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中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I 摘摘 要要 伴随着知识经济时代的来临,由于知识的作用增大,经济的竞争和综合国力的竞争日益聚焦在人才的竞争,特别是高级专门人才的竞争。高等教育担负着知识创新和为国家培养高级专门人才的重任,高校教师队伍的素质和水平直接关系到人才培养的质量。加强高校教师队伍建设是促进高等教育可持续发展的基本保证,是关系到高等教育能否在新的世纪掌握教育主动权的一项战略性工作,也是推动高等教育深化体制改革的根本动因。要适应新世纪教育发展的需要,迎接 21世纪的挑战,建立一支结构合理、素质优良、充满活力的高校教师队伍,已成为当前高等教育的紧迫任务。高校教师作为培养、造就人才的人才,其战略资源的重要地位突显,如何加强高校教师队伍建设成为极其重要、备受关注的问题。 广西经过建国几十年的发展,在经济、科技、教育等方面取得了令人瞩目的成绩。但与国内东、中部地区相比,仍有不小的差距。 “西部地区,中下水平”是广西的区情。为改变落后的状况,广西区政府制定了“科教兴桂”和“人才强桂”发展战略。实施“科教兴桂” 、 “人才强桂”战略,高等教育担负着培养高级专门人才和提供智力支持的重要使命。要完成好这一使命,广西高等教育必须做到数量、质量、结构、效益的协调发展。高等教育的发展,除了深化改革之外,在很大程度上取决于高校教师队伍的整体素质。 “科教兴桂” ,教育为本;振兴教育,师资先行。师资问题始终是关系到教育改革和发展的大问题。教育部关于新时期加强高校教师队伍建设的意见要求,到 2005 年,教授、副教授岗位占专任教师总数的比例,教学科研型高校一般为 45%55%,少数高水平的一流学校可以达到 60%左右,教学为主的学校一般为 30%40%,职业技术学院和高等专科学校一般为 15%25%。具有研究生学历教师的比例,教学科研型高校达到 80%以上 (其中具有博士学位教师的比例达到 30%以上) , 教学为主的高校达到 60%以上,职业技术学院和高等专科学校达到 30%以上。目前,就广西普通高校教师队伍状况而言,离教育部关于新时期加强高校教师队伍建设的意见中的要求,还存在很大的差距。广西高等教育要发展,必须大力加强高校教师队伍建设。 本文在广泛调研的基础上,以广西教育厅 2000 年和 2004 年高等学校情况统计报表为依据,认真分析了广西普通高校教师队伍现状,在肯定“九五”期间普通高校教师队伍建设取得较大成就的同时,梳理出仍然存在的问题,对存在的问题,从历史和现实的角度进行了原因分析,涉及观念、体制、机制、政府、行政主管部门、高校自身等多个层面。接着分析当前广西普通高校教师队伍建设面临的机遇和挑战,然后针对存在的问题和所面临的机遇与挑战,结合广西区情,提广西普通高校教师队伍建设研究 II出了广西普通高校教师队伍建设的基本原则、基本思路和具体对策。文章对广西普通高校教师队伍建设问题作了系统地研究,对当前广西普通高校教师队伍建设提出了可操作性建议,对进一步加强广西普通高校教师队伍建设、推动广西高等教育的改革和发展有一定的指导意义,对实施“科教兴桂” 、 “人才强桂”战略、振兴广西具有一定的现实意义。 关键词:广西;高等学校;教师队伍;建设;对策 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 III Absctract As knowledge economy times is coming and knowledge plays more important role in the produce, economic competition and comprehensive competition increasingly focus on the competition from talents, especially advanced and special ones. Because high education serves as knowledge creation and cultivates advanced and special talents for nation, and the quality and level of teachers from high institutions are directly connected with building up the talents, imposing on the building the teacher groups of high institutions is the basic condition to promote the continuous development of high education , a strategic task involved in whether high education owns the active power of education and a basic factor to develop further reform system of high education. In the current high education, it is crucial to adopt to the need for educational development in new century, welcome the challenge from the 21th century and build the teacher groups with reasonable structure, excellent quality and aggressive teachers. The teachers in high institutions which aim at cultivating talents are one of important positions of its strategic source. Therefore, how to impose on building the teachers of high institutions is very significant problems eyed by people. Guangxi has made great achievement in economy, science, education and others since 1949. However, compared with the eastern and middle parts of China, it still keeps a few distance. The real situation is the middle and down level in the western region. To change the backwardness, Guangxi Peoples Government has established the development strategy such as “building Guangxi by science and education” and “making Guangxi strong by talents”, But as high education, it has important mission to cultivate advanced and special talents and affords the support of intelligence. To achieve it, Guangxi high education must coordinate with number, quality, structure and efficiency. Except further reform., development of high education depends on the whole quality of the teachers from high institutions in a certain way. Building Guangxi by science and education is based on education. Making education strong should be on basis on the highquality teachers. The problems of teaching quality has been a big one connected with education reform and development. Its required by the Educational minister from the suggestions on imposing on building the teachers in high institution on the times that by the end of 2005, the proportion of professors and assistant professors covers the average 45%-55% in the teaching and researching universities, about 60% in the minority of first-class universities, 30%-40% in the 广西普通高校教师队伍建设研究 IVteaching-fronted universities, over 15%-25% in the vocational institutions and teachers college relatively. The proportion of the teachers with graduates is over 80% (among 30% of doctors) in the teaching and researching, above 60% in the teaching-fronted universities over 30% in the vocational institutions and teachers colleges. At present, as far as the situations of the teachers in Guangxi high institutions, there is a long distance far away from the requirement issued by the Educational Minister . In order to develop Guangxi high education, the teachers must be imposed on strongly. On the basis of the extensive survey, the thesis carefully analyzes the situation about the teachers in high institutions of Guangxi , seeks for problems existing, finds out the answers to them, points out the basic thoughts and detailed strategy about building the teachers in Guangxi high institutions and shows the relationships faced well with in buil
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