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智课网TOEFL备考资料新托福iBT口语黄金80题(中英对照) 第55题:艰辛的经历_托福口语I once had a tough experience last semester when I was invited to show my dance with my friends in a large-scale celebration evening.发生在我身上的一次艰难经历是上学期自己受邀在一场大型庆祝晚会上和朋友们进行舞蹈表演。It was challenging because we had only less than two weeks for preparation.之所以具有挑战性,是因为我们只有不到两周的时间准备。Even worse, it was the end of the term and we were all busy with our final exams.更糟糕的是,那时候正值学期末,我们都要忙于期末考试。In such a short time, as a leader, I investigated new dancing actions after my work during the daytime and taught other members every night.在这么短的时间内,作为一个领导者,我在白天学习过后研究新的舞蹈动作而每天晚上教给其他成员。We taught and learned together and encouraged each other when we were frustrated.我们各自取长补短,一起学习,当我们感到沮丧的时候相互鼓励。Finally, we had achieved a fantastic performance.最后,我们取得了优异的表现。
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