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带私人庭院的连排住宅/ baan puripuri 带私人庭院的连排住宅/ baan puripuri 关键词:iarch 专筑,专筑视频,专筑讲坛,专筑网 标签:建筑, 居住建筑, 住宅, 泰国, 曼谷, 2015, baan puripuri, 砖墙 来自专筑编辑 Brick,刘庆新的报道。经过几十年的发展,很多连排住宅已经无意地转变成深色的、空调通风的箱式建筑,这在曼谷尤为突出。为了恢复改善居住质量,我们在每个单元的中间创建了通风井和袖珍的花园。 From the architect. After decades of development, many townhouses, especially in Bangkok, have turned, unintentionally, to dark and air-con ventilated box-type buildings. To bring back improve living quality, we create an air well and a pocket garden in the middle of each unit. 内部庭院提供了自然的采光和通风,还有绿色休闲空间,同时保护居住者的隐私。 This internal courtyard provides natural light & ventilation, green and relaxing space while maintaining privacy for inhabitants. 室内阳台和主要功能区紧邻庭院,带有半户外桥梁,将这些功能区连接在一起。中间的景观也是住宅的主要焦点,这些风景以后面随意布置的砖墙作为背景。 Internal balconies and key functions are placed and stacked next to the courtyard with a semi outdoor bridge linked these functions together. Landscape at the center is also the main focus point of the house with random brick walls behind as a backdrop.
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