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CHENGDU ON THE WORLD STAGE| FINDING THE ESSENCE OF CHINA 国际舞台上的成都| 找到中国的精髓CHENGDU INTL IMAGE STRATEGY| WPP DECEMBER 2009 成都国际形象提升策略| WPP 12月 2009 年Contents 内容3背景:成都城市发展愿景Our Vision: “Chengdu will become a World-class Garden city” 我们的愿景: “成都将成为世界现代田园城市”3 step long-term development plan:三阶段的长期发展战略:背景:成都城市形象定位典型中国 西部之心背景:成都城市形象国际传播工作任务Define Chengdu short-term brand objectives and goals 为成都的短期城市品牌目标进行定义Explain how to build Chengdus image on the international stage 为成都如何在国际舞台打造形象进行诠释Plot Image communications for Chengdu in two key areas: 在两个关键方面进行成都的形象传播策划: - Tourism 旅游 - Investment 投资Execution and Measurement proposal: Execution team and outline 执行和评估提议: 执行团队和纲要成都城市形象国际传播Our Approach 我们的方法8Our Unique Thinking Framework: I.D.E.A.S. 我们独特的思考框架: I.D.E.A.S.INTERROGATE 审视the brands context 品牌关联DEFINE 定义the brands ambition 品牌雄心ENERGISE 激活the brands action 品牌行动AMPLIFY 扩大the brands ideas 品牌点子SCORE 评估the brands outcomes 品牌收益IDEASINTERROGATE the brands context 审视 品牌关联10What are the Key Changes in the Context of our Brand Today? 今天,在和我们的品牌相关的领域中,发生了哪些关键变化?Brand ChangePoint Opportunity品牌创建的机遇 The opportunity change creates reappraisal of how consumers and brands should engage 机遇的改变能够创造重新评估消费者应该如何与品牌进行互动Macro environment宏观环境品牌品类文化成都旅游:接待境外游客基数在 全国排名靠后,但增速位列全国 第一。说明成都旅游的国际吸引 力正在加强。Brand 品牌 数据来源:2009年12月3日国家旅游局政策法规司Brand 品牌 International国际际 Top 3 most symbolic icons for Chengdu (in descending order) 前三名最能作为为象征成都的符 号 (以递递减顺顺序排) Giant pandas 大熊猫 Spirit of Chengdus people after the Sichuan earthquake 震后成都人民的精神 Dujiangyan and Mount Qingcheng 都江堰和青城山Top 3 most important reasons to visit Chengdu (in descending order) 前三名来成都旅游的最重要原 因(以递递减顺顺序排) Appeal of Chengdus tourist attractions 成都旅游景点的吸引力 Supporting the local economy after the Sichuan earthquake 地震后,对对当地经济经济 的支持 Affordability 支付能力 Top 3 most interested activities in Chengdu (in descending order) 前三名对对成都最感兴兴趣的活动动( 以递递减顺顺序排) Sampling local delicacies 品尝尝当地美食 Tourist attractions that are undamaged or have been repaired 未受损损或已修复的旅游景点 Chengdus Gourmet Festival or other tourist events 成都美食节节或者其它旅游事件在成都,熊猫最具国际影响力,品尝当地 美食是境外游客最愿意参加的活动。数据来源:2008年PSB成都震后调研Brand 品牌 Domestic tourism is showing strong signs of recovery. However, among international audiences, Chengdu remains a far behind Beijing, Shanghai or Xian as a top destination 国内旅游业正在积极的恢复,然而在国际游客的首选旅游目 的地中,成都仍旧是作为北京、上海或西安等城市之后的考 虑。Chengdu: From CHINA TRAVEL OPTION to MUST SEE PLACE 成都:要从旅游过境地到旅游目的地。Chengdu has justifiable claim to several equities, but they are not known as outstanding experiences. There is a lack of energy in travelers minds surrounding these key strengths that Chengdu should be celebrated for including Tea, giant pandas, natural beauty, hotpot, Leshan buddha. 在游客心中,成都的很多核心优势并未被世人熟知。而它们确是成都最具 吸引力的特点 ,包括茶, 大熊猫, 自然美景, 火锅等Chengdu: From STEREOTYPICAL ATTRACTION to UNIQUE EXPERIENCES 成都: 从毫无新意的旅游吸引物宣传 到独一无二的旅游体验推广Brand 品牌http:/www.wayangtimes.com/biggest-steamboat- hotpot-found-in-the-world-at- china.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_mediu m=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+WayangTimes +(Wayang+Times)http:/www.thinklondon.com/Rise of City Brands: 城市品牌崛起: Globalization has boosted connection and competition among cities, driving a renewed push by cities to differentiate their brands. 全球化增进了城市之间的联系和竞争 ,使各个城市开始进行品牌刷新运动,建立区隔。 Cities are digging deeper to leverage unique characteristics and make their cities stand out. The result is an emphasis on unique experiences and emotional branding. 城市开始深度挖掘,整合、利用他们独一无二的资源特征,以使自己脱颖而出。使得各城市开 始着力强调自己的独特体验和感性的品牌诉求。 From DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM to CITY BRANDS 从 旅游局单纯推广旅游吸引物 到 城市利用旅游提升城市品牌。Category 品类“Tourism Dept”“Branded Cities”Community Handbook www.rotterdamworldbrand.rotterdam.nl/www.iamsterdam.com/enWe have seen an increased ownership of city brands by its citizens. This is driven by a change in cities branding process and strategies. 我们注意到城市品牌的打造越来越多的由城市的拥有者 市民参与完成的。其中的驱动因素是城市品牌运动的 过程改变及策略改变。 From PLANNING COMMITTEE to MY CITY 从 政府主导城市品牌建设 到 市民主动参与自己城市品 牌的创建Category: City Brands 品类: 城市品牌城市品牌运动是全民参与的 行动Sustainable tourism: 可持续的旅游发展 Eco-tourism is not just a segment within nature tourism. It is part of a larger movement of consumers who are increasingly aware of the impact of their stay, their spending and actions. For destination brands and consumers alike: 生态旅游已经成为的一种最重要旅游形式 同时,越来的消费者越意识到他们的生活、消费和行动(包括旅游) 将会对自然产生的影响。 所以,打造生态旅游品牌,对景区和游客同样重要。 From COMMERCIALIZEATION to SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 从 注重商业的短期效应 到关注未来可持续发展 Culture 文化 Increased role of technology and internet in travel: Consumers are looking to get away from guidebook reviews to find real, user-created and in their opinion more reliable travel reviews. 旅游中,互联网的地位在不断的增强: 消费者不再单纯依托官方的旅游指南,而是通过 互联网搜罗旅游攻略,从而获得真实的、更值得信赖的旅游讯息 。From GUIDEBOOK REVIEWS to PEER TRAVEL TIPS 从 千篇一律的旅游指南到 真实的旅游体验Culture 文化The Olympics have passed. China has secured its place in the spotlight. International travelers know via internet that Beijing/Shanghai can be done, and are not com
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