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大学英语练习题 5Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1. a. Changing her clothes. b. Driving her car.c. Having a meal. d. Typing an essay. 2. a. She cannot read. b. Nobody can tell.c. She has no watch. d. She is too sorry. 3. a. Hes a boat builder. b. He smokes a pipe.c. He paints watercolors. d. Hes a plumber. 4. a. She goes to bed early. b. She is alone.c. She is not tired. d. She is single. 5. a. Return some books. b. Go home.c. Read Matthews book. d. Leave class early. 6. a. Shes careless. b. She likes George very much.c. Shes not concerned with Georges health.d. She doesnt care what George said. 7. a. The speed limit was not clearly marked.b. The limit was clearly marked as 40 M.P.H.c. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour.d. 50 miles per hour is the speed limit. 8. a. On the grass. b. Near the pool.c. At home. d. On his bike. 9. a. Philadelphia b. Chapmansc. Doctors d. Arizona 10. a. Jason Daniels isnt home right now.b. The caller dialed the wrong number.c. Jason Daniels cant come to the phone right now.d. Jason Daniels doesnt want to speak to the caller. Section B Passage I 11. a. Animals. b. Policemen.c. Children. d. Soldiers. 12. a. He hoped to get ideas.b. He wanted to avoid a visitor.c. He was feeling lazy.d. He could not finish a story. 13. a. To steal something. b. To have a drink.c. To see Tom. d. To read Toms story. 14. a. Drank a cup of tea. b. Left Tom some advicec. Paid for his cigarettes.d. Left Tom some money.15. a. To meet him. b. To get more ideas from him.c. To have stories stolen.d. To be robbed more often. Passage II 16. a. A piece of news. b. An advertisement.c. A little story. d. A picture of a car. 17. a. 45.19 b. 54.99 c. 34.79 d.74.89 18. a. A pump. b. A girl. c. A lamp. d. An extra. 19. a. Because the lamp was in the advertisement but not included in the price.b. Because there was a girl in the advertisement.c. Because the price was too high.d. Because the shopkeeper didnt want to sell the bicycle to him. 20. a. There is no lamp on the bicycle in the advertisement.b. There is a pump on the bicycle.c. there is not a girl on the bicycle.d. Theres also a girl in the advertisement, but we dont supply one with the bicycle either. Part II Reading Comprehension Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: Who are Comaneci and Hamme? Tretyak and Fujimoto? They represented their countries at the 1976 Olympics. The Olympic Games are an international sports competition. In the Olympics, athletes play in many different types of games. The Olympic games are very old and have a very interesting history. The first Olympic games were held in Greece in ancient times. They probably began in the sixth century, B.C. The contest were held every four years in the summer. The first games lasted for only one day. There was only one contest. It was a short race. Only Greek men were allowed to run in the race. No women were allowed, and no non-Greeks were allowed to run in the race. Women were not allowed to watch the race either, or to be anywhere near the racing area. Other events were added later. But the ancient games were stopped in the fourth century. A. D., when Greece was ruled by Rome. The Olympics were started again in the nineteenth century, after Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman, suggested that it would be good to have the games again, but not just for Greek people. The Onlympic games have been held every four years since 1896. Three times, the games were not held because of a world war. There were no games in 1916, 1940, and 1944. The first competition in modern times was held in Athens, but not all of the games have been held there. The Olympic games are held in many different cities around the world. For an athlete, winning in the Olympics is a great achievement. The games are not easy to win, whether the athlete completes alone, in small groups, or on teams. Some examples of individual games are swimming, running, walking races, jumping, gymnastics and diving, etc. for the small groups, usually three or four athletes in a group, there are relay races in running and swimming in summer, and relays in skiing in winter. The teams play games such as basketball soccer and volleyball, etc. The athletes who win the Olympics are the best in the world. 21. What is the author mainly concerned about tin the passage? a.He tells us how the athletes win in the Olympics. b. He argues that the Olympic games are very interesting. c.He talks about the different types of games in the Olympics. d. He gives us a brief introduction as to the history of the Olympics. 22. When were the Olympics probably held again after a long interval? a. 1976. b. 1896. c. 1940. d. about the sixth century B.C. 23. Whi
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