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大学英语试卷 (A)第 1 页 共 12 页四川师范大学成都学院 20082009 学年第二学期期末考试大学英语四川师范大学成都学院 20082009 学年第二学期期末考试大学英语试卷(A)答卷说明答卷说明答卷说明答卷说明:1、本试卷共 12 页 5 个大题,满分 100 分,120 分钟完卷。 2、闭卷考试。 3、PartI -PartIV 为客观题,请把答案填在机读卡上, PartV 为作文,请写在答题卷上,否则不得分. 4、适用班级:2008 级艺术本科题号PartIPartIIPartIIIPartIVPartV总分分数评阅人:_总分人:_PartPartPartPart I I I I ListeningListeningListeningListening C C C Comprehensionomprehensionomprehensionomprehension (共 15 小题。每小题 1 分,共 15分)(共 15 小题。每小题 1 分,共 15分)UnderstandingUnderstandingUnderstandingUnderstanding ShortShortShortShort ConversationsConversationsConversationsConversations Directions:Directions:Directions:Directions:Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the fourpossible choices. Each conversation will be spoken once. (每个小对话只读一 遍). Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.1.A. His girlfriend can not be believed.B. his girlfriend is always late. C. His girlfriend is afraid of him.D. His girlfriend is not on time. 2.A. Because she doesnt care about music.B. Because she thinks it doesnt express the reality of love. C. Because its sung by Elvis. D. Because its too sad.3.A. He began to learn that Indians were romantic. B. He found it more and more romantic. C. He became bored afteraperiod of time.D. He grew more excited about it. 4.A. Feelings of great sadness.B. Feelings of wanting to kill oneself. C. Feelings of being bettered.D. Feelings of wanting to be in love.5.A. Because he has found love for the first time in years. B. Because he discovered that his sister is in love. C. Because he metaguy that loved his sister.得分_学院_级_班姓名_学号_(密) (封) (线) 密封线内答题无效w w w .z h i n a n c h e .c o m大学英语试卷 (A)第 2 页 共 12 页D. Because he metaguy who helped him find love. 6. A. Because he has forgotten her.B. Because he has forgotten her name and address. C. Because he doesnt think the matter is important. D. Because he cant provided any more information.7.A. He makes her feel good.B. He has changed everything. C. He looks great.D. He is very bright. 8.A. He thinks she is being friendly.B. He thinks friends can be in love.C. He thinks she loves him.D. He thinks he loves her. 9.A. 50 percent.B. 30 percent. C. 0 percentD. 40 percent10. A. Father and daughter.B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and parentsD. Son and mother.UnderstandingUnderstandingUnderstandingUnderstanding a a a a LongLongLongLong CoversationCoversationCoversationCoversation Directions:Directions:Directions:Directions:Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. Theconversation will be spoken twice. (对话念两遍). Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil from 11 to 15. (答案请图在答题卡 11题到 15 题的对应位置.)11.A. Because its private for her. B. Because its unusual and shes interested. C. Because its fromagirlfriend.D. Because itsapink envelope. 12.A. Whether the man hasagirlfriend. B. Whether all the letters are in pink envelopes.C. Whether the letter is private. D. Whether the man has been getting letters. 13. A. The meaning of love.B. The way to communicate by mails. C. The appearance of his girlfriend. D. The sender of the letters.14. A. Understanding .B. Love letters. C. Spiritual contact.D. Visual contact 15. A. Father and daughter.B. Mother and son.C. Wife and husband.D. Boyfriend and girlfriend.PartPartPartPart II II II II VocabularyVocabularyVocabularyVocabulary andandandand StructureStructureStructureStructure( ( ( (共共 40404040 小题。每小题小题。每小题 分,共分,共20202020 分分) ) ) )得分w w w .z h i n a n c h e .c o m大学英语试卷 (A)第 3 页 共 12 页Directions:Directions:Directions:Directions:In this part, there are40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a pencil. 16. Lawyers _ such high fees, but they never seem to be short of clients. A. askB. chargeC . demandD. insist17. The leading economists of the country have been_ the influence of the current crisis upon its economy. A calculatingB. measuringC. planningD. assessing18. The sailor had to_ many hardships to reach the destination. A. go back toB. go throughC. go along withD. go into 19. The rain was heavy and _ the land was flooded.A. otherwiseB. untilC. consequentlyD. unless 20. The discovery of the oilfield is of great _ to the economy in this region. A. significanceB. significantC. insignificanceD. insignificant21. I like climbing mountains _ my wife prefers water sports. A. asB. forC. whenD. while 22.Wecant afford to fall _ other businesses in using new technology.A. behindB. offC. outD. down 23
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