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功夫熊猫之盖世武侠 第一季 第 17 集 Kunf Fu panda legends of awesomeness Season 1 Episode 17BIG BRO PODad,are we almost there? Yes,no thanks to you. You could give me a hand with this you know,Bian Zao. Do I have to? The oracle said I shouldnt tell you what you have to do,because self-esteem cant be optimized without sufficient personal-decision latitude.However,it would be very nice of you to offer your father some help. But I dont have to? No! Unbelievable! Dad,some guys are here to see you. Hey there. Lets do this. Behold! You are no match for my Iron Claws of Doom! And now,Panda Bian Zao,I told you to lubricate the claws! No,you asked me if I would do you a favor and lubricate the claws. I hate this part. Its Chor Ghom Prison for you,Taotie. Thats just great! Now Im gonna go down all these stairs? Awesome job,guys.Looks like Im going to be early for my nap. Uh,what about him? He didnt really do anything. You can skedaddle,junior. youre free. to go. Where? Away. Fine. Fine. Great. Great. Perfect! Thats what I said! Im going. Go. Gone! Anywhere you want. Ill be gone. Just go. Here I go. Good. Oh,whatever,dumpling boy! Youre the dumpling boy! What? The storm keeping you up too? Huh,no.I mean,yes.I mean,ugh! Hes still out there,Taoties kid. I see.We are going down there. Sweet!farewell,squatter. Free rides over,Bian Zao. Shifu,let him have it. Bian Zao. whatever. As the master of the jade palace.I invite you to come inside. Bow!You hear that,pal? You gonna -waht- come inside? Im sorry,were doing what now? Were bound by tradition,Po. His father studied with me here.And while we may not accept Taoties actions,we accept his legacy-Bian Zao. But hes a bad guy.Well,bad-ish.We cant just have him walk around the Jade Palace without supervision. Indeed. That why you are in charge of him.What? See what you can do. Maybe you can reform him. Ill try,but hes pretty hopeless. So at first,I was like,”Me,a babysitter?Im a Dragon warrior,not the baby warrior sitter guy.”Then I thought,Bian Zao and I are probably about the same age,So how old are you? 13. Okay,so were a lot. not the same. Anyway.I say lets make a clean start and have some fun. How about you just put me in jail? First off,Im gonna call you BZ,cause its cool,and youre cool.what do you think,BZ? Lame. All right,so theres the hall with the training equipment your dad built. Lame. And this is where we put all your dads machines every time we defeat him.Getting pretty full in here. Lame. Showers,latrine,kitchen. Lame,Lame,Lame. Is there anything you dont think is lame? I dont know. you know what?We are gonna find something.And if anyone knows whats un-lame.its the Po- man.Yeah,BZ and Po-man,having fun,right?Right,BZ?The beezmaster?Beezy-weezy Po-por- eezi?Ha-Ha. I hate you so much right now. Behold! Dolls? Theyre action figures! Dont ever call them.Dolls!Let me show you.Youre not playing.More fun when you play. Im telling you,Dad,he doesnt like anything. Oh,Po.You used to hate everything but kung fu.However,there was one thing you showed interest in. And.voila! Baking?Like making cookies and cake and junk? L-A-M This is pretty good. Darn tooting.Po and I loved to bake together when he was a boy.We still do,dont we?Whos a good boy?Whos a good boy?Okey.son.Teach him well.But dont give him the mooncake recipe.Family secret. So you.like,do stuff with your dad on purpose? Sure.All the time. I mean,you only get one dad. Does he make you. go with him when he tries to conquer the world? Uh,my dad doesnt really conquer stuff.My dad spends all his time building machines to destroy the Jade Palace and,you know,you. I just wish me and dad could could hang out without,you know,trying to blow someting up. Your dads got nothing but time to hang out,now that hes in jail.You should go visit him.And you could bake him a cake to break the ice! Yes!Score one for the Po-man.up high. whatever. Son? Yes.And he baked you a cake.Okay,I baked,but Im gonna teach him how. Im so glad to see you,son. Do you mind? Oh,right.You probably want some private time together.You dont want some guy standing here while you are trying to. Do you mind? Ill just go now. So.those buffoons are treating you okay at the jade palace? I guess.That lame panda wants to teach me how to bake. Huh?baking? You know,I once made a 30-foot tall mechanical cream puff that shot flaming custard out of its- Son? All you ever do is work,talk about work,work some more,and then figure out why your work never works.Its- Lame? Youre right,son.Being a half-Crazed megalomaniac takes up a lot of my time.But if you help me break out of here,I promise well have some decidedly non-diabolicalustime. Promise? Promise. Now you bake those cakes with the panda,then sneak me the pieces of my Iron Claws of Doom,and Ill bust out of here. This isnt just some way you can go wreak vengeance and stuff,is it? No,just you and me doing regular dad-son s
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