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上汽乘用车公司 2012 校园招聘应聘登记表1 / 4应应 聘聘 岗岗 位位 Application Categories请选择所应聘的实习方向(大类限选请选择所应聘的实习方向(大类限选 1 项)项)(Please select the candidates by post categories 研发研发 R * I promise the contents I have filled out are true, and I will be subject to disciplinary action for the practise fraud, including dismissal; * My employment depends on my physical examination and graduation (getting the diploma and degree certificates); * I understand that it is necessary for the company to check the information by agents; * I am convinced that my information will not be disclosed to the others without my permission; * I am committed I will submit to the work arrangements upon employment; * I am committed I will strictly implement the secret salary system of the company, and wont disclose my compensation to others.签签名名(Signature): 日期日期(Date):
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