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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料于老师轻松示范雅思口语第二部分之“人物”Hello ,同学们大家好,我是智课英语的雅思口语老师 Max (不 要叫我马克思哦)。今天,想要和大家分享一个在雅思口语考试第二部 分中需要提前准备的非常重要的考题以及解题方法。这个话题是“描述 一个人物”。那么为什么这样的题目如此重要呢,我们可以先一起来看 一看在剑桥出版的历年雅思真题集当中,出现此类题型的情况: People Event Object Place 6 10 1 4 图表当中的第一行表示话题大类的分类,第二行表示该话题从剑桥 雅思历年真题集第三册到第九册当中出现的频率。大家可以很明显地看 出,除了“事件 Event ”类题型意外,“人物 People ”类题型出现的概率,属于最大。同时,在出现几率最大的话题“事件 Event ”的阐述过程中,由于事儿肯定是离不开人的,所以人物描写也 不可或缺。由此可见,掌握这一类话题的解题技巧是何等重要。 那么我想先问大家一个问题,既然人物题如此容易被考到,那么是 不是意味着它肯定很难呢?答案其实是, No !人物类题型实际上非常 简单。无论我们要讲哪一个人物,一般都只有四个步奏: 第一步: Who is this person? 这个人是谁? 第二步: How is she/he like? 这个人性格如何?第三步: How has he/she influenced you? 这个人如何影响了你? 第四步: Why are they special? 为什么这个人这样特别? 光说不练,肯定是不行的,我们马上来看一个雅思口语第二部分常 考话题以及 Max 为大家准备的洋气答案: Part 2 Topic: Talk about a teacher you know. 1 Who is this person? Let me talk about my favorite teacher - my mother. Shes a high school teacher, a really good one. Her classes are always well-liked and shes great at sharing knowledge with her students. 2 How is she/he like?In terms of appearance, my mom is kind of average. She just looks like any other lady her age, with some wrinkles on her face and gray hair on her head. But she always wears a friendly smile on her face, which makes her pretty approachable. I guess thats why her students are so crazy about her lectures. And shes totally graceful, because she has an exquisite taste in clothing. Shes articulate, knowledgeable and most importantly, patient. I would say shes a teacher who never cramped her students style. 3 How has he/she influenced me? The most impressive thing about my mother as teacher is, of course, how much knowledge she has. She read tons of books in her college years and has been always on the lookout for a good book. By the way, she often told me interesting and educational bedtime stories when I was little. My mom has amazing cooking skills as well. The hot and sour soup she makes is second to none. And you know what? She often takes snacks she makes to class and shares them with her students.4 Why are they special? My mom is not just a wonderful teacher, but a great wife and a great mother as well. And everyone says I take after her. 注释: well-liked 受喜爱的 appearance 外表 approachable 容易接近的 graceful 优雅的 have an exquisite taste in 在某方面有精致而独到的品味 articulate 能言善辩的 cramp someones style 约束某人的个性 impressive 令人印象深刻的on the lookout for 寻找、盼望某物 second to none 独一无二 take after 像;继承某种特征 名师简介 英语专业八级,雅思口语单科7分 为什么选择成都智课外语专修学校: 专业入学测试,VIP定制学习方案,针对学生短板快速提分; VIP小班授课,关注每一位学生; 独家核心研发教学大纲,为学员量身打造提分秘籍; 金牌海归名师,独家授课; 学习顾问课上课下全程进度管理,把控学习效果; 培训+留学一站式服务。让学生出国无忧。
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