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體育教師暑期學校體育教師暑期學校 2009 教學工作坊教學工作坊 課程資課程資 A. 基本資 課程名稱: (中文) 教師舞蹈藝術體驗工作坊 (初級班) (英文) Dance Arts Journey for School Teachers Workshop (Elementary Level) 編號: AC 日期: 28 29/7/2009 時間: 9:15 17:45 地點: (中文) 城市當代舞蹈團舞蹈中心,九黃大仙沙田坳道 110 號地下七號排室(黃大仙地鐵站 A 出口轉左、沿往慈雲出色小巴線總站斜步約 5分鐘) (英文) CCDC Dance Centre, Studio 7, G/F, 110 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon (MTR Wong Tai Sin Station Exit A, turn left at the mini-bus stop, and walk straight forward for about 5 minutes.) 對象: 在職中小學體育師 (適合初學者或對舞蹈有興趣的教師) 名額: 30 人 B. 導師 策劃導師: (中文) 鄺韻儀士 (英文) Ms. Ronly Kong 導師: (中文) CCDC 舞蹈中心導師 (英文) CCDC Dance Centre Instructors 資 / 簡介: (中文)鄺韻儀 鄺韻儀 中學時期隨方雲琴師學習中國民族舞,先後考獲香港演藝學院 現代舞高級文憑 1989,香港賽馬會 1989 至 1992 獎學、美 國猶他大學藝術學士學位 1992、PIP 藝術學校表演藝術證書 2006 至 2008 及法國戲劇大師 Philippe Gaulier 之通俗劇及小丑大師工作 坊證書 2007 及 2008。曾為本地及海外團體演出、編舞及教學。 創作超過 70 齣舞蹈小品 。 1989 至 1992 為猶他大學舞蹈團成員 , 並於 1990 獲出色表演者美譽。1994 至 1996 為城市當代舞蹈 團二團舞者。於 1998 至 2003 學校舞蹈節中以作品穿梭鳥 、 前進 、 身由己 、 變 、 趕騷之 、 湧和長在 心的翅膀榮獲編舞獎 。並由 1992 起擔任學校現代舞 培訓計劃的課程統籌及導師,培養學生無。近為多間中學 編寫及設計舞蹈藝術科課程,出任青的天空及舞蹈青 的藝術統籌及編舞,舞作並於香港、廣州、台灣及曼谷作交表演。亦被邀擔任馬西亞第二屆全國舞蹈培訓營導師。剛於 2009 1 月首次發表個人創作獨舞展隨.時.變 ,大獲好評。 現為城市當代舞蹈團CCDC舞蹈中心外展事務經及周生生舞蹈 培訓獎學計劃彩色青春導師,身兼政、導師、編舞及司 儀。 資 / 簡介: (英文)Ronly Kong Kong graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1989. She has received the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music Fund Scholarship 1989-1992, her B.F.A. magna cum laude in modern dance from the University of Utah in the United States in 1992, PIP School Certificate in Performing Arts 2006-2008 and Philippe Gaulier Master Workshop Certificate of Clown and Melodrama 2007 and 2008 . She has been a dancer, choreographer, and instructor in various productions in and out of Hong Kong. Being a dancer with the University of Utah Performing Dance Company from 1989 to 1992, she received the Orchesis Award for Outstanding Performance in 1990. From 1994 to 1996 she danced with City Contemporary Dance Company 2. From 1992 until now, Kong has choreographed over 70 dance pieces. Her choreographies of “Come & Go”, “Keep Going”, “Out of Control”, “Surge”, “Show Tour”, “Waving” and “Wings in Heart” have attained the Choreography Award in the 34th to 38th Schools Dance Festival respectively. Recently, she designs dance curriculum for various secondary schools. She has also been the artistic co-ordinator and choreographer of Young Sky and WuDaoQingNian. Her choreographies have been on tour performance in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Taiwan and Bangkok. In Aug 2006, she was invited to Malaysia to be an instructor for the Malaysia National Dance Training Camp. She has just created her first solo performance “r language” in Jan 2009. Currently, she is the CCDC Dance Centre Outreach Affairs Manager and the instructor of Chow Sang Sang Dance Training Scholarship Scheme “Teens of Colours”. She plays the roles of dance administrator, instructor, choreographer and master of ceremony respectively. C. 課程概要 課程大綱 (中文) 認同形式的舞蹈藝術基礎習,鼓教師透過個人體驗,應用於課堂並增加學生的藝術情操。 (英文) The Dance Arts Journey will let you experience the basic approaches of different dance styles. Teachers are encouraged to use dance as a channel to enrich students knowledge in performing arts. 學員所需自備之裝束/設備 (中文及英文) 請穿著舒適運動服及赤腳加工作坊,宜穿著牛仔褲。加者必須出席所有工作坊。 Please do not wear jeans for class. Sports or dance wear is advisable . Participants are required to attend all classes. D. 課程大綱及時間表 日期 時間 教授主題 28/07/2009 9:15 9:30 簡介 9:30 11:30 現代舞技巧 - 透過基本習,認身體的活動潛能、協調性及節奏感。 11:30 11:40 小 息 11:40 13:10 功夫舞 - 功夫舞是一種極富動感,揉合功夫動作而創作的舞蹈。 13:10 14:15 午膳時間 14:15 16:15 雙人舞技巧 - 介紹雙人合作、平衡及抬舉技巧。 16:15 17:45 舞 - 節拍強勁,訓身體協調和活反應。 29/07/2009 9:15 11:30 舞蹈欣賞 - 透過欣賞同舞蹈劇目的選段,解表達意的同手法及評賞重點。 11:30 11:40 小 息 11:40 13:10 又唱又跳 - 嘗試又唱又跳,配合歌曲內容、表情及動作,演繹舞蹈選段。 13:10 14:15 午膳時間 14:15 16:15 雙人即興 - 無須語言、只須投入跟隨指示、將會發現意想到的信任、默和創意。 16:15 17:45 舞蹈教學分享 - 分享舞蹈教學方向、技巧、及注意事項。 参考資料:
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