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Lesson EightMan-made SatellitesPeriod Three平湖职业中专 吴美华二00三 年 六 月 十一日Teaching Aims and Requirementsn1.Review the words learned .n2.Teach the text .n3.Cultivate the ability to look on things correctly. Teaching Importmant Points: Understanding of the text.nTeaching Difficult Points:n1. Some language points.n2.The grammar.Teaching Contents and Procedures:nStep one : Review the words and expressions. Pay attention to some important words such as send up, station on earth, direct,relay,some kind of information, be different fromnStep Two: Listen to the tape-recorder.Step Three:简介 人造卫星n 1958年1月31日 ,美国第一颗人造 地球卫星“探险者 1”升空。此后,法 国、日本、中国和 英国等纷纷发射各 自的卫星。 据统计 ,现在已研制和发 射了各种人造卫星 4800多颗Our man-made satellitesn 中国是第五个能独 立发射卫星的国家。 1970年4月24日,我 国用自制“长征1”运 载火箭,成功地发射 了第一颗人造地球卫 星“东方红”1号.n n近年来,我国用长征 三号火箭先后发射了 1颗试验卫星、5颗东 方红二号系列通信卫 星、2颗风云二号气 象卫星、用长征三号 甲火箭发射了1颗实 践四号探测卫星、2 两颗东方红三号通信 卫星、1颗中星22号 通信卫星,这些卫星 中有10颗进入静止轨 道预定位置。气象卫星和通讯卫星n卫星观测天体不受大气层 的阻挡,实现全波段天文 观测,飞行速度快,可迅 速获取地球的大量信息。 不受领土、领空、地理和 气候条件限制,视野广阔 ,一张照片拍摄的面积可 达几万平方千米。卫星可“ 看到”40的地表,对通信 非常有利,可实现全球范 围的信息传递和交换。气象卫星和通讯卫星军用卫星n 在20世纪90年代初的 海湾战争上,美国就 几乎动用了各种类型 的军用卫星,首开了 世界军事航天史的先 河,它标志着陆、海 、空、天四维立体战 争的时代已经到来。Step Four: Text Learningn Read the text after the teacher.n Explain the text. Pay attention to some important points.in recent timethousands ofas asalmost all ofnot as big asnot all ofall kinds ofeither or since thenbetween nationsSome otherssome kind of定语从句-the attributive clausesnSo now thousands of these man-made objects, which are of different shapes and sizes, travel around the earth.nSatellites also send radio signals that direct ships and planes through all kinds of weather.nIn 1962, the United States launched the first satellite, which relayed TV programs between the United States and Europe.Answer these questions:1) What does the writer talk about in this text? He talks about man-made satellites. 2) Do you know man-made satellites?Yes, I know something about them. 3) How many man-made satellites are there in space now? There are thousands of man-made satellites in space now. 4) They dont travel around the earth,do they?Yes, they do.5) What do you know about the size of the man-made satellites?I know some of these are not as big as a hand;others are as tall as a building with twelve or thirteen floors.6) What are they? Some of these are weather satellites; some of these are scientific satellites;others are communication satellites.7)What have they been doing in space?They have been sending some kind of information to stations on earth. 8) By what country was the first communication satellite sent up ?And when was it sent up ? It was sent up by the United States in 1962. 9) What did it do in space then?It relayed TV programs between the United States and Europe. 10) How can people in England watch TV and listen to radio programs broadcast from the United States?An international communication systemhas been broadcasting TV and radio programs.Grammar: 现在完成进行时从课文中找出含有现在完成进行时的句子: 1) the Soviet Union and United States have been sending satellites into space. 2) other countries have also been sending up their satellites. 3) What have they been doing in space? 4) Almost all of the satellites have been sending some kind of information to stations on earth.5) satellites have been broadcasting TV and Radio programs and relaying thousands of 6) Communication satellites have been bringing the people of the world together. 7) We have been discovering via satellite broadcaststhat life-styles are different.现在完成进行时一、定义:表示从过去某时开始到现在这一段时间一直延续 , 并可能将继续进行下去的动作。构成形式:have (has) +been+ 现在分词(doing )二、用法: 1、在强调指出动作还未结束,还要继续下去时,不能用现 在完成时,而要用现在完成进行时,以免使人误以为动作 已经全部完成。 eg: Ive been writing the composition for two hours,but I havent finished it yet. 2、如果强调动作延续时间的长久或带有感情色彩时,用现 在完成进行时比现在完成时更好一些。 eg: We have been playing football for nearly 3 hours.n3、有时也表示一种到 “现在” 以前这个阶段反复发 生的事。n eg: He has been promising me to help you.n4、有些动词不能用于现在完成进行时,但可以用于 现 在完成时。n(1)表示状态的词,如:be, have, exist.n(2)表示感情的词,如:like, love, hate, detestn(3)表示感觉的词,如:see hear, know, feel, sound与现在完成进行时连用的时间状语:1)for twenty years 2) all the timethree months the daytwo hours the week 3) since thenlast year 4) How long 5)recently归纳:本节课的语法要点1、定语从句。 2、被动语态。 3、现在完成进行时。Homework1.Read the text deeply comprehention it. 2.Review the grammars in this lesson. 3.Read and recite the new words and expressions.二00三 年 六 月 十一日
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