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Unit 6 A. 正如诗人埃德蒙.斯宾塞在将近四百年前所说的那样,大自然是“最伟大的女神” 。她似 乎担任了上帝驻地球的总督的职务。 斯宾塞把她描写成一位母亲和法官。 她管辖着所有的生 物之间的往来,并不分厚薄地给予他们权利,因为她是一位公正的母亲。她把他们紧密地联 结在一起,就象兄弟姐妹。因而,在斯宾塞看来,生物繁殖及生物秩序的自然规律与公正原 则显而易见地是联系在一起的。 当我们得知斯宾塞认为大自然也具有公正原则的时候我们或 许有点吃惊。 然而, 斯宾塞不仅以人类的手足之情而是以所有生物的手足之情为依据来坚持 自然界有这么一位“公正的”法官。要是在当今,我们会说斯宾塞是以生态学作为其可靠依 据的。 B. 如果我们人类和大自然的固有关系不是相互对抗的, 那么, 它又是什么样的一种关系呢? 对我们来讲,这个变得相当复杂难解,因为正如我先前所讲过的那样,我们中没有人想在未 经开发的原始森林里或在未经改造的原始大草原上生活, 我们不想被大灰熊吃掉。 假如我们 是园艺家,我们有正当的理由去抱怨园内的杂草。在肯塔基州,如果我们准备改良牧场,我 们就很可能成为那一片随风摆动的大蓟的敌人。但是,如果我们还随心所欲,想做什么就做 什么,那么,我们就会对那些曾经被我们砍伐破坏了的原始森林和草原着迷,我们会一而再 而三地想起它们, 想起那些幸存的原始森林和原始草原。 我们还会感到大灰熊深深地吸引着 我们。我们知道,在整个人类时期我们会一直想起大灰熊及其他一些危险动物。 1.大多数自然保护主义者认为,在良好的生态环境中人类最易兴旺发达,而各种野生动物的 生存则是这种良好生态环境的标志。 1. Most conservationists believe that humans thrive best in ecological health and that the sign of this health is the survival of a diversity of wild animals. 2.史密史先生出示了大量证据来表明:在某种程度上, 如果我们破坏大自然, 那就 是毁灭我们。 2. Mr. Smith produced abundant evidence to indicate that we, to some extent, diminish ourselves if we diminish nature. 3.西方各国的许多城市已经转换到使用新的可减少污染含量的汽油,我们中国有 些城市也已经这样做了。 3. Many cities in Western countries have switched to a new gasoline formula that reduces the pollution content. This is also true of some cities in China. 4.正如英国诗人艾蒙德.史宾塞在一首诗里描述的那样,大自然不仅是位母亲,而 且是位法官,管辖并公平地对待人类和所有的生物。 4. As depicted in a poem written by the English poet Edmund Spenser, nature is not only a mother but a judge, having jurisdiction over and doing justice to all creatures 5.政府的一项调查研究得出结论是:除了过分拥挤和公共交通很差外, 该市面临的 最大问题是噪音和污染。 5. A government study concludes that besides overcrowding and poor public transport, the biggest problems the city is up against are noise and pollution. 与所有其他动物不一样,人类具有根据自己的判断而行事的能力 6. Unlike all other creatures, humans have the ability to act on their judgment/ understanding. 7.难道你不同意健康而无财富比有财富而不健康要好的多的多的这种说法吗? 7. Dont you agree with the statement that health without wealth is preferable to wealth without health? 8.即使那些工业经济的拥护者也不得不公开承认:人类与大自然发生的任何冲突 往往对双方都不利。 8. Even those defenders of industrial economy have to acknowledge openly that any conflict between humans and nature often occurs at the expense of both. 9.如果你的朋友友善的指出你的缺点,你不仅要欣然接受,而且应该感谢。 9. If your friend kindly points out a fault you have, take what is said not merely pleasantly, but thankfully. 10.人与野生动物之间的差别之一就在于,前者能就他们改变自然的种类及规模 做出明智的选择。 10. One of the differences between humans and wild animals is that (or lies in that) the former can make a wise choice as to the kind and scale of the change they make to nature. Unit 7 毫无疑问,雄心大志期望的是荣誉、财富、爱情、非凡、成就、欢乐与善良美德。当然,伴 随我们的抱负与希望,我们的生活将会是怎样,这些总是无法意料的。有些想法的出发点是 丝毫不为自己,但结果却是结下深仇;而有些计划原意是为了自己,但到头来却是为他人做 了善事。计划、设想的结果虽然难以预测,但仍无理由阻止计划与设想的进行。 不难设想,没有抱负与雄心的社会将会是怎样的。它很可能是一个比较随和的社会:没有要 求,没有矛盾,也没有失望。人们有时间深思。他们所做的工作不是为了自己,而是为了集 体、从来没有竞争,冲突将被消灭,紧张已成为过去,不再需要创造力。艺术不再是高深莫 测的,它的作用纯粹是为了欢庆与颂扬。家庭作为一个社会的单元将成为多余的,它以前的 束缚力已消失。长寿会增加,因为死于紧张、辛劳的工作所引起的心脏病与中风的人会越来 越少、思虑将不复存在。人类长期地摆脱抱负和欲望的压力,日子会过得越来越舒坦。 1.尽管她在最近的选举中成功了,但她主要仍是位作家而不是政治家。 1. In spite of her recent election success, she remains first and foremost a writer, not a politician. 2.谈到抱负,人们往往把他与地位、名誉和权利连在一起,因此,长期以来许多 人不愿谈论自己的梦想。 2. Ambition is always identified with rank, fame and power. Therefore many people have been unwilling to talk about their dreams for a long time. 3.毫无疑问, 如果一个人想成名, 就需要有理想。 因为有理想是走向成功的基础, 但理想并不就是野心。 3. Surely, if you want to be famous, it is necessary for you to have ideals, because it is behind the accomplishment, but different from ambition. 4.野心常被认为带有贬义的,这是因为有些一心追求自己利益的人不折手段地要 达到目的,损害了他人。 4. Ambition is often regarded as being commensurate with bad sense because the single-minded have tried to achieve their goals by fair means or foul and often harm others. 5.真正有野心的人常常表现得很谦虚,事实上只考虑自己。 5. Truly ambitious people seem to be modest but actually they are on their own. 6.毫无疑问,有的人对名誉和地位看的很重,然而他们却不敢公开承认。 6. Certainly some people are very interested in their rank and fame. But what has happened is that they do not own up to it. 7.有些人想法设法出人头地,但不表露出来,我们必须看的其中虚伪的一面。 7. Some people try to go on in life at all costs but refrain from appearing ambitious. We should be aware that there is a note of hypocrisy. 8.虽然人们攻击他,认为他有野心,但没有一种攻击足以使她放弃自己的追求。 8. Although he has come under attack and has been considered ambitious, none of them are strong enough to make him give up on his dreams. 9.不难想象,没有理想与抱负的世界会是怎样的。这只会是一个没有进步的,令 人厌烦的社会。 9. It is not difficult to imagine a world shorn of ambition. It would probably be a world with no progress and no development. And, of course, it would be a tedious world. 10.社会的发展有赖于一批有理想有抱负的人,而理想与抱负是鼓舞人们前进的 动力。所以理想和抱负是社会的一个重要部分。 10. To develop our society, we need a large number of people who have both ideals and ambition, because both of these have the power to inspire people to further efforts. Therefore, both are important for society. Uint 8 A. 在政治家的圈子里好人有他们的用处,其中最主要的是当作烟幕。他们自己可毫无顾虑 地在烟幕的掩盖下进行活动。好人从来不会,不疑他的朋友有不轨行为,这是他的优点; 好人也从来不会被公众怀疑用他的优点来掩盖丑闻,这是他可以被利用的地方。 * * * * * * * *
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