专题片一般不需要搭景,布光,也不强求过高的 艺术性,因而易于操作。报纸 报媒是一种大众传播媒体,即我们通常所说的报纸。报媒的种类很多,主要有 日报、晚报、广电报以及各类专业性报媒等。下面就介绍一下常用的几种主要 报媒及其特点:日报 (1)、权威性强,可信度高。 (2)、阅读群体知识层次较高,且主要集中于行政机关,企事业单位。 (3)、内容以新闻报道为主,生活栏目不够丰富。 (4)、生命周期短,消费者在阅读完之后,一般就随手扔掉,不再注意。 晚报的特点 (1)、生活气息浓。生活化内容较多,与百姓生活贴得更近,更为老百姓所关 注。 (2)、栏目丰富。晚报的栏目相对于其他类型的报媒而言,要丰富的多,因而 读者阅读时的选择性也就更大。 (3)、阅读群体较广。Television Television is a kind of both visual, auditory and modern advertising media, it is the integrated use of text image, color, sound and activities such as rich and colorful artistic technique of expression, but also with a vivid picture of the real show, make the person produces the artistic effect of be personally on the scene. 1, television advertisement classification ( 1), an ordinary TV commercials. ( 2), mark plate. Standard plate for a shorter period of time, usually 5 seconds, or even less, usually only one or two to reflect the corporate image picture and the slogan, but because this type of advertising to increase their visibility and enhance corporate image to have the very big help, so many enterprise value. ( 3), title sponsor advertisements or corner sign advertisement. Will television some columns to enterprises name or product brand name, some provinces and cities television stations often appear “ XX Theatre“,“ the program from the XX special broadcast“ wait for a form, there appeared new forms of advertising, the drug name on screen on a corner, sometimes 2, 3 corner sign advertisement to play. ( 4), direct marketing advertising This is a generally the length of over 2 minutes of commercials, most of the content is the product function introduction and presentation. Other television advertising with the biggest difference is, this kind of advertising will be the price of the product, and will not provide a sales hotline for people to call to order. ( 5), the advertisement This kind of advertisement in content with the ordinary television commercials or target no difference, it is different from the play time. The patch, is set in a television series broadcast. ( 6), subtitle advertisement. Some local television stations, especially the county television station is broadcasting programs in the bottom of the screen play subtitles, play the product information, although this kind of form is more liable to cause resentment, which was proscribed, but undeniable, this kind of advertisement has certain effect, especially in broadcast sales information. But beware, some local television and cable television in a broadcast programs of other stations often irregularities, the others ad deleted, inserted his own advertising, in doing so, regional advertising, choose which stage, must first understand the seriousness of the situation, or advertising is ruined. In 2, the TV special subject and its characteristics. We told the television feature, is defined according to the predetermined theme and demand, use of audio-visual technology, via a TV communication means, in news reports, news commentary, popular science, product introduction story and many kinds of manifestation, to television viewers propaganda enterprise or product, transfer all kinds of demand information in a television genre. The TV special subject as a“ soft “ advertising form, has been more and more enterprises apply, and in marketing play a huge role, so, mainly lies in the TV special subject is distinguished from other advertising forms the unique superiority. ( 1), a long time. The feature film length generally in more than 2 minutes, allowing up to 15 minutes or longer, due to spec
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