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1UnitUnit 5 5 UnitUnit 5 5 FirstFirst aidaid“ “.品句填词(用所给词的恰当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词)1The expert has a language barrier in attending such an important meeting, but he should be praised for his braverybravery ( (brave). 2First aid is a form of help that is temporarilytemporarily ( (temporary) given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.3Her son is lying in bed, feeling pain, because he got injured with his right foot severely swollenswollen ( (swell). 4His father and mother were both killed within one day, leaving him unbearableunbearable ( (bear) hurt and pain for years. 5The boy was badly bleeding. His deskmate gave him first aid immediately applying pressure toto the wounded areas. 6He emphasized that in this kind of recession, it is vital that government (shouldshould)_take_take ( (take) the lead.7We will have a picnic in the park this Sunday unlessunless it rains or its very cold.8Detective Jones said that the victim was attacked with a knife and bledbled ( (bleed) to death as a result.9The government urged people to stay near their workplaces rather than risk a long walk home, as highways leading out of the city center were_chokedwere_choked ( (choke) and hotels rapidly filled up. 10While pressure is often seen as a bad thing, if usedused ( (use) properly, it can actually be a good thing.单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1Our different views of life made no at all to our friendship. differencesdifference2The teacher treated each of the children an ice cream.forto3They had just covered three miles they realized they had left whilewhentheir IDs at home.24There is no doubt it is necessary to know some knowledge of whetherthatfirst aid as dangers lie everywhere and accidents happen from time to time.5The doctor advised her to eat more bean products in the place of meat which might be harmful to her heart.6What the volunteers did made great difference to the children in athe small village.7Though I told him over and over again to be careful when , he drivendrivingwouldnt listen.8Whats worse, some drivers, cyclists and pedestrians do not think it vital obey traffic rules.to9Carbon dioxide prevents heat getting out of the atmosphere easily, fromso the earth is becoming warmer.10The moment he saw the poor girl on TV, he determined to aid her incontinuing her study.课文语法填空You have three layers of skin, which act 1asas a barrier against damage. The complex functions of your skin are 2to_keepto_keep ( (keep) you warm or cool, and prevent your body from 3losinglosing ( (lose) too much water. If your skin gets burned, first aid is a very important first step in the 4treatmenttreatment ( (treat) of burns.You may get burned by a 5varietyvariety ( (vary) of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity or chemicals. There are three types of burns 6dependingdepending ( (depend) on which layers of the skin are burned. If you touch a hot pan, stove or iron for a moment, you will get first degree burns. The burns may affect the top layer of the skin. You can place cool, clean, wet cloths on them 7untiluntil the pain is not so bad. If hot liquids pour on you, you will get second degree burns. You can keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, 8squeezingsqueezing ( (squeeze) them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again. If the burns 9are_causedare_caused ( (cause) by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires, you may get third degree burns. 10ItIt is vital to get 3yourself sent to the doctor or hospital immediately.
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