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-1-_ ! _ _ _?Fine, thank you.UnitUnit 1lesson1lesson 5 5 WhatWhat dodo theythey likelike toto dodo 数一数,你得了 朵 LetsLets ListenListen. Listen.Listen. FillFill inin thethe blanks.blanks. 根据听到的内容填空。根据听到的内容填空。 (4 4 朵朵) )_ ? Mrs. Smith?_ _ _. ListenListen andand writewrite thethe correctcorrect words.words. 根据听到的内容写单词。根据听到的内容写单词。 (5 5 朵朵) )LetsLets WriteWrite. ChooseChoose thethe bestbest answer.answer. 选择最佳答案。选择最佳答案。 (1010 朵朵) )1.Beijing is the capital city _ our country. A. on B. of C. in D. to 2.Its three _ from here to Beijing. A. hundred kilometres B. hundred kilometre C. hundreds kilometre D. hundreds kilometres 3.Hello, _ Li Ming. May I speak to Jenny? A. I am B. Im C. This is D. That is 4.Danny and Jenny leave Canada _ 6:15 in the morning. A. at B. in C. to D. on 5.Mum, may I go _ a trip to Beijing _ Summer.-2-A. on; on B. on; in C. in; in D. in; on. MakingMaking upup thethe sentercessenterces withwith thethe givengiven words.words. 请你帮小朋友排好队。请你帮小朋友排好队。 (1010 朵朵)1.go, trip, a, lets on _. 2.may, U.K., to, the, we, go _? 3.in, on, May eighteenth, Canada, she, arrive _. 4.your, go, trip, you, on, do, how _? 5.leave, you, when, do, Shijiazhuang _?. ReadRead andand choose.choose. 读对话,选择正确答案。读对话,选择正确答案。 (6 6 朵朵)Kim: Mum, lets go on a trip this Sunday,OK? Mum: No! Your Aunt Sue will come to our house. Kim: That s great! May we go to the airport? Mum: Sure, well take the bus. Kim: The bus is slow, the train is faster. Mum: No, Kim. The train does nt go to the airport. Kim: May we take a car? A car is faster than a bus. Mum: Okay! By car. Kim: When do we leave? Mum: At 9:00 on March first. 1.Who will come to Kims house? A. Kims aunt B. Kims cousin 2.When do they go to the airport? A. this Sunday B. March first 3.How do they go to the airport? A. By train B. By car. SpeakSpeak andand write.write. 说一说,写一写。说一说,写一写。 (1010 朵朵)1.Did you go on a trip? 2.Where do you want to go? Take about a trip and make a trip plan.Answers:Answers:听力答案-3-. Hello?This is Mrs. Li.Hello! How are you?. arrive come leave faster slower笔试答案. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B . 1.Lets go on a trip. 2.May me go to the U.K.?3.She arrives in Canada on May eighteenth.4.How do you go on your trip?5.When do you leave Shijiazhuang? . 1. A 2. B 3. B. 略
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