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I 密级: 石家庄经济学院硕士学位论文 冀中南经济区工业园区建设研究冀中南经济区工业园区建设研究 论 文 作 者: 于玲 学 生 类 别: 硕士研究生 一 级 学 科: 经济学 学 科 专 业: 人口、资源与环境经济学 指 导 教 师: 王殿茹 职 称: 教授 Secrecy Rate: Dissertation Submitted to Shijiazhuang University of Economics For The Master Degree of Economics Study on the construction of industrial park in Jizhongnan economic area by Yuling Supervisor: Prof. Wangdianru Month Year June 3, 2014 III 原创性声明原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文不包含任何他人或集体已经发表的作品内容,也不包含本人为获得其他学位而使用过的材料。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人或集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本学位论文原创性声明的法律责任由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日期: 关于学位论文版权使用授权的说明关于学位论文版权使用授权的说明 本人完全了解石家庄经济学院关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的以下规定:学校有权采用影印、缩印、扫描、数字化或其它手段保存论文;学校有权提供本学位论文全文或者部分内容的阅览服务;学校有权将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索、交流;学校有权向国家有关部门或者机构送交论文的复印件和电子版。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权说明) 学位论文作者签名: 日期: 导师签名: 日期: 摘摘 要要 为了恢复北方经济活力,河北省对此提出了冀中南经济区建设,并由国务院将其上升为国家战略,使得冀中南经济区成为继环首都绿色经济圈、沿海经济隆起带之后的河北省“十二五”规划的第三个重点发展区域,冀中南经济区作为一个整体,是京津冀经济区的一个子系统,相较于省内其他区域,冀中南地区发展相对落后,为了加快冀中南经济区的发展,就要不断提高冀中南经济区整体实力,产业集群是落后地区推进新型工业化的有效途径,而工业园区的性质和特征决定工业园区是产业集群的主要载体。河北省国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要指出:着力推动工业聚集发展,加快工业(产业)聚集区建设。冀中南经济区四市也印发了加快园区建设的指导意见,使得区域对工业园区建设研究变得十分重要。 文章首先归纳了产业集群理论的发展,分析了冀中南地区基本经济特征,经过对产业集群的竞争优势与动力机制的研究,可以得出产业集群优势与冀中南地区特征之间存在一种明显的对应关系,耦合成模型,可清楚得到产业集群是相对落后地区加速发展新型工业化的重要途径,工业园区建设是落后地区实现产业集群的基本载体。其次, 以冀中南地区发展较好园区建设为研究对象, 分析各园区发展优势与出现的问题, 得出园区建设的发展路径,并在此基础上根据各园区发展的共性与个性提出园区建设的保障措施。 关键字:冀中南经济区;产业集群;工业园区;保障措施II III ABSTRACT In order to recover the economy of the north, Hebei province put forward economic zone construction for the central and southern parts of Hebei province, and rise to the national strategy through the State Council, making the economic zone to be in Hebei province “twelfth five-year“ plan of the third key development area after Green ring the capital economic circle, Coastal economic up lift belt. Jizhongnan economic zone as a whole, is a subsystem of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic zone. Compared with other areas in the province, the development of Jizhongnan economic zone is relatively backward, so in order to speed up development of economic zone, we must continue to improve the overall strength of the economic zone. Industrial cluster is an effective way to promote the new industrialization of backward areas, however, the properties and characteristics of the industrial park decide that industrial park is the main carrier of industrial cluster. Hebei province “twelfth five-year“ plan for national economic and social development noted: we must try our best to promote the development of industry clusters and accelerate industrial clusters construction. Jizhongnan economic zone has issued guidance to accelerate the construction of the park, making the study that the area for the construction of the industrial park has become very important. Firstly, the article summarizes the development of industrial cluster theory, analyses the area that the central and southern parts of Hebei province of basic economic characteristics, on the competitive advantage of industrial cluster and dynamic mechanism of research, we can draw a clear correlation exists between the advantages of industrial clusters and Jizhongnan economic zone area features, through coupled to model, we can clearly know industry cluster is an important way to accelerate the industrialization process of relatively backward areas, industrial park construction is the basic carrier that backward areas to achieve of industrial clusters. Secondly, developing better parks construction of the economic zone as the research object, analysis of advantages and problems of each park, we can drawn a way to the development of the park construction ,and on this basis, we propose safeguards of park construction according to the commonness and individuality of each park development. KEYWORDS: Jizhongnan economic area; industrial cluster;industrial park; safeguard mechanism IV - 1 - 目目 录录 摘摘 要要 . IV ABSTRACT . III 第一章第一章 绪论绪论 . 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 . 1 1.2 国内外研究动态 . 2 1.2.1 国外研究动态 . 2 1.2.2 国内研究动态 . 3 1.2.3 现有研究的不足及发展趋势 . 5 1
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