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刘毅词汇刘毅词汇 3000Lesson 2预备测验预备测验 选出最适当的答案:选出最适当的答案: 1. The rider cursed his horse.A. great B. bad 2. An absolute ruler can do just as .A. people tell him B. he pleases 3. There is usually a ceremony when a new building is . A. opened B. destroyed 4. The was sent to him by freight.A. letter B. box 5. The peak of the roof is the part of the house.A. highest B. lowest 解答:解答:1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A Part 1 1. absolute adj. 绝对的 He is a man of absolute honesty. 他是个绝对诚实的人。 2. agency n.经销处 The Ford Company has agencies all over the country. 福特公司在全国都由经销处。 3. attitude n. 态度 He took a sympathetic attitude toward my situation. 他对我的境遇抱同情的态度。 4. blank adj.空白的 同:empty Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page. 请把你的名字写在此页上头的空白处。 5.bulk n.堆,容量 同:volume A vast bulk of coal(煤)is still stored in the basement(地下室). 地下室中仍储有大量的煤堆。 6.ceremony n.典礼 Their marriage ceremony was performed in the church. 他们的结婚典礼在教堂举行。 7.commerce n.贸易 adj.commercial 同:trade Our country has grown rich because of its commerce with other nations. 我国由于与别国间的贸易而致富。 8. confuse v. 混淆 n. confusion 同:embarrass , puzzle Even their own mother sometimes confused the twins. 即使是双胞胎自己的母亲,有时候也会搞混。 9. copper n.铜 Copper is easily shaped into thin sheet or fine wire. 铜易于塑成薄板或细丝。 thin sheet:钢皮,薄片,薄钢板; fine wire:细丝 10.curse v.诅咒 He cursed the poor waitress who had spilled soup on him. 他诅骂那个把汤倒在他身上的可怜女侍。Exercise 2.1 从第一部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内从第一部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内 1. He stood there in a threatening . 2. is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. 3. He when a car almost hit him. 4. Long ago some ruler had power. 5. If you try to learn too many things at the same time you may get 解答:解答:1. attitude 2. Copper 3. curse 4. absolute 5. confused Part 2 1. delight n.娱乐,愉快 同:pleasure Moving picture give great delight to million of people. 电影娱乐了数以百万的人们。 2. disappear v. 消失 The little boy disappeared around the corner. 那个男孩在街角处消失。 3.drift n.v.漂流 The boat was taken out to sea by the drift of the tide. 小船被潮流冲到外海。 4. employ v. 雇用 That big factory employs many workers. 那家大工厂雇用许多工人。 5. evidence n. 证据 adj. evident adv. Evidently When the police arrived, he had already destroyed all the evidence. 当警察到达时,他已经毁了所有的证据。 6. faculty n.1. 能力 2.(大学等的)教职员 John has the faculty to learn languages easily. 约翰有迅速学会语言的能力。 That will be discussed in the next faculty meeting. 那将会在下一次的教职员会议上讨论。faculty meeting:教职员会议,教授会 7. financial adj.经济上的 n. finance Before he decided to study abroad, he has to solve financial problems. 在他决定出国念书前,必须先解决经济上的问题。 8. freight n.货物 同:cargo This aircraft company deals with freight only,it has no travel service. 这家航空公司只经营货运,而没有旅游服务。 9.generous adj. 慷慨的 n. generosity It was very generous of them to share their meal with their poor neighbors. 他们愿意让贫苦的邻人共享餐食,甚为慷慨。 10. handy adj.便利的 同:convenient There were handy shelves near the kitchen sink(水槽) 厨房的水槽边有便利的架子。 Exercise 2.2 从第二部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内从第二部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内 1. He was very , in his treatment of the captives. 2. He has a great for arithmetic. 3. The city of London is a great center in Europe. 4. The steel manufacturing company most of the young man in town. 5. This must be carefully handled when loading. 解答:解答:1. generous 2. faculty 3.financial 4.employs 5. freightPart 3 1. horrible adj.可怕的 n. horror I have never seen such a horrible car accident. 我从未见过如此可怕的车祸。 2.industrious adj.勤劳的 An industrious student usually has good grades(成绩). 勤奋的学生通常有好成绩。 3.intimate adj.亲密的 n. intimacy adv. intimately Although my brother knew many people, he had few intimate friends. 虽然我兄弟认识许多人,但亲密的朋友却很少。 4. knowledge n. 了解,学识 A baby has no knowledge of good and evil. 婴儿不了解善恶。 5.liberty n.自由 They fought to defend their liberty against the invaders. 他们为保卫自由而抵抗侵略者。 6.majesty n.庄严 同:greatness, dignity They were inspired by the majesty of the snow covered mountains. 他们由积雪山脉的庄严气氛中获得启示。 7. mention v. 提起 Do not mention the terrible accident before the little children. 在小孩面前,不要提起那件可怕的意外。 8.monument n.纪念物 The ruins of the castle(城堡)is an ancient monument,which the government pays money to preserve. 城堡的废墟是古代的纪念物,政府花钱以保存之。 9.nickname n.绰号 He got the nickname “Fatty“ because he was very fat. 他非常胖,因而得到一个“胖子”的绰号。 10.onion n.洋葱 Onion has a very strong smell and taste. 洋葱的气味和味道很烈。 Exercise 2.3 从第三部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内从第三部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内 1. He is a(an) student and deserves good grades. 2. The of the Niagara Falls attracts a num
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