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1UnitUnit 1 1 HowHow cancan wewe becomebecome goodgood learnerslearnersPeriodPeriod 6 6 (Section(Section B B 3a-Self3a-Self Check)Check)TeachingTeaching aims:aims:Train students writing skill.TeachingTeaching difficultdifficult points:points:Improve the students writing ability.TeachingTeaching proceduresproceduresRemarksRemarksStepStep 1 1 FreeFree talktalkTalk about how we can learn English well with your partner.How can we learn English well?by taking part in relevant activities in Englishby reading English storybook StepStep 2 2 3a3aTalk about the best ways to learn English and why. Make some notes in the chart.StepStep 3 3 3b3b 3b Write a letter to your friend. Give him /her some advice about the best ways to learn English. Use your notes in 3a.Use the following expressions to help you:There are three good ways to Step4Step4 SelfSelf CheckCheck 1 1 andand 2 2 1. Ask students to fill in each blank with a possible verb to make a phrasal verb.2. Number these sentences in order to make a conversation.Check their answers.Step6Step6 HomeworkHomework Finish off exercises in Section B.
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