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Revised GRE Vocabulary From Memory 韩进爱填空 1 List 2 bemoan bmn v 对对表示惋惜或悲伤,抱怨表示惋惜或悲伤,抱怨 【MW】1 : to express deep grief or distress over 2 : to regard with displeasure, disapproval, or regret 【 同 】 bewail peregrination perigrinein n 在国外游历在国外游历 【MW】vi : to travel especially on foot : WALK vt : to walk or travel over : TRAVERSE 【 同 】 sophisticated sfistikeitid a.老练的;精密的,高雅的老练的;精密的,高雅的 【MW】1 : deprived of native or original simplicity: as a : highly complicated or developed : COMPLEX b : having a refined knowledge of the ways of the world cultivated especially through wide experience 2 : devoid of grossness: as a : finely experienced and aware b : intellectually appealing 【 同 】 ADJECTIVE:1. Mixed with other substances: adulterated, alloyed, doctored, impure, loaded. 2. Appealing to or engaging the intellect: cerebral, intellectual, thoughtful. 3. Experienced in the ways of the world; lacking natural simplicity: cosmopolitan, worldly, worldly-wise. awash w adj 被海水淹没、击打的被海水淹没、击打的 【MW】1 a : alternately covered and exposed by waves or tide b : washing about : AFLOAT c : covered with water : FLOODED 2 : filled, covered, or completely overrun as if by a flood 【 同 】 ADJECTIVE: Full to the point of flowing over: big, brimful, brimming, overflowing. characteristic kriktristik adj 显著的; 有特色的; 典型的;显著的; 有特色的; 典型的; n 特征 (帮助辨认、特征 (帮助辨认、 区分或区分或描述的与众不同的特征)描述的与众不同的特征) 【MW】1 : a distinguishing trait, quality, or property 【 同 】 NOUN: A distinctive element: attribute, character, feature, mark, peculiarity, property, quality, savor, trait. ADJECTIVE: Serving to identify or set apart an individual or group: distinctive, individual, peculiar, typical, vintage. technical teknikl a.技术的,工艺的技术的,工艺的 【MW】 1 a : having special and usually practical knowledge especially of a mechanical or scientific subject b : marked by or characteristic of specialization 2 a : of or relating to a particular subject b : of or relating to a Revised GRE Vocabulary From Memory 韩进爱填空 2 practical subject organized on scientific principles c : TECHNOLOGICAL 1 3 a : based on or marked by a strict or legal interpretation b : LEGAL 6 4 : of or relating to technique 【 同 】 disposal dispuzl n 清除;处理;销毁清除;处理;销毁 【MW】 1 : the power or authority to dispose or make use of as one chooses 2 : the act or process of disposing: as a : orderly placement or distribution b : REGULATION, ADMINISTRATION c : the act or action of presenting or bestowing something d : systematic destruction especially : destruction or transformation of garbage 【 同 】 NOUN:1. A way or condition of being arranged: arrangement, categorization, classification, deployment, disposition, distribution, formation, grouping, layout, lineup, order, organization, placement, sequence. 2. The act of getting rid of something useless or used up: dumping, elimination, jettison, riddance. torpor t:p n 无精打采;麻木(精神或肉体上的反应迟钝);冬眠无精打采;麻木(精神或肉体上的反应迟钝);冬眠 【MW】 1 a : a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility b : a state of lowered physiological activity typically characterized by reduced metabolism, heart rate, respiration, and body temperature that occurs in varying degrees especially in hibernating and estivating animals 2 : APATHY, DULLNESS 【 同 】 NOUN: A deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity: dullness, hebetude, languidness, languor, lassitude, leadenness, lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, stupor, torpidity. loathe lu vt.厌恶厌恶,痛恨,痛恨 【MW】 v. to dislike greatly and often with disgust or intolerance : DETEST adj. unwilling to do something contrary to ones ways of thinking : RELUCTANT 【 同 】 VERB: To regard with extreme dislike and hostility: abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, hate. peer pi v 凝视(专心地或较为费劲地看);凝视(专心地或较为费劲地看);n 同辈;同等的人(在爵同辈;同等的人(在爵 位、阶级或年龄上相当的人)位、阶级或年龄上相当的人);贵族贵族 【MW】 1 : one that is of equal standing with another : EQUAL especially : one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status 3 a : a member of one of the five ranks (as duke, marquess, Revised GRE Vocabulary From Memory 韩进爱填空 3 earl, viscount, or baron) of the British peerage b : NOBLE 1 1 : to look narrowly or curiously especially : to look searchingly at something difficult to discern 【 同 】 VERB: To look intently and fixedly: eye, gape, gawk, gaze, goggle, ogle, stare. NOUN: One that is very similar to another in rank or position: coequal, colleague, compeer, equal, equivalent, fellow. desperation desprein n.铤而走险,铤而走险,绝望绝望 【MW】 1 : loss of hope and surrender to despair 2 : a state of hopelessness leading to rashness 【 同 】 NOUN: Utter lack of hope: despair, desperateness, despond, despondence, despondency, hopelessness. loquacious lukweis adj 多嘴的;非常健谈的多嘴的;非常健谈的 【MW】1 : full of excessive talk : WORDY 2 : given to fluent or excessive talk : GARRULOUS 【 同 】 ADJECTIVE: Given to conversation:
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