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1ModuleModule 6 6 TheThe TangTang PoemsPoems.情景默写1.Last nights TV news said that by then the death of the missing people had not been proved(证明) yet.(湖北卷)2.It is reported that the businessman has donated(捐) a lot of money to the school.3.A survey of the America diet has revealed(透露) that a growing number of people are overweight.4.Although he did not admit his suffering(苦难),we could see he had a hard life from his weathered face.5.A man may have acquaintances(熟人) all over the world,but very few true friends.6.The failure(失败)was a big blow to him,but he wasnt discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.(2015福建卷)7.People are becoming less tolerant(宽容的) of smoking in public places these days.8.We must pay attention to our physical and mental(精神上的) health.9.We dont have enough books for everyone,so youll have to share(分享).10.The organization has launched(开始) a campaign to raise money for the Hope Project.11.We were cautioned(警告) not to make a lot of noise after ten in the evening.12.He glanced at(扫视)the clock and found it was time to pick up his son from school.13.People who approved of(赞同)the reform urged that education resources should be distributed among the members of society equally.14.It is known to us all that the Americas national emblem takes on(呈现)many 2different meanings.15.I used to correspond with(与通信)him regularly for three years,but later I lost touch with him.16.Ted made up his mind to give it up,but on second thoughts(经过重新考虑)he determined to try a third time.词性转换1.He failed again,but his repeated failure never discouraged him.He never admitted he was a failure.(fail)2.He is a cautious man and is always doing things with caution.You should get on with him cautiously.(caution)3.On hearing the brave girls disease,local people lined up to donate blood for her,and their donation(donate) has saved her life.4.The students usually decorate their classroom with paper flowers and balloons.But this year they intend to buy some decorative lights and special decorations.(decorate)5.All the readers cant imagine how he can be so imaginative and write so many imaginary stories.We are all amazed at his rich imagination.(imagination)6.I know we should learn to be tolerant of others but I really cant tolerate(tolerant) his bad manners any longer.7.They all agreed to expand the new company,but the expansion(expand) will cost them a lot of money.8.It is an appealing painting which has appealed to many people.(appeal)1 1.句型公式:(notnot) so/asso/as形容词/ /副词原级asas 意为“和(不)一样”西方的圣诞节和中国的春节一样是一个很重要的节日。Christmas in the west is as important a festival as the Spring Festival in China.2 2.句型公式:状语从句的省略我们在看电视的时候,听到门铃响。While watching television,we heard the doorbell ring.33 3.句型公式:ifif onlyonly 要是就好了;但愿 看看我们现在所处的困境。要是我们采纳了老师的建议就好了。Look at the trouble were in.If only we had taken our teachers advice.第一板块 核心词汇1 1.proveprove v. .证明,证实 linklinkv.证明是;结果是高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/单句改错/完成句子Just give me a chance and Ill prove the theory to you.Have you any proof(prove) that you are the owner of the car?We believe that this has been proved to be beneficial.去掉 been这项任务比我们原来预想的难得多。The task proved (to be) more difficult than wed expected.事实证明,暴力电视节目对儿童的成长有不良影响。It is proved that TV programs of violence have a bad influence on children.状元笔记全记牢(1)prove sth to sb 向某人证明某事prove sb/sth (to be)adj./n. 证明某人/物是Its proved that. 据证明;据证实(2)proof n. 证明;证据【点津】prove 表示“证明是,结果是”时是系动词,无被动语态,用主动形式表示被动意义。2 2.approveapprove v. .赞同;核准,批准高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/单句改错/完成句子A new policy was approved(approve) by the Ministry of Education in 2018.By doing well at school he hoped to win his parents approval(approve).A survey done recently shows that not all parents approve their children taking part in the weekend classes.在 approve 后加 of4她不同意女儿晚上出去。She didnt approve of her daughter going out at night.状元笔记全记牢(1)approve of (doing) sth 赞成/同意approve sth 批准某事(2)approval n. 赞成,同意;批准,认可(3)disapprove v. 不赞成;不同意【点津】approve 表示“赞成;同意”时,是不及物动词,若后接宾语,要借助介词 of。3 3.reflectreflect v. .反映,表现;反射;思考,反省高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子When the suns rays hit the earth,a lot of heat is reflected(reflect)back into space.Your performance as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.(浙江卷)Usually a childs behavior is a reflection(reflect) of his family environment.与其他传统节日一样,中秋节反映了中国的文化传统。In common with other traditional festivals,the Midautumn Festival reflects Chinese cultural traditions.状元笔记全记牢(1)reflect on/upon 仔细考虑/沉思/反省(2)reflection n.反映,表现;倒影,影像;思考,反省【图形助记】4.cater4.cater forfor 满足的要求;顾及;为提供所需高考必刷题练透5单句语法填空/完成句子/句式升级The university started some new language programs to cater for the countrys Silk Road Economic Belt.我们不能满足你的特殊需求。We arent able to cater for your particular needs.Last year,to cater for people,we opened a gym and made some workout plans.The workout plans could cater to different customers needs.Last year,to cater for people,we opened a gym andmade some workout plans,which could c
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