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海峡两岸地产界首次合作发展的开局之年。万通永续经营“守正出奇”核心价值观的实践之年。铭刻两岸房企首度合作的历史丰碑和时间纽带。创新全球华人亚洲度假生活的纪元之年。The first year for the cooperation between real estate industry from both sides of the Taiwan Strait.The year Vantone applies its core values of “honest business with innovation”.The historic monument to honor the first cooperation between the real estate enterprises from both sides of the Taiwan Strait.The era of innovation of holiday life in Aisa for global Chinese.全 球 华 人 宜 居 恒 产SuSTAinAble liVing-friendly HouSing ProPerTy for globAl CHineSe台湾位处太平洋西岸花彩列岛中枢,四面临海,绰约亭立于万顷碧波之中。1239.6 公里海岸线曲折蜿蜒,260 座海拔 3000 米以上峰峦雄姿巍峨,千百河川谷溪水韵绵长,生态群落丰富谐和,连同海纳中西的人文繁盛,一并构成世界心目中的瑰宝离岛。台湾, 宛若一叶芭蕉, 有牵萦人心的中国之美。 那最撩动心扉的, 由来于岛陆上最丰饶的一方盆地 ,台湾首善之都台北。2011 年,时值两岸关系新契机开局之年,台北为人重新度量熟识,以最适宜华人住居的城市姿态,步入全球华人度假和置业的视野。Taiwan is located in the central area of the festoon islands off the west coast of the Pacific ocean. The island is surrounded by the vastness of blue sea in four sides, and is marked by winding coastlines measuring 1239.6 miles. it boasts 260 magnificent mountains standing over 3000 meters above sea level, and hundreds of rivers running across the island. The rich and harmonious ecological environment, together with its flourishing combination of eastern and Western culture, makes it a treasured island in the mind of the world.Taiwan is shaped like a piece of palm-leaf, with a fascinating Chinese-style beauty. The most sensuous attraction in the island is the most fertile basin Taipei, capital city of Taiwan. in 2011, the year when the relationship between mainland China and Taiwan has opened doors to new opportunities, Taipei is reintroduced as the most living-friendly city for global Chinese, and come into the view of Chinese as an ideal place to spend holidays and own a housing property.i see her as a vigorous and beautiful girl who doesnt like to wear cosmetics. during my first visit to Taiwan, i was not impressed by the plain houses and streets. but when i stayed to take a closer look, i found her extraordinary beauty when she dressed up a little.Taiwan is a very Chinese and very modern place. by saying it very Chinese, i mean it has kept its culture very well. for the past 60 years, Taiwan has maintained traditional Chinese culture, which values propriety, righteousness, integrity, and honor. Citizens in Taiwan pay great attention to etiquette, both in ceremonial and daily practices. during a bicycle trip around the island, i was deeply affected by the high quality of the Taiwanese. As pedestrians and vehicles strictly observe the traffic rules, it is very safe to rid e on the road.Taipei is like a book which you never get tired of reading. ive been to Taipei for many times, and often stayed for a short time. i love to linger in the yongkang Park to listen to the orchestra, or go shopping in eslite or Ximenting Shopping center. i love the simple but delicate life here, and i hope such a gorgeous city will bring many beautiful things to more people.ive been fallen in love with Taiwan for a long long time.In love wIth taIwan心仪台湾很久了。用一个形象的比喻,它像是青春靓丽,却素面朝天的女人。初到台湾,对她的第一印象,房子、街道都很普通,发现不出特别之处,但是你停下来仔细地欣赏,她稍微打扮,即令人眼前一亮。台湾是一个很中国、很现代的地方。所谓很中国,是指它的文化比较完整,过去六十年,台湾对中国的传统文化保护得比较好,一直存在礼义廉耻的文化。台湾是有礼的社会,有礼的仪式和礼的训练,人民身体力行,有规有矩。通过环岛骑行,让我更感受到了台湾人的高素质,行人与车辆井然有序,在路上骑行十分安全。如果将台湾喻作一本好书,台北无疑最值得反复阅读。我去过台北很多次并在那里小住。我常伫足永康公园听乐团开唱或逛诚品、西门町。我留恋它素朴、细致的生活,对于这座令人怦然心动的城市,愿将心仪已久的美好传递给更多人。心仪台湾Feng lunMany Mainlanders nurture a complex and deep affection for Taiwan. The long-term separation of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait makes the hearts grow tender, and arouses a high sense of historical responsibility, which makes the island veiled in mystery. However, with its concept of “creating the most valuable life space“, Vantone strives to offer a fresh and vigorous “sustainable living-friendly and ecological residential area for global Chinese” instead of a vague concept of the island. The Taiwanese are wealthy and polite people who live a peaceful and orderly life. The island is a perfect combination of modern technology and traditional culture, and a happy home pervaded with human kindness and air of freedom.As the prime administrative city of Taiwan, Taipei is a place where the islands charm concentrates. Here are round-the-clock bookstores, thickly dotted 7-11 convenience shops, worldwide cuisine, clean and neat city appearance, world-renowned security environment, and high-level medical and health services for each citizen, friendly and hospitable people, as well as free political atmosphere, all of which making an open, free and multi-cultural Taipei.every step you take on the land of Taipei brings you surprises. you can find grey and ancient Japanese-style building complex sitting only a short distance from modern commercial buildings decorated with glass screen walls; street artists from all over the world gathering in a small park next to the low residential buildings; everyone waiting patiently to reach their stop on the public bus. People would stand in a q
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