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碳酸盐岩基质酸化碳酸盐岩基质酸化 第五章第五章 碳酸盐岩酸化 Carbonate Reservoir Damaged zone wormholes Acid 在碳酸盐岩基质酸化中,蚓孔形成有益于作业 蚓孔穿越污染带,形成负表皮 只需一小部分岩石溶解 碳酸盐岩酸化 蚓孔现象 蚓孔未穿越污染带, wdwhddr rr rr kkSlnln蚓孔现象 蚓孔比孔隙大很多,流动阻力可忽略 蚓孔穿越污染带, 如蚓孔2ft长,井筒直径6 inch,S = -2.2 wwh rrsln蚓孔现象 蚓孔长度与表皮关系 岩石溶解机理 表面反应速度快,传质过程主导总体反应速度,导 致高度非均匀溶解模式 形成少数大孔道,成为蚓孔 蚓孔形状受以下因素影响: Flow geometry Injection rate Reaction kinetics Mass transfer rates 碳酸盐岩酸化 碳酸盐岩酸化是关于蚓孔的形成现象:蚓孔比基岩 孔隙大很多个数量级 Q=0.15ml/min Q=0.20ml/min Q=0.40ml/min Q=0.75ml/min Q=2.0ml/min Q=6ml/mink=10 md k=13 md k=14.5 md k=7.5 md k= 11.8 md k= 11.5 mdPVBT= 15.0 PVBT= 4.5 PVBT= 3.9 PVBT= 5.9 PVBT= 9.7 PVBT= 21.9CT扫描 CT扫描 酸化实验 酸化前后对比 压力随酸化变化 压力随酸化变化 蚓孔现象 酸化前孔隙度分布 酸化后 蚓孔现象 蚓孔现象 蚓孔现象 蚓孔特征 酸蚀蚓孔形状随注入条件、酸液性质、岩石孔隙结构 特征及孔隙度空间分布而变化,蚓孔的形状很随机很 难找到两个形状一样的蚓孔。 Daccord和Denormand建议用分形维数来描述蚓孔特征。 蚓孔的形状具有自相似性,即大的蚓孔形态在分支上 以小的复制品的形式重复出现。蚓孔的分形特征是蚓 孔研究中的一个重大发现。 分形特征表明蚓孔长度随度量尺的放大而增加,因为 随度量尺的放大,分支结构就能度量出来。在双对数 坐标中,蚓孔长度和度量标尺成一直线关系,直线的 斜率与分形维数有关。Daccord和Denormand研究发现 蚓孔的分形维数为1.6 碳酸盐岩酸化溶解形状 碳酸盐岩酸化溶解形状 面溶蚀 锥形孔 主蚓孔 分支蚓孔 均匀溶蚀 碳酸盐岩酸化溶解形状 增 加 注 入 速 度增 加 注 入 速 度最优蚓孔形成条件 存在一最优注入速度:蚓孔扩展最快 最优注入速度右边,PVbt随注入速度增加而增加,增加幅度小于左边 最优注入速度左边, PVbt随注入速度降低而急剧增加 PVbt:实验中蚓孔突破岩心所需注入酸液孔隙体积倍数 蚓孔形成条件 大孔道以远高于小孔道的速度增长,大孔道获得远多 于小孔道的酸液,而形成蚓孔。传质控制或共同控制 时才能形成蚓孔 1n fsd rCED uuPTheile modulus 倒数 0PP1P表面反应速度控制 传质控制 共同控制 传质控制或共同控制时才能形成蚓孔 蚓孔形成条件 是否形成蚓孔、蚓孔形状取决于表面反应速度、扩 散速度和滤失速度的相对大小,这三参数又受对流 速度影响。 蚓孔形状取决于岩石类型,酸类型,注入速度,温 度等 上述影响用 a Damkohler number表达,the ratio of reaction rate to convection rate Models guide acid selection more than injection rate (inject at highest matrix rate) FFdLDaq最优蚓孔形成条件 溶解模式转变条件-灰岩 HCL limestone optimal rate Diffusion-limited Fluid loss-limited 溶解模式对表皮影响 溶解模式-白云岩 碳酸盐岩酸化 碳酸盐岩酸化模型应能预测 蚓孔深度 蚓孔分布(密度) 影响因素 酸液类型和浓度 注入速度(rate schedule) 注入体积 Placement method 蚓孔模型 优化蚓孔形成条件(最优注入速度) 蚓孔长度 预测蚓孔密度 Global growth rate of the wormhole region 蚓孔模型 Theoretical models: Mechanistic model of single wormhole or collection of wormholes (Hung et al., 1989; Schechter, 1992) Network models (Hoefner Daccord et al., 1989) Fractal or stochastic models (Daccord et al., 1989; Pichler et al., 1992) Two-scale wormhole model (Panga 2005, Kalia) Application of these models for design is cumbersome Mechanistic Model If reaction rate is high, all acid transported to end of wormhole spends in dissolving rock at wormhole tip and extending wormhole Mass balance gives wormhole velocity (dL/dt): More acid diffusing to wormhole wall leads to lower acid concentration at end of wormhole Greater fluid loss along wormhole leads to lower flux at end of wormhole AcendendrockacidendendNCCuCu dtdL 0100 1Network Model Approximate porous medium as collection of interconnected capillaries Calculates acid concentration in each capillary and increasing radii of capillaries as dissolution occurs Predicts the wormholing patterns observed experimentally Difficult to generalize the model for treatment design 碳酸盐岩酸化溶解形状 蚓孔扩展模型 Empirical models: Simple to apply for design Need some supporting laboratory data Fractal model (Daccord) Volumetric model (Hill) Buijse model Fractal Model (Daccord et al., 1989) Based on wormhole structure observed when fluid loss-limited behavior occurs (valid only for rates above the optimum) From linear flow experiments with plaster and water: a: experimentally determined constant V: cumulative volume injected D: molecular diffusion coefficient A: cross-sectional area of flow L: length of wormhole For fixed volume injected, longer wormhole results at lower injection rate Wormhole velocity increases with injection rate to power of 2/3 32323132:qt V SinceqDAaN dtdLqDAaVNLAcAc最优蚓孔形成条件 From radial flow wormhole patterns with water & plaster: r wh: radius of wormhole penetration b: constant (1.5x10-5 in SI unit for experiments) df: fractal dimension (=1.6) Wormhole velocity increases with injection rate to power 0.4 Wormhole velocity decreases with time 1132132131 321:qtV Since ffffdddAcfwhdAc whthqDbN ddtdrhqDhVbNrFractal Model (Daccord et al., 1989) Does not consider role of fluid loss Based on wormhole network geometry observed in water- plaster experiments Likely overestimate distance of wormhole penetration in carbonate acidizing Fractal Model Limitation Volumetric Model (Hill) Assumes acid dissolves a constant fraction of rock volume penetrated Based on the observation that wormhole velocity is approximately constant in linear corefloods Equivalent to assuming a fixed number of pore volumes are needed to propagate wormholes a given distance For radial flow: : Wormhole efficiency (fraction of rock dissolved in region penetrated by acid) (PV)bt: Pore volumes injected at time of wormhole breakthrough at end of core btAcAcwwhPVNhVNrrwhere2
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