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www.TopSage.com 大家网 1 / 11 更多精品在大家! http:/www.TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! 2010精讲笔记(剧本+注释) 2010精讲笔记(剧本+注释) 2010精讲笔记(剧本+注释).1 2012精讲之一.1 2012精讲之二.3 2012精讲之三.5 2012精讲之四.6 2012精讲之五.8 2012精讲之六.10 2012精讲之一精讲之一 本片段剧情:2012 年世界末日到来之前,地壳活动频繁,多处地区出现了裂缝。虽然有人对此引起了警 觉,但绝大多数人仍然一无所知。杰克逊如约带两个孩子去黄石国家公园露营,但他不知道那里即将成 为地壳活动的重灾区 精彩对白: Man on TV: This mass suicide was actually discovered by a documentary crew here in the ancient Mayan city of Takal. Now the victims, and weve seen many, are said to have adhered to the Mayan-Quiche calender, which predicts the end of time to occur on the 21st December of this year, due to the suns destructive forces. Woman on TV: Thank you, Mark. Strangely enough, scientific records do support the fact that we are heading for the biggest solar climax in recorded history. Many people believe that the Mayan Calender predicts that theres supposed to be a galactic alignment. Jackson: Im a dead man. Hey, Kate, Im practically on the freeway right now. Yes, Im rolling towards you as we speak. Would you relax? Ill be there any second. You know its a vacation and not a doctors appointment, right? Its supposed to be fun. You remember fun, dont you Kate? Do you remember where you were when it stopped being fun for you? Got it. Bug spray? Oh yeah, cause its mosquito season in Yellowstone. I got a whole bunch. I gotta go, Im in a bad reception area. Man: Woah, man. Would you look at that? Sick Woman: Merrill, I told you. We have to move back to Wisconsin. Woman on radio: These little mini-quakes are really getting on my nerves, Randy. Randy: Come on, a little surface crack, youre not gonna be inconvenienced by that Woman on radio: Right. Surface cracks, Ive got a plastic surgeon for that Randy: No kidding. Thank God for those shake-proof coffee mugs. They show the true nature of us Californians. Well not bow to these little inconvenient things like surface quakes. Do you have a funny mini-quake story and want to share it? Call Lisa Someone who is insane; A person who is obsessed with something (行 为古怪的人,疯子) 10. doomed:命中注定的,天数已尽的。例如:The project is doomed to fail.(这计划注定要失败。) 11. anarchy:无政府状态,政治混乱。例如:It is said that the country is in anarchy.(据说那个国家处于无 政府状态。) 12. make time:挤时间,抽空。 13. pass on:去世,一种讳称。 2012精讲之五精讲之五 本片段剧情:阿德里安和安豪塞登船了,两人为方舟卖票一事吵了起来。最早发现末日警报的科学家沙 南在大难临头之际还不忘打电话告诉阿德里安有一股巨浪袭击了印度。阿德里安质问安豪塞为什么没有 接沙南。各个方舟都已准备完毕,等待启航,而杰克逊一家还在追赶方舟的路上 精彩对白 Wilson: How were all these people chosen? Anheuser: Same way your Art was. By experts from all over the world. We had geneticists determine the perfect gene pool we need to repopulate. Adrian: These people were chosen by geneticists? Notice: All green card holders. Please proceed to hangar D-4 Wilson: Looks to me like their check books got them on board. Anheuser: Thats right, Dr. Wilson. Without billions of dollars from the private sector this entire operation wouldve been impossible. Adrian: We sold tickets? What about all these workers? They all get passes? Anheuser: What? Life isnt fair? Is that it? If you want to donate your passes, to a couple of Chinese workers, be my guest. Captain, I want a pre-launch briefing. All international teams present. Adrian: What the hell? What is this? They couldve fit 10 people in here. Satnam, where are you? Satnam: On the Nampan Plateau. Adrian: What? Satnam: Theres a tidal wave coming from the east. Its gigantic. Adrian: Satnam, what happened? Satnam: We never got picked up, Adrian. The airlift never came. Goodbye, my friend. Adrian: Satnam. Where are we set up? Woman: Over there. Adrian: Give me the satellite images from Napam, India. www.TopSage.com 大家网 9 / 11 更多精品在大家! http:/www.TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! Anheuser: Whats happening? Adrian: Satnam was talking about another wave, coming from the east. Anheuser: Holy mother of God. So the flooding will hit earlier? The second wave is closer? Adrian: Plug in the new data. Satnam didnt get picked up. Man: What? Anheuser: A lot of people didnt get picked up in this chaos. This is not a conspiracy, Helmsley. Your predictions havent exactly panned out, have they, Doctor? Man: Its ready. Adrian: Oh God, its 1500 meters high. When will
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