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CET 4 Reading and Writing Antony Week 11 Teaching Procedures 1. Check 荒凉的,刻板的荒凉的,刻板的 n. 巨大,重要巨大,重要(性性) vt. 创始,发起创始,发起 使不同,使多样化使不同,使多样化 鲁莽的鲁莽的 宇宙的宇宙的 酿造;沏酿造;沏(茶茶),冲,冲(咖啡咖啡) 徒劳的,无益的徒劳的,无益的 害虫害虫 CETCET- -6: 6: toxic shatter messiness Walkman Anglo-Saxon Welsh Celt Sanskrit Latin linguist Indo-European westward Germanic disciple Norman 有毒的有毒的 粉碎粉碎 杂乱状况杂乱状况 随身听随身听 央格鲁撒克逊人央格鲁撒克逊人 威尔士人威尔士人 凯尔特人凯尔特人 梵语梵语 拉丁语拉丁语 语言学家语言学家 印欧语系的印欧语系的 a. / ad.向西向西(的的) 日耳曼日耳曼(人人/语语)的,德国的,德国(人人)的的 信徒,门徒信徒,门徒 诺曼人诺曼人/语语(的的), 诺曼文化的诺曼文化的 CETCET- -6: 6: kingly Roman habitual settler Danish respecter grammarian grammatical unparalleled penetration diversity checkerboard hillside Birch backdrop 国王国王(般般)的的 罗马罗马(人人)的的 n. 罗马罗马(人人) 惯常的惯常的 移民,殖民者移民,殖民者 丹麦丹麦(人人)的,的, 丹麦语的丹麦语的 对对表示尊敬的人表示尊敬的人 语法学家语法学家 语法的语法的 无比的,没有匹敌的无比的,没有匹敌的 穿透,渗透穿透,渗透 n. 多样性多样性 国际跳棋棋盘国际跳棋棋盘 山腰,山坡山腰,山坡 白桦树白桦树 周围景物;背景周围景物;背景 CETCET- -6: 6: laurel fern shady trout malady sicken unexplained stillness backyard moribund robin catbird jay wren drone 月桂树月桂树 蕨,羊齿植物蕨,羊齿植物 背阴的背阴的 鲑鱼,鳟鱼鲑鱼,鳟鱼 mld n.疾病,弊病疾病,弊病 v. 生病,使恶心生病,使恶心 莫名其妙的莫名其妙的 n.寂静,静止寂静,静止 后花园后花园 垂死的垂死的 知更鸟知更鸟 北美猫鸟北美猫鸟 松鸦松鸦 鹪鹩鹪鹩 vi. 发出嗡嗡声发出嗡嗡声 CETCET- -6: 6: pollination roadside angler eave shingle granular witchcraft spectre unnoticed fallout abode escalation vindication heredity hit parade n. 授粉授粉 路边路边 垂钓者垂钓者 屋檐屋檐 木瓦,墙面板木瓦,墙面板 颗粒的颗粒的 巫术,魔法巫术,魔法 spekt幽灵幽灵,妖怪妖怪 =specter 不被察觉的不被察觉的 放射性尘埃放射性尘埃 住所,家住所,家 逐步升级逐步升级 证实证实 n. 遗传遗传 流行唱片目录流行唱片目录 Phrases: Phrases: strictly speaking to a (real/certain) extent for effect come up with pass sth on to sb out of control put into practice strike out spring up give way to to name a few in transition rid oneself of in harmony with in the midst of 严格地讲严格地讲 在在(极大极大/某种某种)程度上程度上 为了增强效果为了增强效果/引起注意引起注意 想出想出(计划、回答计划、回答); 提出提出 将将传给传给 失去控制,不受约束失去控制,不受约束 将将付出实施付出实施 创造,开创创造,开创 涌现涌现 对对让步,让位于让步,让位于 仅举几例仅举几例 在过渡时期,在转变过程中在过渡时期,在转变过程中 使自己摆脱使自己摆脱 与与和谐和谐 在当中;正当在当中;正当发生的时候发生的时候 Phrases: Phrases: settle on scores of be lined with for the most part give out take up be caught up in 降临,笼罩降临,笼罩 大量,许多大量,许多 两边两边排列成行排列成行 基本上,通常基本上,通常 散发出散发出 接受,采用;占据接受,采用;占据 陷入陷入(困境困境) Unit 7 Text A 1. corrupt: vt. 1) cause errors to appear in Eg: The Academy ruled that such foreign expressions were not permitted, as they corrupted the language. Eg: Has Japanese been corrupted by the introduction of foreign words? 2) cause to act dishonestly in return for personal gains Eg: To our great surprise, the former mayor turned out to have been corrupted by the desire for money and power. Eg: To gain more profits, the businessman tried every means to corrupt the officials in the local government. 2. ban: 1. vt. forbid (sth.) officially ban sth.; ban sb. from sth./doing sth. Eg: The local government will ban smoking in all offices later this year. Eg: Tom was banned from driving for six months after being caught speeding again. 2. n. ban (followed by on) Eg: The government is considering a total ban on cigarette advertising. Eg: The ban on human cloning is welcomed by most countries in the world. CF: ban, forbid the state of being necessary; the need for sth. necessity of/for Eg: 再搞一次选举有必要吗? Eg: Is there any necessity for another election? Eg: There is absolutely no necessity for you to be involved in the project. Collocation: feel the necessity of 感到有的必要 the bare necessities 最低限度的必需品 the necessities of life 生活必需品 of necessity 必然地 Eg: You will of necessity remain silent. 你必然会保持沉 默。 by necessity 由于必要;不得已 Eg: I walked home by necessity, because the car broke down. 汽车坏了,我不得已只好走回家。 7. arouse: vt. =provoke (a particular feeling or attitude) Eg: These educational toys give children a feeling of self-worth by arousing their interest in challenging tasks. Eg: The mans strange behavior aroused the policemans suspicions. 8. surrender: v. =give in surrender to Eg: After several weeks of severe attacks, Afghanistans Taliban surrendered to the Northern Alliance. Eg: After the bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese surrendered. Eg: Well never surrender to terrorism despite the terrorist attacks. Eg: 你们必须向警方缴枪。 You must surrender your guns to the police. 9. virtually: adv. =for the most part, almost Eg: Its virtually impossible to tell the imitation from the real thing. Eg: It has been raining virtually non-stop for the past several days. Eg: 晚饭差不多准备好了;我只差做蔬菜了。 The dinners virtually ready; I only have to finish the vegetables. 10. invade: vt. =enter with armed forces Eg: In July 1937 the Japanese army invaded China. Eg: The Germans invaded Poland in 1939, leading to the start of World War II. 11. mystery: n. =sth. that people cant
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