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中国科学技术大学硕士学位论文基于无线传感网络的能量有效跟踪系统关键技术研究姓名:徐涛申请学位级别:硕士专业:计算机软件与理论指导教师:黄刘生20090401 摘要摘要无线传感网络是由大量微传感节点间的相互协作来完成某一特定任务的自组织网络。作为一种新兴技术,无线传感网络有着广泛的应用前景,而定位跟踪正是无线传感网络的重要应用之一。在基于无线传感网络的跟踪应用中,能量有效性与定位跟踪精度是系统的主要衡量因素。在监测区域内没有被跟踪目标时,由于无线传感网络的节点通常是能量受限的,因此我们希望在保证对监测区域覆盖的情况下,通过关闭节点的无线电来节省能量,进而提高整个网络的生命周期。当目标进入监测区域时,我们能通过有效的节点定位机制来跟踪目标,对目标进行实时定位跟踪。针对于此,本文主要研究能量受限的定位跟踪系统中的两个关键问题:面向跟踪应用的节点调度问题研究和面向室内环境的实时定位跟踪问题研究;最后,在上述理论研究基础上,我们开发了基于无线传感网络的面向矿山井下矿工定位跟踪系统。构造无线传感网络中具有连通覆盖特性的节点子集是实现网络休眠调度、延长网络生命周期的关键技术之一,具有重要的研究意义。已有的研究大多侧重于k 覆盖节点子集构造问题,在一定条件下 k 覆盖子集能满足 k 连通,但通过构造k 覆盖节点子集来实现 k 连通会耗费过多的节点,代价较大。因此,本文提出了一个构造 k 连通 I 覆盖节点子集的算法CPC,能够用较少的节点构造一个既能满足网络的覆盖特性又能够满足 k 一连通特性的节点子集。本文证明了该算法的正确性,并通过仿真实验与相关算法进行了性能比较。结果表明,与已有的 k覆盖算法相比,CPC 算法能够节省约 55的节点数。在室内环境中,由于建筑结构复杂,且室内的射频传播特性受到多径干扰等因素的影响,因此室外定位系统不能简单地移植到室内环境中,需要针对室内环境的特点,重新设计适用于室内的定位跟踪系统。本文中,作者提出了基于 RSSI信号的室内定位方法 AIT。该方法首先通过区域定位算法 BCA 确定移动节点处于哪个区域,然后再通过点定位算法 SGL 对移动节点在该区域内进行精确的点定位,确定移动节点在区域内的具体位置。一旦确定移动节点所处的区域,则点定位时将只使用该区域内的锚节点信息进行定位,这样可以提高点定位的精度。同时,AIT 方法适用于不同规模的区域,因此适用范围更广。实验结果表明 BCA 算法将 MERIT 系统的区域定位准确度从 71提高到 86,而 SGL 算法与 Ecolocation算法相比减少了 32的定位误差。基于上述理论研究的基础上,我们开发了基于无线传感网络的矿山井下定位跟踪原型系统,本文着重介绍了系统服务器端的各功能模块的设计。目前该系统摘要正处于验收阶段。本文的主要贡献及创新点如下:1、首次提出了构造覆盖保持的 k 一连通节点子集的 CPC 算法,实现了用较少的节点便能满足网络覆盖又与 k连通特性,从而使得网络中其他节点可以进入休眠状态,节省整个网络的能量消耗,延长了网络寿命。2、将室内定位划分为区域定位和点定位两个过程。其中,区域定位算法 BCA提出了基于区域关联图的概念,设计了精确的区域判定机制;点定位算法 SGL 提出了基于格划分的概率定位算法,有效提高了定位精度。实验结果表明该方法与以往的系统相比,在定位精度上有较大的提高。3、基于上述理论研究的基础上,我们研究开发了基于无线传感网络的煤矿井下定位跟踪原型系统。目前该系统正处于验收阶段。关键词:无线传感网络能量有效定位跟踪覆盖连通;HABSTRACTABSTRACTWireless sensor networks ale self-organizing network which can finish certaintask by mutual collaboration between large numbers of microsensor nodesAs anemerging technology,wireless sensor networks have comprehensive applicationprospects,and location and tracking isone of important applications towirelesssensor networksIn the tracking application of wireless sensor networks,energy effectiveness andaccuracy of location and tracking are main factors tomeasure systemWhen themonitoring region has no tracking target,as aresult of the wireless sensor networknodes are usually energy constrained,we hope to ensure the coverage to monitoringregion,through the closure of the nodes radio to save energy,to improve the life of theentire networkFor this reason, this paper studies two key problems in the energyconstrainedlocation and tracking system:the node scheduling problem research totrackingapplication and the indoor realtime location tracking problem research toindoorenvironment;finally,based onthe above theory,we developed aminer locationtracking system to underground mine based on wireless sensor networksConstructing aconnected covering node subset isone of key technologies forenlarging lifetime and sleeping scheduling in wireless sensor networks,which isasignificantly important research areaThe previous researches focus on the kcoveringnode subset construction problemBecause kcovering subset iskconnected undercertain conditions,people study the k-connected subset construction problem lessHowever,constructing kcovering node subset as k-connected subset will use toomany nodes,the cost isgreatTherefore,this paper proposes akconnected and1-covered node subset construction algorithm-CPC,which can construct anodesubset that iscovering and k-connected with few nodesThis paper also proves thealgorithm。S correctness,and compares the performance with related algorithm bysimulationExperimental results show that compared with previous kcoveringalgorithms,CPC algorithm call save about 55of nodesIn the indoor environment,because of the complexity of building structure,andthe RF propagation characteristic is influenced by multi-path interference and otherfactors, the outdoor location system Call not simply be transplanted tothe indoorenvironment,we need to redesign the indoor location tracking system according toIIIABSTRACTthe characteristics of the indoor environmentIn this paper,the authors proposedRSSIbased indoor location method AITThe method first determines which regionthe mobile node in by region location algorithm BCA,and then precise point locationin the region which the mobile node in by point location algorithm SGL,to determinethe specific location of the mobile node in the regionOnce the mobile nodeS regionisdetermined, the point location will only use the anchor information in the region tolocate,this can improve the accuracy of point locationAt the same time,AIT methodcall be used for regions of different sizes,SO the application is broaderThe evaluationresults show that the BCA algorithm Can improve the precision of area decision ofMERIT from 71to 86,and the SGL algorithm decreases 32location errorcompared with Ecolocation algorithmBased onthe above theory research,we developed aminer location trackingprototype system to underground mine based on wireless sensor networksThis paperfocuses on the design of the functional modules which in the system serverAt present,the system is in the acc
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