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Module1Module1 ReadingReading andand VocabularyVocabulary 导学案导学案学习目标学习目标: 1. 知识目标:学习和掌握新的词汇,句型和习惯表达法。2. 能力目标:把握文章大意,学习和训练阅读技能。3. 情感目标:学会正确介绍城市和地区的位置和特色,增强国际交往意识。学习重点:学习重点:学习有关地理位置的词汇和表达。学习难点:学习难点:获取文章重要信息,熟练介绍某地区的位置和文化、经济特色。学法指导:学法指导:阅读中识别新词汇和短语;阅读过程中正确把握段落的主旨大意。学习有关地理位置的词汇和表达。知识链接:知识链接:Open your books and turn to page 1. Finish activities 1 across; across B. through; past; pastC. across; over; through D. past; through; over辨析:across 面临;对付;覆盖;面对;摆在面前 猜猜在下列各句中的含义.(B 级) 1. n.脸v.面临n.相貌n.表情1Are you bothered by pimples(痘痘) on your face?His father hit him in the face. Saddam faces to be hanged for killing 148 people in the Iraqi town of Dujail, in 1982. His face reminded me of a criminal, like a robber or murderer.A happy face could mean a happy brain.My house faces the sea.She turned to face me.If found guilty, he could face up to 20 years in jail.I want to have a face- to -face talk with you.短语搭配be faced with_面对_face up to_勇敢地面对某事勇敢地面对某事_in the face of_在面前;不顾_face the music_承担后果, 面对不愉快的局面_3.situate / locate v.位于,坐落于 (C 级)Situated / located adj. 位于的,坐落于的Situation / location n. 地理位置注意: Situation / location 的区别相同点相同点: 当地理位置”讲时,二者可以互换. 不同点不同点: 当形势”讲时, 只用 Situation.用以上词的正确形式填空 去年,这家公司在上海设立了办事处.The firm _ located _ its office in Shanghai last year. 你可能经历下列情形.Perhaps youre experienced the following _ situations _. 你能在地图上指出巴黎吗?Can you _ locate _ Paris on the map? 我的卧室在房子的顶层.My bedroom is _ situated/ located _ on the top floor of the house.拓展:拓展:lie in, lie on, lie to的区别:的区别:方位的习惯表示方法(参考练习册 Section II 考点 2)介词专项训练介词专项训练 B 级级1. China is _to_ the west of Korea.2. Nepal lies _between_ China and India.3. Britain is an island _off_ the coast of continental Europe.4. Shandong Province is next _to_ Hebei Province.5. Guangzhou is situated _on_ the Pearl River.6. Harbin is _in_ the northeast of China.7. Taiwan is part of China and faces the mainland _across_ the Taiwan Strait.8. The number of the employees has grown from 1000 to 1200. This means it has risen _by_ 20%.9. We offered our congratulations _on_ his passing the college entrance examination.重点短语重点短语1. in terms of 根据; 以的观点; 谈及; 在方面(B 级) 就面积和人口而论, 它是一个小国.It is a small country both in terms of size and population._ 他在谈论开创全新的事业. _ Hes talking in terms of starting a completely new career._. 我们必须争取持久的世界和平._ We must aim for world peace in the long term._ 我们彼此交情好. We are _ We are no good terms with each other.2. “作为作为”as ; “因因”for (B 级)级)be famous for be known as be remembered asbe famous as be known for be rememvered for be admired for be admired as be famous for 因而著名 be famous as 作为而著名 be remembered for 因而被怀念 be remembered as 作为而被缅怀用以上短语完成下列句子 他作为一名民族英雄将永远被人们缅怀. He will always be remembered as a national hero. 因为帮助穷人她至今被人们所怀念. She _ is _ still _remembered for helping the poor. 那个村庄过去因贫穷而出名.That village was known for its poverty. 她的美丽令人羡慕. She is admired for her beauty. (B 级)级)3. off the coast 在靠近海岸的海面上 on the coast“靠近海岸”,表示在陆上靠近海岸的地方 有些孩子在靠近海岸的地方玩耍.Some children are playing on the coast. 这个岛濒临上海海岸.The island lies off the coast of Shanghai. A big whale was caught _D_ the coast by two fishermen.A. along B. on C. across D. off词汇辨析(词汇辨析(B 级)级)1. 用 because of , owing to,due to 填空The accident was largely _ owing to _ human error.(归因于) Our trading connection has broken off _due to_ a disagreement over prices.(由于) _ his weak character,we were defeated at last.2.用 ever before 或 even since 填空。(ever before “在以往任何时候”, 其中 before 是副词,ever before 常出现在 than 后面, 其中 ever 用以加强 before 的语气)1).He fell off his horse a week ago and has been in bed _.2).China is richer and stronger than _.3).I have been here _ 1995.The key: 1). ever since 2). ever before 3). ever since.经典句型经典句型1. whats .like?(B 级)级) 今天的天气如何? _ Whats the weather like today? 她长得怎么样? Whats she like? 2. Thats ., isnt it?反意疑问句型(反意疑问句型(C 级)级) She seldom goes to the cimema, _ does she? You said that she would be back soon, _ didnt you? I dont think Mary is coming tomorrow, _is she? Dont smoke here, will you?课堂检测课堂检测:用适当的介词填空under, between, opposite, above, off, over, across, behind, in front of, along, behind1.The aeroplane is flying _over_the village.2.The ship is going _under_the bridge.3.The children are swimming_across_the river.4.Two cats are running_along_the wall.5.The boy is jumping _off_the branch.6.The girl is sitting_between_her mother and her father.7.The teacher is standing_in front of_the blackboard.8.The blackboard is_behind_the teacher.9.The clothes shop is _opposite_the post office.10.The window is well _above_the tree.单项填空1.A big whale was caught _D_the coast by two fishermen.A.alongB.onC
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